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Thread: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #81

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Originally posted by: Everon
    Ok letme try to recap whats going on first ^^

    Sakura: useless...still.
    1. When did Sakura got in this particular picture?
    2. That goes without saying.
    3. as for the many chapters does this manga have so far?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  2. #82

    Naruto 210 Discussion

    Originally posted by: dazzz
    what a disappointing chapter.

    couldn't they have shown us something better than explaining what happened to lee, it's obvious.
    Would you like some cheese with that whine?

    seriously, it may be obvious to you but I thought the chapter cleared up some of my questions.
    For one, now it seems that Lee has done the surgery, I personally felt that he took of before just
    because of his nature of doing these things.
    Also I liked the added humor of the whole accidently getting drunk, the current arc
    needed to lighten up, it was getting way too dark for Naruto standards.
    I think Kishimoto is doing a fine job.


  3. #83

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    sho for sure this chapter was great and i liked seeing whats going on in konoha but hte current arc should have been kept going on with the fight now kishimoto is really starting to draw this out a lil bit to much i guess im dying to see te fight seen with kimimaru and lee and the sasuke and naruto conclusion and id really like to see the end of shikas fight he should have ended these fightst before showing whats going on in konoha but what do i know im not a writer

  4. #84

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    this might be a bit off-topic, but...
    Sangai, I take you're a fan of e.e.cummings...

  5. #85

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***


    "I'm sorry gai sensei... I can't learn drunken fist until im 21" HAahahaha Guess he lied!

  6. #86

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    WOW for some reason every technique lee knows has some time of side affect. If anyone has seen Drunken Master after the drinking he has one hell of a hang over so lee's in for a bad morning. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #87

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I think after this fight, Lee is going to depend on the alchol too much and become an alcholic. He will be sleeping everynight on the bench Sakura was laying on and covered in newspapers.

  8. #88

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    He will be calling Sakura at 3AM and hanging up without saying a word.

  9. #89

    Naruto 210 Discussion

    Originally posted by: dazzz
    read these facts:
    1. i am never wrong.
    2. itachi is the strongest character introduced and alive so far.
    3. if you think naruto is the most powerful character, then you are stupid and wrong. potential and current available strength are two different things.
    4. dbz and naruto share similiarities. duh.
    For the sake of argument, let's take #2.
    The ninetails is both still alive, and stronger than Itachi.
    Itachi and Kisame freely admitted Jiraiya might be stronger than them. Than BOTH of them.
    According to the Third Hokage, the Hyuuga were the strongest in the leaf, so Hiashi Hyuuga (Hizashi is the one that died, correct me if I'm wrong) is possibly stronger than Itachi.
    Are we forgetting that both Shusaku and Gamabunta are very much alive?

    That said, let's go to #3.
    Naruto has the largest amount of raw unadulterated Chakra of any character introduced thus far, which might be taken as meaning he is the most powerful, despite his overall lack of skill. (Fear the creativity though. Fear the creativity.) Since the Kyuubi is sealed into Naruto, either the Kyuubi is considered a separate entity and thus stronger than Itachi on its own, proving point #2 incorect, or the Kyuubi is now considered a part of Naruto, thus giving him UNDENIABLY more raw power than anyone else, and, depending on your definition of the word powerful itself, debatably making him the most powerful character. Then again, Gohan was debatably the most powerful character in Dragonball Z, but noone gives a damn, so that's not saying much necessarily.

    That all said, it looks like you were wrong 3 times out of 4 in that signature, on account of the two aforementioned examples, and the fact that point #1 is incorrect if you were wrong on either of the other two points. So, in conclusion, I have derailed this thread's collective train of thought. So there.

  10. #90

    Naruto 210 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kalean
    [i]That all said, it looks like you were wrong 3 times out of 4 in that signature, on account of the two aforementioned examples, and the fact that point #1 is incorrect if you were wrong on either of the other two points. So, in conclusion, I have derailed this thread's collective train of thought. So there.
    Huh, I kinda like that...

  11. #91
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    thats amusing how he always ends up doing technique's that is bad for him
    if he ends up opening more than maybe 1 or 2 gates though against kimimaro.....then that would be would get old way too fast for someone to rely on opening their gates every time they encounter an opponent, and lee surely injures himself whenever he does that, so then the readers get pissed when he ends up hospitalized again

    edit: oh, and one thing that bugs in chapter 173 pg 5 tsunade says "Even if it is successful, he must endure extensive rehabilitation"

    now, unless her idea of extensive is 1 day of rest, then having lee recover so quickly is a pretty big mistake for kishimoto....or maybe for the translators......but the fact that the operation not only succeeded, but that he could move about in like, not even a few hours afterwards is kinda BS
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #92

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    thats amusing how he always ends up doing technique's that is bad for him
    if he ends up opening more than maybe 1 or 2 gates though against kimimaro.....then that would be would get old way too fast for someone to rely on opening their gates every time they encounter an opponent, and lee surely injures himself whenever he does that, so then the readers get pissed when he ends up hospitalized again

    edit: oh, and one thing that bugs in chapter 173 pg 5 tsunade says "Even if it is successful, he must endure extensive rehabilitation"

    now, unless her idea of extensive is 1 day of rest, then having lee recover so quickly is a pretty big mistake for kishimoto....or maybe for the translators......but the fact that the operation not only succeeded, but that he could move about in like, not even a few hours afterwards is kinda BS
    Huh. I think this time he's going to win. So far, he's never won an actual fight, except with Sasuke, but that wasn't too much of a real fight. And *always* wound up damaged. I think for once, he has to win now.
    One can say, due to his training, he is in excellent physical shape. Probably that should have helped in making the recovery quicker.
    More important, though, drunken boxing is his *real* style. He's been getting hammered so fair because he haven't been able to use it. The sober style, as Kimi remarked, doesn't work for him, so, I am guessing things are going to go smoother for him from now on. I would say that the only thing that will get damaged is his liver....

  13. #93

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Haven't read your posts at all, but hmm when is inanes chapter out...? have they dropped it?

  14. #94
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I'm going against the flow when i'm saying this, but i think this chapter was


    Drunknen style fist? in the middle of this battle? has kishimoto lost his mind? or was it just his writing skills?
    Lee wasn't supposed to be well for a few months, Tsunde said it'll be a long operationa and a huge rehablitation, she said that after seeing Lee's condition and knowing his perssonality. half a day surgery plus one day off is less than a cosmetic surgery, i think ultra-sound tests take the same amount of time.


    Kishimoto just sent his manga ever into deeper shit, is he trying to lose fans? first by making the sound four so weak, after that having Kimimaru look so bad ("look, i have bones! check out my bones!"), then bringing in Lee to a certien death situation (Kimi Vs Lee would be Kimi wins, due to his ownage or due to the fact lee shouldn't be able to move), and now rescuing him from it with the most retarted idea ever ("look, i'm doing the Jet-Li thing in Shangai Gladiator, i'm drunk so i can win!").

    man, i hope it's somekind of april fools chapter.... i could stand Lee dying in glory flash of opening the death gate to win against Kimimaru, but killing off Lee's coolness? what's wrong with this world!
    i could handle Genma + Raidou coming to help and scaring off Kimimaru (it'd still be retarted, but no this much), i could even stand Jiriya and Kakashi coming around to kill Kimimaru.


    it looks like Kishimoto is trying his best to ruin the manga, even another one on one fight chapter of Kiba would be better...

    Dear manga god in heavens, give Kishimoto back his mind, he really needs it...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #95

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    I'm going against the flow when i'm saying this, but i think this chapter was


    Drunknen style fist? in the middle of this battle? has kishimoto lost his mind? or was it just his writing skills?
    Lee wasn't supposed to be well for a few months, Tsunde said it'll be a long operationa and a huge rehablitation, she said that after seeing Lee's condition and knowing his perssonality. half a day surgery plus one day off is less than a cosmetic surgery, i think ultra-sound tests take the same amount of time.


    Kishimoto just sent his manga ever into deeper shit, is he trying to lose fans? first by making the sound four so weak, after that having Kimimaru look so bad ("look, i have bones! check out my bones!"), then bringing in Lee to a certien death situation (Kimi Vs Lee would be Kimi wins, due to his ownage or due to the fact lee shouldn't be able to move), and now rescuing him from it with the most retarted idea ever ("look, i'm doing the Jet-Li thing in Shangai Gladiator, i'm drunk so i can win!").

    man, i hope it's somekind of april fools chapter.... i could stand Lee dying in glory flash of opening the death gate to win against Kimimaru, but killing off Lee's coolness? what's wrong with this world!
    i could handle Genma + Raidou coming to help and scaring off Kimimaru (it'd still be retarted, but no this much), i could even stand Jiriya and Kakashi coming around to kill Kimimaru.


    it looks like Kishimoto is trying his best to ruin the manga, even another one on one fight chapter of Kiba would be better...

    Dear manga god in heavens, give Kishimoto back his mind, he really needs it...

    It's not a spine surgery his left arm and leg was crushed. I do agree Lee coming back was wrong, I for one was hoping he would die in the operation or just wouldn't fight again. Drunken style from a 14 yr old....Kishimoto becoming the Japanese George Lucas?

  16. #96
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    his leg and hand are both probably already healed, the problem was with the bone shards that got stuck in his spine...

    Lee can only die now to keep kishimoto's dignity intact, and nobody wants to see that happen

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #97

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I do!

  18. #98

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    his leg and hand are both probably already healed, the problem was with the bone shards that got stuck in his spine...

    Lee can only die now to keep kishimoto's dignity intact, and nobody wants to see that happen
    I believe Lee might actually die as much as I hate to say it or he might be near death. I liked what Kishimoto did, the story was starting to take itself to seriously and since Naruto is also a comedy we needed the humor factor that had been missing for a while.
    Also to all the Lee haters Pha-Q!!

  19. #99

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    For the past three posts, I've ended up deleting what I wrote because it was a bit too strong, and I didn't want it to come off that way. Same with this post.

    Really, it's a story. I think Kishimoto realized that the story lost the levity that separated it from other action manga, and also realized that Fuzzy Brows was part of it. I'm glad:

    - Lee is back
    - this chapter was great
    - Kimimaro is going to get his ass handed to him:
    - On a plate.
    - With Grey Poupon.

    I mean jeez, he gave the cool guy thumbs up. What else can you ask for?


  20. #100

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    *Sparkly teeth*

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