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Thread: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #141

    Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    but in any case, they dont take a break any longer than a week from releasing anime. So even throughout the summer there'll be new eps
    Is that true? So 79 should come out in a couple of weeks then, rather than in the fall?

    That would be great..^_^

  2. #142

    Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    blasphemy i hope you were kidding, TW freakin sucks compared to Anbu, they take too long and its not as good, and i am saying this because i had several eps by both

  3. #143
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    yep, its true....there have only been maybe 2 or 3 weeks out of the whole year that didnt have naruto.....and those were distributed over different parts of the year.

    i dunno.....i prefer TW personally....the subtitles are alot easier to read on a TV screen and they seem a little more accurately translated too. I'm glad that AA changed their font for these newer episodes though.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #144

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    They stupid clip of the Hokage fighting a sword has already gone on for 3 episodes, and the fight still isn't over. I doubt they'll end all the other fighting also by 78.
    Seriously! He should just die already, although Sarutobi is one of my favorite characters its just taking a long time.

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