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Thread: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #1

    Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Ok, Bakasan's sub was released, so I'll start off.

    I just watched 76, and I loooved it.

    Amazing backstory for gaara...after seeing it, I felt SO bad for him....and he's so cute as a kid. So was Yashamaru really trying to kill him, or was he just testing the sand or something? It seems strange that Yashamaru's caring words for gaara were all a hoax.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    Oh, and Gai and Kakashi, badass as always.


  2. #2

    Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Aren't you violating the new rule, hmm thought it was only admins and mods that could make such threads, maybe you're a new mod, what do I know?

  3. #3

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    he is a mod i believe at least now he is

  4. #4

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    yeah, he was recently promoted to mod. i think it was because he was one of the two i think, who helped bring back the sigs.

  5. #5
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    BTW he sounds like Kira from Gundam Seed so he gets cool points.
    Gai's Konoha Senpuu was cool.
    I think it's ridiculous to see Hokage fighting Orochimaru's sword 5 secs every episode.

  6. #6

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Yashamaru's voice actor is the same person that did Kazuki in Get Backers, not sure about Kira from GSeed, but I always suspected it was the seiyuu

  7. #7

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    As much as I like the 3rd...I think Oro should already have been done with him...
    Show more Jiraya action, that guy rocks...

  8. #8

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Wait hold it yashamaru was a dude ar you sure she doesn't have a deep voice

  9. #9

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    yea, I thought the voice sounded familiar. Gai and Kakashi were the best part of the ep. Like Terra said the soul and sword goin back and forth is a useless clip that they keep showing. Hopefully the next time they cut to that fight, they'll finish it.

  10. #10

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    I think the reason they keep showing the clip of hokage vs. oro is either:

    (1) they are reminding us that it's happening....kinda pointless, since we're not likely to forget... or

    (2) They are showing that during all of these min battles (sasuke vs. temari, Kankuro vs. shino, asuma/shika vs. sound nins, and sasuke vs. gaara) this epic struggle between two super-powers is at a god-like stalemate, and they are locked in the clutches of their fate for a very, very, very long time...

    what do you think is more likely?


  11. #11

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    option 3

    3. annoy and bore the viewers

    really i think there just trying to show how long a battle can last when its some one this strong

  12. #12

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    the whole arc is getting too long. Period.

  13. #13

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Well lagging no jutsu is at work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] Garaa's lesson on love is split into 2 eps, and next eps is probably another *staring* day + flashback extra. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Oh well .... at least I have my bleach. Vol 1 ~ 8 complete! Boo ya! Screw Naruto!

    *takes cover at the approaching mob

  14. #14

    Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Huh, ok, ok, Gaara... we all know you had a screwed up childhood... now, shobu des!
    As a matter of fact, is it just me or anybody else noticed that there is *always* those *long* flashbacks/explanations during fights? I say, if I were the other guy, I'd strike right after the *I am that way becau....* Or *the sharingan/chakra/byakugan works like thi... ouch!!!!*

  15. #15

    Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Huh, ok, ok, Gaara... we all know you had a screwed up childhood... now, shobu des!
    As a matter of fact, is it just me or anybody else noticed that there is *always* those *long* flashbacks/explanations during fights? I say, if I were the other guy, I'd strike right after the *I am that way becau....* Or *the sharingan/chakra/byakugan works like thi... ouch!!!!*
    Ahaha, nice. Ever played bushido blade? In the main story mode you are supposed to wait until your opponent has stopped talking/bowing/getting up or whatever, but if you feel like it you can just run over and kill them before they're ready (although you can't reach the final boss by playing dishonest).

    Although I like these flashbacks, as long as they are original material and not the Sasuke 3x chidori explanation twice in two succeding episodes, geez. How thick do they think we are?
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  16. #16

    Naruto Episode 76 Discussion


  17. #17

    Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Ahaha, nice. Ever played bushido blade?
    Well, sure... but you'd have to agree with me that Ninjas kinda don't go by the bushido...
    I like those flashbacks, but as you said, once is enough, and still are they there to kick ass or what?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    Originally posted by: XForce
    Yashamaru's voice actor is the same person that did Kazuki in Get Backers, not sure about Kira from GSeed, but I always suspected it was the seiyuu
    apparently that voice is given to male characters that are feminine-like
    i still think yashamaru shouldve just been a girl instead though....interesting how he has a jutsu of some sort that lets him levitate a bunch of kunais before throwing them
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #19

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    wait oh my god
    yashamaru is a he? no way

  20. #20

    RE: Naruto Episode 76 Discussion

    One can say he's a borderline bishie...

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