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Thread: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #101
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Haku no Fuyu
    *Sparkly teeth*
    yes, not complete without a Colgate smile

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  2. #102

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I think it was a nice chapter.
    I read a translated one and one part of it got my attention.
    When one of the two jounins tell Tsunade that Oro's problem is not a problem that can wait until later, Tsunade says that she already have thought about it and have done something. She said that with a smirk. btw, nice boobs pic.
    What do u guys think she did? I'm quite curious to know.

  3. #103

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
    I think it was a nice chapter.
    I read a translated one and one part of it got my attention.
    When one of the two jounins tell Tsunade that Oro's problem is not a problem that can wait until later, Tsunade says that she already have thought about it and have done something. She said that with a smirk. btw, nice boobs pic.
    What do u guys think she did? I'm quite curious to know.
    maybe she sent Kakashi or someone else over there

  4. #104

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Probably got hold of Juraiya.

  5. #105
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    kishimoto is throwing too much crap in the storyline now. cmon, it's just getting stretched out too much rather than concluding the 50 others fights that are happening/have happened.

    and someone was bitching about me bitching. well, how ironic.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #106

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: dazzz
    and someone was bitching about me bitching. well, how ironic.
    Yeah you seem to be bitching alot! LOL!
    Rough weekend! neh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  7. #107

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I don't really care about his weekend, I think he's right about the storyline right now. There's too much going on, and the fights are losing their appeal, especially now with this drunken boxing shit.

  8. #108

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I wanted Lee to die....

  9. #109
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Naruto 210 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kalean
    For the sake of argument, let's take #2.
    The ninetails is both still alive, and stronger than Itachi.
    Itachi and Kisame freely admitted Jiraiya might be stronger than them. Than BOTH of them.
    According to the Third Hokage, the Hyuuga were the strongest in the leaf, so Hiashi Hyuuga (Hizashi is the one that died, correct me if I'm wrong) is possibly stronger than Itachi.
    Are we forgetting that both Shusaku and Gamabunta are very much alive?

    That said, let's go to #3.
    Naruto has the largest amount of raw unadulterated Chakra of any character introduced thus far, which might be taken as meaning he is the most powerful, despite his overall lack of skill. (Fear the creativity though. Fear the creativity.) Since the Kyuubi is sealed into Naruto, either the Kyuubi is considered a separate entity and thus stronger than Itachi on its own, proving point #2 incorect, or the Kyuubi is now considered a part of Naruto, thus giving him UNDENIABLY more raw power than anyone else, and, depending on your definition of the word powerful itself, debatably making him the most powerful character. Then again, Gohan was debatably the most powerful character in Dragonball Z, but noone gives a damn, so that's not saying much necessarily.

    That all said, it looks like you were wrong 3 times out of 4 in that signature, on account of the two aforementioned examples, and the fact that point #1 is incorrect if you were wrong on either of the other two points. So, in conclusion, I have derailed this thread's collective train of thought. So there.
    Judging by the fact that you only recently joined, you most likely don't know any better, but I believe that quote was written in context. You have to have been part of the conversation in which that sig was created for it to make sense. I know what it means because I was there.
    We weren't talking about summons. Btw, if you want to discuss Itachi, there's a whole other thread just for that. Stay on topic here thanks.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  10. #110

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    ergo and visa vi

    seriously certain aspects are becoming drawn out but this is do to the fact that kishimoto knows the longer he draws out his manga the more money he gets

    or he already has all of it drawn out and is just how it is

    or like akira toriyama he's running out of idea's and where gonna end up with something like db gt "biggest piece of shit ever" pray that this is not the case

    i love kishimotos work and will watch and read patiently as he releases the manga and episodes even if it takes the course of four years

  11. #111

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: sangai sakusei

    or like akira toriyama he's running out of idea's and where gonna end up with something like db gt "biggest piece of shit ever" pray that this is not the case
    Toriyama had pretty much nothing to do with Gt outside of some character designs that was all Toei.

    Toriyama wanted to end the series at Frieza where the story made the most sense but was convinced/forced to go on to make the Cell Saga (good but convoluted) and the Buu Saga (annoying) by the fans and Toei.

    I say let Kishimoto do what he wants i find the product is better if left to the artist's vision.

  12. #112

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    i know he had nothing more to do with gt but like you said he helped with the character design (but he could have said no)

    "wish he had an autobiography"

    but by far buu was my favorite villin and to be honest he had originally planned 7 forms of supersaiyan

    ssj 4 was not one of his he loved the gold hair

    i love kishimotos work but hes just stretching it

  13. #113
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Kalean
    For the sake of argument, let's take #2.
    The ninetails is both still alive, and stronger than Itachi.
    Itachi and Kisame freely admitted Jiraiya might be stronger than them. Than BOTH of them.
    According to the Third Hokage, the Hyuuga were the strongest in the leaf, so Hiashi Hyuuga (Hizashi is the one that died, correct me if I'm wrong) is possibly stronger than Itachi.
    Are we forgetting that both Shusaku and Gamabunta are very much alive?

    That said, let's go to #3.
    Naruto has the largest amount of raw unadulterated Chakra of any character introduced thus far, which might be taken as meaning he is the most powerful, despite his overall lack of skill. (Fear the creativity though. Fear the creativity.) Since the Kyuubi is sealed into Naruto, either the Kyuubi is considered a separate entity and thus stronger than Itachi on its own, proving point #2 incorect, or the Kyuubi is now considered a part of Naruto, thus giving him UNDENIABLY more raw power than anyone else, and, depending on your definition of the word powerful itself, debatably making him the most powerful character. Then again, Gohan was debatably the most powerful character in Dragonball Z, but noone gives a damn, so that's not saying much necessarily.

    That all said, it looks like you were wrong 3 times out of 4 in that signature, on account of the two aforementioned examples, and the fact that point #1 is incorrect if you were wrong on either of the other two points. So, in conclusion, I have derailed this thread's collective train of thought. So there.
    you should read the uchiha itachi discussion thread, all 4000 pages of it, and every other thread (since it looks like every discussion ends up talking about itachi) at least 3 times over and then you can represent your 'arguments' to me.

    but nevermind...

    i think the alcohol will play a crucial part in lee coming to the rescue and fighting kimimaro. lee probably won't be feeling pain since alcohol will numb him i guess he'll be fighting without feeling pain which makes him super super super strong...?

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #114

    RE: Naruto 210 Discussion

    nioce chapt rock lee is the man, hope he owns kimimaros ass with his drukin boxing

  15. #115
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 Discussion

    There are two things that annoy me in this "plot advancement", actually, there are much more, but there are two main things:

    A. Kishimoto spent two chapters on gathering the Konoha five and explaining how they would work and move, and now those two chapter mean shit, since a new good guy moved in. I could stand Kimimaru coming becuase it evened things out and made it possible for Naruto to seperate from Shikamaru, so he could face-off Sasuke later on, but Lee doesn't mean anything here, he just wastes a well built charecter (himself, if he dies) or a well foreshadowed charecter (Kimi, i lee wins)...

    B. Lee's entire concept is based on hard work, swaeting and jerking blood to acheive his goals, the drunken fist is equivvalent for him having suddenly learned ninjutsu or giving him a bloodline ability, it's butchering of his charecter...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #116
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 Discussion

    i dont think its unfair for lee to have some kind of talent, if it is the drunken boxing that is his talent so be it, everybody is good at something. and lee wouldnt be able to fight equally with kimimaro(if he can do even that) if he didnt do all his training, since the drunken boxing still is taijutsu just another form. and getting lee back here was to even out the numbers since kishimoto probably planned sasuke to break out of the barrel and naruto to chase him so we finally can get the big battle between those 2. however if they dont fight each other after all this kishimoto has dragged this show down a bit.

  17. #117

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    well for some reason i either see naruto killing sasuke and then never returning to the leaf or half way killing him and draging his sorry as back to the leaf

    and then what sasuke is under constant watch so you know naruto isn't gonna be able to bring him back to the leaf

    i also see sasuke setting up traps in order to stop naruto, one being big enough to heavly harm naruto allowing for one of thee strongest kyuubi fights we have seen sasuke will get beat down so badly by kyuubi naruto that he will be still even with these powers i am nothing

    or he will find out that naruto possess the chakra of kyuubi like kyuubi will say

    "fool the reason why you are so inferior is because this chakra you feel is mine, kyuubis, i have been sealed in this damn body. blah blah blah"

    something like that

    maybe im just dreamin but id like to see more geenins of the leaf know about he kyuubi within naruto

  18. #118

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I doubt Lee's new "technique" will become something he can commonly fall back onif he really gets as destructive as Gai's flashback leads us to believe, this style of fighting is way too uncontrolable to be used in most situations. Plus it's unhealthy. Therefore, I would say it's not a "butchering of his character." I thought this chapter was wonderful and fun (naturally, I'm a Lee fangirl after all) and I loved the reintroduction of humour to the series ... even if it did spoil the "mood" that's been developing in previous chapters. Lighten up, people!

  19. #119

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    inane is still waiting on a high quality raw, so it may be a long narutoless week[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  20. #120

    RE: Naruto 210 Discussion

    The past two chapters have been great. I called it in the topic "Other nins." Rock Lee rocks. The reason why Kishimoto added the drunken boxing (fist), is because this will give Lee the ability to defeat Kimimaro, especially since their was such a buildup of Kimimaro's power. Don't foreget how Rock Lee mopped the floor with Sasuke and Naruto. Rock Lee can definitely beat Kimimaro.

    On another note, Kiba mentioned they. So far, we've only seen Rock Lee. I believe that Hinata and maybe even Shino are there. I bet shino is going to save Shika or maybe Kiba.

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