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Thread: kishimoto's plans for the series

  1. #21

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    Ending it after this arc would make the series a complete waste. They should just stop introducing new characters/bad guys that don't help to tie up any loose ends. The Sound 4 were all wastes of life and shouldn't have gotten so much time. Even Kimi who seems cool, won't help answer any questions, seems like they just had him so they could give Lee a grand entrance. I'm sure Kishimoto has some sort of game plan, and the next arc will give us closure for some of the things that we still want to know.

  2. #22

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    if kishimoto's smart he'll tie the akatsuki arch with this one. like ... naruto and sasuke fight and get that past - orochimaru is in mid fight with someone, then itachi/kisame (was that shark boys name?) come in, kill orochimaru and abduct naruto...... then everyone goes to save him. sure that'd be homo to go from one rescue to another so it'll probably be something else like, orochimaru or some other person reveals something about naruto's past that makes him GO to akatsuki - for what, we don't know but that'll be another way to tie it to the next arch

  3. #23

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    my thing is why so many either want the show to be liences or it to end. geeez just enjoy it while its out because when it does end your going to wish it didnt. even though i hate to relate it to dbz but the story started out when goku was a kid and ended when he was in his 40's. meaning naruto started out when he is 12 (same age as goku) so the story could end when he is in his old age. the story is about his life and just because you can end it when he becomes hokage doesnt mean that you have to stop there. him as hokage can start a hole new story.

  4. #24

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    I guess people might want it to end sooner and get licensed if they're thinking about buying the series on dvd, so it won't take forever to come out and so they won't have to buy too many dvds

  5. #25

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    Ongoing series get picked up all the time. After all, if you can't get viewers with the first 75 episodes your hopes are slim to none for the rest of it.

    And I really don't think this series is gonna wrap up any time soon. I mean, they're dragging out this crappy Sound Nin arc that's following a really bad, desparate Shonen characteristic: good guy losing, whips out a new move. Even if they all died they're minor characters for the most part. They can get rid of them all (except Sasuke and Naruto) and still drag the series out to enormous lengths.

    Most likely no one's even gonna die. They really should consider disposing of a couple of them.

    But since Lee's here that means Tsunade's probably with him and is healing everyone as she comes along while Lee goes on ahead. Probably caught wind that Orochi is directly involved by being informed and observing the bodies of those ninja killed earlier (she's good enough to know they were the victims of a seal for sure), and when someone who nearly wiped out your entire country/village is directly involved your duties get a new priority.

    I hope I didn't just ruin the arc for anybody.

  6. #26

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    alright i forgot about itachi and a few other things. ill change my theory to say it will end once all the questions have been taken care of. any new issues would definitely be pushing it.

    i sure as hell hope everyone stays dead. it would be pretty dumb for them all to go out in a blaze of honor and glory only to come back. i for one hope they all stay dead.

    the reason i want it to end is because i want it to remain a good anime while it still can. this whole "chase after sasuke" arc is starting to bug the hell out of me. how long has it been since the story actually went anywhere? reminds me of another anime *cough*dbz*cough*. also, dbz was popular as hell back when it was still being released. now, most people ridicule those who still watch it. i dont want that to happen to naruto.

    and hotsuma. theres a little something called respect for other people's opinions. why dont you learn it?

  7. #27

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    The thing is the Naruto Manga still has a long way to go, and even if all the questions we ask now are answered, there will always be new unanswered ones. I can't believe you want all of the genins to die, it'd totally ruin the storyline, it'd make this entire chasing Sasuke Arc POINTLESS. It'd be a dumass reason for all the major characters to die. I for one believe that they will somehow survive, even if it keeps going it'll still be a good anime.

    Dragonball Z Anime was never that good anyways, it was good until the frieza saga ended, but Android/Cell/Buu saga was bull. I enjoyed Dragonball (Goku before adulthood), and Dragonball GT though. The manga for Dragonball Z is good though, because it doesn't waste 30 mins of useless dialogue, and advances fast. The manga overall was very good.

    Naruto won't end anytime soon, there's alot of depth, and the story would be incomplete unless theres about another 10-15 volumes. I am pretty sure the Naruto Manga will be very good too, but I'm not sure about the anime. The anime seems to have shitty animation quality lately, and isn't getting any better.

  8. #28

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    Not ALL of them, just one or two. Then Shikumaru will have to come to terms with what he's partially responsible for. I think it'd make a pretty interesting side-plot.

    They're all gonna survive anyway, for the reasons I stated above, healed by Tsunade, so arguing is pointless.

  9. #29

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    it would be pretty irresponsible of tsunade, the HOKAGE, to come out on a rescue mission to save a bunch of genin. and about naruto having a lot of depth, i dont know if i can agree with you on that one given the rate at which things are going now. all i see right now is one fight after another.

  10. #30

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    Don't worry man. Things will start to pick up soon.

  11. #31

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    Originally posted by: Black Knight
    it would be pretty irresponsible of tsunade, the HOKAGE, to come out on a rescue mission to save a bunch of genin. and about naruto having a lot of depth, i dont know if i can agree with you on that one given the rate at which things are going now. all i see right now is one fight after another.
    Overall it does have alot of depth, but I'd have to agree that recently the storyline is getting a bit weaker. The entire story is very good though, so it does have a lot of depth, you don't judge things just by what you see now, it's the entire thing from beginning to end.

  12. #32

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    Most experts within the anime-fansubbing groups believe that Naruto most likely will be a 150 episodes+ series

  13. #33

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    Originally posted by: MightyDustLoop
    Not ALL of them, just one or two. Then Shikumaru will have to come to terms with what he's partially responsible for. I think it'd make a pretty interesting side-plot.

    They're all gonna survive anyway, for the reasons I stated above, healed by Tsunade, so arguing is pointless.
    Yeah I think it would much more interesting if we see Shikamaru's unconfident side. I don't see Neji dying, cause he's still got that free bird thing going for him, but Kiba and Choji are as good as dead.

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    far from over. too many questions need to be answered.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  15. #35

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    It would be in the best interest of the series to have Neji, Chouji, and Kiba to die; but if anyone was to die, I'd have to pick Chouji. Even though he's my favorite character, his death would change Shikamaru in such an interesting way. He may start to hate Sasukie for the death of his friend. If Neji died, we still have Hinata who could become even more inspired to get stronger, to fight against her fate. I don't wanna kill off Kiba because I like Akamaru and don't see how it would help the growth of characters as much as Chouji's and Neji's death. We don't really have a story behind Kiba.

  16. #36

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    Ok, it's working up like this.
    A) Neji hasn't reached his 128 palm ougi yet, so he's not allowed to die.
    B) Everything that happened to the three downed major characters could easily be fixed by Tsunade, should she choose to set out within a chapter or two.
    C) Tsunade is not sending the team out so as to keep Sasuke to the leaf, but rather, to keep him FROM Orochimaru. The last thing Konoha needs is an Orochimaru that knows all techniques ever.
    D) Since Orochimaru has just TAKEN a body, he can't take Sasuke right now, so Sasuke can potentially train under him without being taken over.
    E) Akatsuki is a LOT of ground to be covered, if anyone is familiar with similar story groups in other animes. (Jupon Gatana in Kenshin, Gung Ho Guns in Trigun, etc.)
    F) Sasuke vs. Itachi will not happen if anything is right in the universe. Sasuke's quest for vengeance is destroying what passes for his life. He'll either realize this, or become just as cold-hearted a villain as Itachi is, and trading one for the other is not exactly good story planning in this case.

    And now for my predictions.
    Ino + Chouji.
    Temari + Shikamaru.
    Sakura + Rock Lee.
    TenTen + Neji.
    Hinata + Naruto.
    Sasuke = One lonely little pint sized punk.

    Oh, and with the unbelievably large amount of hints they dropped as to Gaara's changing nature, it's not at all unlikely that the manga will go on for a significant period of time, featuring eventually a return visit from our favorite sandman. Just my 8,371 cents.

    Does anyone else think it's strange that when the third performed the soul seal technique that the fourth used on the Kyuubi, it sealed the souls into himself, or rather, himselves? So then, in that case, what exactly IS Naruto's relation to the fourth? Just some food for thought.

  17. #37

    kishimoto's plans for the series

    I agree with most of what Kalean says. It seems similar to what I was getting at, except more detailed.

    Except for the pairings. This is an anime, and most of them cop out long before you see who they end up with. We'll be lucky to see one or two pairings. Hell, I'd be ecstatic if they promised that much. And I wouldn't bother guessing either. It's not a game where everyone always gets paired off.

    My guess for couple?

    Sasuke + Naruto on the fanfics for about a decade. I'm sure you'll get enough of those.

  18. #38
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    kishimoto's plans for the series

    I wonder how is it going to end if it all ends in chapter 24? Real Abrupt ending woulldnt it be?

    As Naruto fights Sasuke in the junble, Itachi pops out screaming ' SASUKE! DIE!!! I KILLED OUR VILLAGE BECAUSE...' Then Sasuke stabs Itachi in the heart with a kunai. "I dont want to know". Then suddenly, from the other side, The fourth Hokage pops out screaming at Naruto ' YAR! NARUTO! I AM YOUR FATHER!', THen falls aside and die.

    As for Rock Lee versus Kimi. Rock Lee kicks his ass and Kimi have a bone. Kabuto stabs Oro while Orois sleeping. Tsunade marries Jiraiya. Sakura becomes a nun. And Naruto upon coming home from the battle, he is crowned Hokage for his valiant efforts for helping Sasuke and friends.

    Oh yeah, Gai and Kakashi were out hunting the atsasuki bank robbers in which they were succesful.

    The End?

    Not likely.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  19. #39

    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    lmfao! dude the part of tsunade x jiraiya and sakura becoming a nun was sweet. obviously that will never happen but stil, gotta say it was quite good.

  20. #40
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: kishimoto's plans for the series

    i don't think naruto will end anytime soon. there is too much to reveal. besides, i don't think neji, or chouji are dead.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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