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Thread: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

  1. #21

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: dazzz
    there is no way konoha would want sasuke dead. sasuke is konoha's best and first option for a counter against someone strong as itachi. and besides, sasuke is the last konoha uchiha around, they wouldn't want to make such a powerful clan in konoha to go extinct.

    He may be the one to have the best chance of beating Itachi eventually but he isnt the best hope for Konohas future cause there a character called Naruto who are at least better than Sasuke now cause he trains hard rather than realying somebody to make him magicly stronger[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  2. #22
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    he also relies on kyubi chakra. =O

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  3. #23

    Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Naruto may rely on the Kyuubi Chakra, but it's really not that unfair. The difference between the Kyuubi Chakra and Sasuke's cursed seal is that Sasuke did no work to get it's power (oh look, I got bit by a snake-guy) wheras NAruto, until his failed fight with Kimimaro, could only access the Kyuubi chakra when he or his friends were in serious trouble. It only became easy for him after the Gamabunta summoning because he actually knew what it felt like to call on the chakra.

    Complaining about Naruto using the Kyuubi Chakra is like complaining about Sasuke using the Sharingan. Both characters went through alot to get that ability. Remember, SAsuke didn't call forth the Sharingan at all until the Haku fight when he started figuring out the timeing to Haku's attacks slowly but surely. Therefore, you're not really justified in doing either; both earned the right to use that ability, even though they technically had it from birth.

    However, the curse seal is a different case. It's essentially something for nothing.

  4. #24

    Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Unlike Kyubi Chakra the cursed seal is more trouble than it's worth sometimes.

    It causes severe pain and exhaustion and a loss of control for the user.

    Until his defeat at the hands of the sound 4 Sasuke didn't want to activate the cursed seal.

  5. #25

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    he also relies on kyubi chakra. =O

    Naruto is stronger than before even when he is not using Kyubi cause he has devolped. For example Naruto beat Kabuto without Kyubi while Sasuke wouldn't have a chance agianst Kabuto.

    One of there reasons that Sasuke is running to Oro is that he cant deal with that Naruto who was weaker than Sasuke in the biginining can eat Sasuke alive even if he is in Lv2.

  6. #26

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Good point.

    Sasuke isn't Konoha's best defense against Itachi. Itachi isn't on a pedestal in my book, so I say that someone like Gai could probably take out Itachi. Gai knows hot to fight the sharingan. None of the jounins fear Itachi, they'll fight, anytime anywhere. I believe that Byakugen is more powerful than Sharingan. Especially since it's eye of insight is better than Sharingans. So someone like Hiashi or Neji (as he gets more developed) can take out Itachi. Konoha is strong with or without Uchiha. Uchiha just adds diversity.

  7. #27

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    *If* Sasuke manages to get *real* strong* and I mean like at least a hundred times he is now, level 2 notwithstanding, he will become another Gaara. Insane, amoral and dangerous to his own village. And nobody there will be able to kill him. Fortunatelly, he's too lazy and too full of crap to train and get actually strong.

  8. #28
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Sasuke is now going down by the path Itachi went through, it'll probably become more clear once we learn a bit more about Itachi's reason for killing his clan. and after that point, Sasuke might have a change of heart and go Kakashi-like...

    Naruto also didn't work that hard for the Kyubi power, he just fell off a clip and then magically gained control over it (there was no step by step learning in it, it was a sudden realization of the power). Sasuke also hadn't work hard, by neither did he get it as a present, nine of every ten die from this "present", and only those with enough will and ambition can wake up from the shock...

    don't forget that the curse seal uses your life energy, so it eats you away...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #29

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    There ARE shortcuts to power, only after the intial power boost, you'll stop growing stronger.

    Curse seal consume the body to produce chakra, there's nothing "orochimaru" about it. What I meant is the the curse seal is not something that's part of Orochimaru. Sasuke is burning his body using the curse seal; Orochimaru give him the door to power, not the power itself.

    Gai best Itachi? Please, what if they fight someplace that doesn't not have water to reflect? What then? Besides, staring down at someone's feet instead of focusing entire on Itachi already give Gai a disadvantage.

    Sasuke lv 2 just give him raw power, not skill, not experience, look at Naruto, tons of raw power at his disposal and still got whoop.

    End of story.

  10. #30
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    i dont get why a topic is made for something obvious.. i mean if a person cant see this they would be stupid. however its more interesting to dicuss naruto vs. sasuke. i believe naruto will beat sasuke or in the worst case we will have a draw. naruto got the stronger attacks, he got gamabunta and all other toad summons, he got the rasengan, he got kage bunshin and street fight looking taijutsu thats powered up by kyubi chakra and of course the unlimited power of the kyubi itsself. lets see what sasuke has. chidori, sharingan and only 2 dots not even a complete! he got curse seal 2 now, he got lee's taijutsu moves and a whole lot of arrogance. this would end in a naruto victory if he plays his cards right.

  11. #31

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z

    Naruto also didn't work that hard for the Kyubi power, he just fell off a clip and then magically gained control over it (there was no step by step learning in it, it was a sudden realization of the power). Sasuke also hadn't work hard, by neither did he get it as a present, nine of every ten die from this "present", and only those with enough will and ambition can wake up from the shock...

    don't forget that the curse seal uses your life energy, so it eats you away...
    I will have to disagree. Even if we assume that he didn't train as hard as Lee, which we will never know, you have to consider that he spent his entire childhood being scorned and despised, and he didn't even know why. He could easily turned out into a resentful revengeful ass, just like Sasuke. I don't want to compare the two problematic childhoods, but obviously, Sasuke was never mistread as Naruto was, and he got to know his parents, who apparently loved him.
    Second, going deep down and facing the monster who lives inside of you, it's not exactly *easy*. Had Sasuke faced *his* internal demons, one can assume he wouldn't be such a jerk.
    Finally, taming the Kyuubi wasn't all. Right after spending the incredibly amount of chacra needed just to summon Gama-Bunta, he had to spent a whole day on the back of that obnoxious toad, and since we're comparing Naruto and Sasuke, I wonder how long he I'd have lasted there.
    For what I see, Sasuke lives a lot on the glory of being a Uchiha, the *oh poor kid who had all his family killed* and his bishouneness...
    IMO, some people are entitled to be arrogant, but it's not the case of Sasuke. I am yet to see him doing anything *really* strong. If I am too choose between two arrogant jerks, I will go with Neji, he got his ass kicked by Naruto and apparently, learned with that, for one...

  12. #32
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    i'd have just as much pride and be just as arrogant as sasuke if i were one of the only two surviving members of a very powerful clan. and i'm a super genius too.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #33

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Sasuke is arrogant because for the most part he is able to back it up the only time he hasn't when it was expected (lee) Naruto checked him just like Sasuke did constantly at the beginning of the series.

    And i'm of the opinion that someone who loses something tragically is worse can end up thinking very differently than someone who never had it the fact that it was someone he idolized who did it made it worse.

    Sasuke's demon is Itachi and it's not something he's going to forget about his life's work is to kill him. He'll mellow out once one of them is dead or unable to fight.

  14. #34

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Then, you'd be as annoying as him...
    Hinata comes from an even more powerful clan as Sasuke, and is able to recognize Naruto. Independent of your opinion about her, here is somebody way entitled to be arrogant. She could say, I am weak, but so what? I am a Hyuuga and therefore I can treat the rest of the world like crap. And she is not weak... She *was* able to hit Neji. She was able to make him back up, using only her own power... Naruto wasn't able to even put a scratch on Neji, before he used the Kyuubi chacra...
    Real strong people don't need to be arrogant... It's way obvious that Neji feels inferior, since he belongs to the branch family, he know that no matter how strong he gets, he will never be number one... And, I'd say, that's the same reason, Sasuke is that way, he feels that he's inferior to his brother.
    The difference, is that Naruto showed Neji that it's more important to be really strong, than to be the number one, and from that point on, Neji started to change his atittude. Sasuke, on the other hand, instead of learning with his defeats, becomes more stupid, obsessed *and* arrogant, every time he gets his ass kicked...
    I mean, kicking Shukaku's ass may look good... but it came at what price? Having to spend your whole life with a monster inside your stomach, and be treated as one by the rest of the village?
    All in all, arrogance is not what makes one change one's destiny. And, I'd say, if one of the points of this story is to figure out what takes to change one's destiny, Sasuke is far from that insight. If he keeps up like that, he may even make his brother suffer a painful and horrible death. But, he will end up losing his soul, and at best, realize that he's no better than his brother. IMO, Strenght amounts in a bit more than brute force... then again, maybe the discussion now is only about that...
    So far, the only anime character whose arrogance doesn't bother me is Sesshomaru. He more than compensates it with his class. And Sasuke's class is highly questionable...

  15. #35
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    i'd have just as much pride and be just as arrogant as sasuke if i were one of the only two surviving members of a very powerful clan. and i'm a super genius too.
    I just want to say that the only reason the Sasuke survived was becuase someone took pity of him and didn't kill him ... some great survivor, he didn't even try to hide, he just pissed his pants in a "Shinji Ikari" way...

    and Sasuke isn't a SUPER genious, i'll give him genious at best, even Shikamaru (who said he looked up to Sasuke) believed that his team could beat Sasuke's team. People call Sasuke a genious just to satisfy Sasuke's fangirls and super ago (as in a super big ago, not the super ago of society's do and don't do), what has sasuke done to earn him the title of a genious? the Katon jutsu is nice, but it's hardly that great compared to other jutsus, such as Shino's bug techniques, or Kiba's dog attacks. (i'm talking about the beginning of the series, not about the current release)

    moving on to Neji-Aniki-sama:
    A. Naruto didn't train as hard as Lee, (see one of the first chapters, iruka says the he isn't the most hard worker guy), but he did train more than Sasuke (and Naruto believes in training to get results, while Sasuke believes in birthright).
    B. Naruto couldn't turn out to be like Sasuke, Naruto's mirror image is Gaara, Sasuke's two representatives are Kakashi and Itachi.
    C. Sasuke also faced his inner demons, that's how he got up from the curse seal at the first time.
    D. I have to agree, Sasuke's Flashbacks are as one dimensoinal as Sakura's, "my brother killed my family, i'm so sad!", it's all he ever says...
    E. I agree on this one too, Neji makes a better arragont jerk than Sasuke, he also has a deeper story to back it up.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #36
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    even Shikamaru (who said he looked up to Sasuke) believed that his team could beat Sasuke's team.
    This was only because they totally underestimated Naruto who they believed to be a complete no-talent clown. They always respected Sasuke's skills.

    In regards to Naruto vs. Sasuke:
    I don't know why people keep using "summoning Gammabunta" as one of Naruto's advantages. We all know how arrogant and fussy the toad is; if Naruto summoned him to fight Sasuke, there's NO WAY he'd fight for him, he'd just say "this isn't worth my time" and disappear. So we can totally disregard the toad in this hypothetical battle.

    Everything else considered, I'd have to compare the potential battle of Naruto vs. Sasuke to the recent battle of Naruto vs. Kimimaro, considering that Kim and Sasuke are supposed to be pretty even. If it was Naruto vs. Sasuke, the battle would go a similar way: Naruto would go into Kyuubi mode, unleash a heap of clones, and Sasuke would deal with them all easily just like Kim did. Then the seal would be unleashed and it would be suped-up rasengan vs. suped-up chidori. Hard to tell who would win though.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  17. #37

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Who cares about Sasuke's arrogance. That's part of his personality as a character. Some like it and some don't. Back on topic, Sasuke of course has no chance against Itachi even in lvl 2, but I think he should be able to beat Naruto. Naruto has been winning a little too much, just like Sasuke had been in the beginning of the anime, I think Sasuke winning would make things better. I'm not much of a fan of Sasuke, but you guys don't seem to realize that Naruto is arrogant as well. He talks shit all the time and is disrespectful a lot, but because he's a main character people don't seem to care and just say he's joking so it's not actually arrogant.

  18. #38

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z

    moving on to Neji-Aniki-sama:
    A. Naruto didn't train as hard as Lee, (see one of the first chapters, iruka says the he isn't the most hard worker guy), but he did train more than Sasuke (and Naruto believes in training to get results, while Sasuke believes in birthright).
    B. Naruto couldn't turn out to be like Sasuke, Naruto's mirror image is Gaara, Sasuke's two representatives are Kakashi and Itachi.
    C. Sasuke also faced his inner demons, that's how he got up from the curse seal at the first time.
    D. I have to agree, Sasuke's Flashbacks are as one dimensoinal as Sakura's, "my brother killed my family, i'm so sad!", it's all he ever says...
    E. I agree on this one too, Neji makes a better arragont jerk than Sasuke, he also has a deeper story to back it up.
    Well, two out of five ain't bad [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    A. You're right. Naruto didn't train as much as Lee. But he certainly trained more than Sasuke. I was somewhat trying to emphatize that point. And of course, no way Naruto would believe in birthright, but at the same time he doesn't resent people who were *born right*. Otherwise, he'd be revengeful, and not trying to make it on his own. Even though he considers Sasuke as a rival, I don't have the feeling that he ever was blatantly disrespectul towards him or said that his sharingan was worth crap. On the other hand, Sasuke never acknowledged Naruto's efforts. He doesn't even have a clue he has to do some effort besides his *birthright*. Kakashi is always babysitting him, and he didn't even bother to *listen* to him before he ran away.
    At this point, *if* the theory that Naruto is the son of the 4th is correct, I believe the 4th must have wanted that to remain a secret, otherwise he might have become a spoiled monster just like Gaara...
    B. Yeah, I thought of it, but didn't want to drag Gaara here, even though, later in another post, I mentioned Hinata. I was trying to see who had the most screwed up childhood and how each one reacted to it. Basically, even with all the drama, Sasuke's chilhood wasn't as screwed as Naruto's and yet he has a worse attitude.
    C. Yeah, but huh, maybe Sakura helped him, then [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] After he faced Itachi and Naruto, he freaked out... Man it's just pathetic how jealous he is of the attention of his brother...I think his prob is that Itachi killed everybody *but* him...He may be even more twisted than we thought at first.
    Still has to work do in what demon facing id concerned, IMO...

  19. #39

    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    yeah, I guess you could say Sasuke is pathetic because he was so jealous of the attention Naruto got from Itachi, but that's because it's his brother who he has spent most of his life trying to be able to kill. In the same way Naruto is pathetic, in that his dream is based on everybody acknowledging him, and how he always gets jealous when people don't pay attention to him but someone else. For example, when we first see Gaara and Neiji, and they both want to fight Sasuke and not Naruto. Like I said before, it's all part of their character personality, you're not going to like everyone in the show.

  20. #40
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke will get spanked even in lvl 2.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    I just want to say that the only reason the Sasuke survived was becuase someone took pity of him and didn't kill him ... some great survivor, he didn't even try to hide, he just pissed his pants in a "Shinji Ikari" way...
    do even remember what happened exactly? obviously not. i'll remind you.
    so sasuke comes back after his training, and sees that everything is totally fucked up. so, naturally, he runs home to his family, only to find both parents pretty much dead with itachi standing near them. then he questions itachi why he did this but itachi responds with a mange sharingan, causing sasuke to collapse. soon after, sasuke gets up again and charges at itachi but is knocked down again his punch. so sasuke falls right infront of his parents' dead faces and gets scared from it and tries to avoid certain death by running away. itachi follows him and he calls out sasuke and sasuke stops to hear him out. and then the rest we don't know but we can assume that itachi just left after.

    now, in all of that, where did sasuke piss his pants in a "shinji ikari" way? nowhere.

    and Sasuke isn't a SUPER genious, i'll give him genious at best, even Shikamaru (who said he looked up to Sasuke) believed that his team could beat Sasuke's team. People call Sasuke a genious just to satisfy Sasuke's fangirls and super ago (as in a super big ago, not the super ago of society's do and don't do), what has sasuke done to earn him the title of a genious? the Katon jutsu is nice, but it's hardly that great compared to other jutsus, such as Shino's bug techniques, or Kiba's dog attacks. (i'm talking about the beginning of the series, not about the current release)
    sasuke is the number 1 rookie, caught up to lee's speed (or around that) in a short amount of time while it took lee his whole life, able to use the sharingan at a relatively young age (obvious itachi is better), and he knows an abundant amount of jutsus.

    yeah, sasuke rocks.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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