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Thread: Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

  1. #1

    Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

    I was wondering if some important history background to Naruto will ever be explained.
    For example,
    Kakashi's sharingan
    Why was Kyubi sealed in Naruto?
    There seem to be some important things that are never addressed in the anime.
    I was wondering if manga readers can tell me if they issues get addressed or not.
    and if no, how are other sources getting to know the history of Naruto as I saw in some threads THAT CLAIMED THEY DID NOT HAVE SPOILERS???
    And if people are interested for some background, I know, a link of Gotwoot, has some decent character background for starters.

  2. #2

    RE: Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

    1st one. no info yet

    second one. no

    makin a thread like this is just asking for spoilers i suggest this be closed cause you know it will happen

  3. #3

    RE: Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

    a YES or NO quantifies for as asking for spoilers

    in a "no spoilers" thread is just asking for it

  4. #4

    RE: Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

    Move to open discusson or close. otherwise yah

  5. #5

    Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

    Originally posted by: 010577
    Why was Kyubi sealed in Naruto?.
    how we supposed to answer that if its just a yes or no question [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Are some plots ever going to be revealed? *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE***

    Go to open discussion and ask, there are probably threads about each subject...closed.


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