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Thread: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #61

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Not a spoiler. Pay attention to what Gaara calls him.

  2. #62

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    MARU is a term reserved for MALE names.
    KO is one of the terms reserved for female names.
    Is his name YASHAKO? I think not.

  3. #63

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I absolutely agree with you. It would have made the scene more intimate had he been a woman. And that moment where Gaara mistaked Yashamaru and Sakura made me even more confused.

    Yeah if I knew a lick of japanese I would have know this earlier. But it just feels like somethings been lost now that I know.

  4. #64

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Yashamaru is definetly a boy. I personally want to know more about his father, rather his father intended for him to become a monster. I love having character depth and good back stories. I thought the flash backs were great. I just hope once the fight starts up, they don't throw a punch, flash back, throw a kick, flashback. He was trying to kill Sasuke, but Sakura interfered. Reason he is not killing her is to piss Naruto off and make him fight him I guess. Well that makes more sense to me than anything. I wonder if Gaara is going to change form completely before the fight is up, as it looks, night has a while before it comes.

    I think Yashamaru was trying to test and maybe kill Gaara, he did say he was going to protect him, I think he meant that even if it was from himself. I believe he loved Gaara. Hehehehe. Gaara is so cute as a kid. Gaara's life is ironic. One scene I thought was cute showing how much Gaara liked Yash, yet a bit gross was him sucking on his finger when it was bleeding.

    I want more of Kakashi and Gai fighting, they are so awesome. The whole thing with the Hockage and Ochi is that I think they are just showing how stubborn the strong ones are, plus it takes up time. One thing I notice about Naruto is that it drags out a lot of stuff taking up time. Overall the greatness stills prevails.

  5. #65

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Sorry if im repeating but isn't Yashamaru gaara's uncle?

  6. #66

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Yep, good episode, I thought the flashbacks were well-done. I detest how they drew Yashamaru though, WAY too girly.

    And.. Psycho does not mean evil. If he were evil, he would have smashed Sasuke instead of trying to have some fun with him (which he was clearly doing), and destroyed Sakura without a second blink. He's psychotic. Sakura protected someone that hurt Gaara (matching Yashamaru protecting the girl that made fun of him), so he knows she's important to Sasuke. Naruto makes it obvious she's important to him too, so now he's using her to taunt him into fighting him. Psychotic, not evil


  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: VagabondLBD
    Sorry if im repeating but isn't Yashamaru gaara's uncle?
    yeah, but i think you're getting the posts about yashamaru and the posts about the guy who's looking at gaara after gaara kills the drunk guy mixed up

    gaara says as he passes by the guy looking down at him, for those of you who missed it, "father"
    it should be safe to say that he's the kazekage......kinda weird for him to be all casual looking....but then again i suppose the huge outfit would get kinda warm in the desert
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #68

    Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    [gaara says as he passes by the guy looking down at him, for those of you who missed it, "father"
    it should be safe to say that he's the kazekage......kinda weird for him to be all casual looking....but then again i suppose the huge outfit would get kinda warm in the desert

    My guess is that it happened *before* he became kage. Can't think of the episode, but they show a convo between Baki and him, and the kaze is behind a curtain. I *think* Japanese nobles are like that, I've seen this in other animes.
    I'd guess that in the Sand village, important people are *so* important, that regular people are not supposed to see them face to face. So, it wouldn't be likely the mighty Kazekage would be hanging around on the streets like that.

  9. #69

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    maybe gaaras father wasn't kazekage then

  10. #70

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Need to wait for another episode or two to verify, but I definetly think Yashamaru was trying to kill him and not just test him. Maybe he realized that Gaara was that much of a threat to those around him, and that even though they were related Gaara needed to be destroyed.

  11. #71

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Finaly got around to this. I thought the episode was pretty well done, especially the Gaara backstory. And there weren't any iffy parts where the tail/arm animation happened again, since there weren't too many action sequences.

    I think they should just finish the Orochimaru/Third battle already. If the old man isn't going to pull Orochimaru's soul out, then kill him already.

    I think they should show more Kakashi/Gai vs Sound Nins, since the other 'battles' (except Naruto vs Gaara) seem to be at a standstill and a half.

    Although this is becoming DBZ-esque, I still love it. They are moving most things along a lot faster than DBZ ever did after the 2nd season, and Naruto is in it's 3rd season so...

    mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  12. #72

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    the episode was not bad....
    i can't for naruto to fight gaara! i wonder what jutsus hes gonna use! i wanna see sasuke jealous of naruto for once.

    i thought pakkun was pretty funny, it made me laugh when he looked so scared!

  13. #73

    Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
    Need to wait for another episode or two to verify, but I definetly think Yashamaru was trying to kill him and not just test him. Maybe he realized that Gaara was that much of a threat to those around him, and that even though they were related Gaara needed to be destroyed.
    ... I hate that. That's so cruel. Don't they understand, the more they try to kill him the more hatred they will invoke into him. It's no wonder Gaara hates everyone, he can't trust or believe anyone who's friendly to him because of Yashamaru's stupid actions. I swear... I, now more than ever, want Gaara to receive some care and love from someone else.

    And Gaara was so kawaii in this episode. I feel so sorry for him.

  14. #74

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Well wouldn't it make sense that Yashamaru would want to kill gaara? Didn't his sister die while giving birth to gaara? (or something like that)

  15. #75
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    From what I've seen so far, I would assume Yashimaru tried to kill Gaara because the Kazekage ordered him too. They seem pretty big on "follow your orders even if you don't like them". And Kazekage probably saw that Gaara was becoming out of control when he killed that drunk guy.

  16. #76

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    When I read the manga I thought the person Garaa walked by after killing the drunk was kankuro... (but its obvious its Garaa's father since 1: Kankuro aint that tall 2: Garaa notes father)

    I swear the manga makes more sense to me since I can fill in gaps with my own imagination... This whole yashamaru and kazekage crap doesnt make as much sense imo... oh well

  17. #77

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I think that Yashamaru was ordered by Kazekage to assassinate him...

  18. #78

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Mgslee
    When I read the manga I thought the person Garaa walked by after killing the drunk was kankuro...
    When I saw this episode, I thought the same thing at first. You really don't think of kankuro's face much, since he has makeup and a head covering, but they look almost identical.

  19. #79

    Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Just to point out something, Gaara doesn't actually "Say" Father.... He thinks it, maybe it's more like, "Mommy" You know? lol. He sees this man looking at him with hate and he whimpers a bit and since his mother is dead he thinks of his father?

    -edit- Nevermind this post, i am wrong. =]
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  20. #80

    RE: Official Naruto 76 discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Great Ep, nothing more to say.

    tho there are some pretty wierd comments going on arround here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Offcourse Gaara can kill Sasuke, offcourse he can kill Sakura, but then where will the show go.. He could have ripped Lee appart and throw his little body parts on the spectators if he wanted to. But its isnt that gory of a series and the "good" side is always good. There wasnt anything wrong with the flashbacks either.
    All Lee fans can feel some real flashbacks that dont talk about the same shit over and over and over and over again like with ex. Lee (well it's about Gaaras childhood so its kinda about the same thing all the time but it's new stuff all the time), Gaara is a tad bit more complicated than just trying hard and be cool. But the series isnt about just Gaara so even if he can probably whoop "most" ppl he cant cause we wont have a series to watch [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    But I cant figure why some are so anti story driven flashbacks, that actually tell you something. Like theese with Gaara. It's not that hard to get a picture of why Gaara turned out the way he did. but there are some ppl who likes it and some who dont..

    It's gonna be cool to see Naruto and Gaara go nuts.. Naruto is just the guy to push Gaara's limit so I hope he does that.

    Yeah Yashamaru is a guy, yes the man Gaara walked past is "Kazekage" and yes Kankuro kind of looks like him (I think [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] didnt double check yet), check the little flashy in one of the Gaara vs Lee ep's Kazekage, Yashamaru and Temari and Kankuro as kids down on the left.

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