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Thread: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

  1. #101

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    I never thought that Lee would appear during this fight. I think it has only two explanations:
    A. Tsunade healed Lee temporarily to help the team.
    B. She did the operation and used some kind of super duper healing jutsu on Lee.
    In both cases I have to say Daaaaaamn... that lady is just toooo good.

  2. #102
    Becks Gold

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    can someone post the link for the english chapter? i cant read japanese or whatever this is!!

  3. #103

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Well it seems weird for Lee to appear isn't it? How is it possible for him to heal super fast, unless he opened the healing gate. Also if it was coupled with the fifth's super healing technique then that would make total sense. However did you guys noticed that around Rocks eyes look darker. It probably indicates that he's going through alot of pain, possibly from not being totally healed from the operation.

    Hopefully i'm not repeating any ideas from the previous post since it''s alot to read on a saturday morning [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Oh yeah you can get it at

  4. #104

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    I'm sticking with insomniac, lee shouldn't stand a chance against Kimimaro, unless he has learned a Uber-taijutsu technique like Itachi's not yet revealed tai-jutsu [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], hmm the first view of sasuke after he was out from that barrel he had white hair? looked like niedaime Sasuke with white hair, look-a-like 2nd hokage ... hmm Why didn't naruto summoned gamabunta, he obeyed him against gaara why not now?

    EDIT: Too troublesome to start a thread about this, anyway, we're now on chapter 209, what anime ep is that, like 120 ?

  5. #105

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Well like someone else said the only way I see Lee beating kimimaro is if kimimaro collapses in the middle of battle due to his sickness. But then again it's not like Lee was idle for the past month or so. Even with his injuries im sure he probably trained.

    Also someone else must have come with Lee. (pretty obvious[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) Cause didn't kiba say something like "Why are they here".

  6. #106

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    With the return of Rock Lee, I too return ..

    Veering from Insomniac's comments, Rock Lee against Gaara .. favors Rock Lee. Your sand-castle buildin' punk was fortunate for the victory thanks to Shukaku, not himself. However, I will agree with the statements on Rock Lee not being on par with Kimimaro, or so it seems.

    Rock Lee is clearly my favorite character in the manga / anime, and I have complete faith in his skills. I do not think he has gone through a full recovery. He has had to gone through some type of surgery. This much should be obvious. Remember, the boy could not even walk, due to the heinous injuries sustained on his left arm and leg. Now, the Genin was leaping about, launching kicks and shizzle. Something happened in Konoha ..

    And, considering not much time has passed since the team departed and the surgery was to commence, it is highly doubtful Lee has learned anything new. It would be nice, but unlikely.

    As if it needed to be said, though .. I am extremely elated with the return of the greatest Genin, Rock Lee. Kimimaro does not stand a chance! .. Haw.

    Ninja vanish!

  7. #107
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: itachi_
    I'm sticking with insomniac, lee shouldn't stand a chance against Kimimaro, unless he has learned a Uber-taijutsu technique like Itachi's not yet revealed tai-jutsu [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], hmm the first view of sasuke after he was out from that barrel he had white hair? looked like niedaime Sasuke with white hair, look-a-like 2nd hokage ... hmm Why didn't naruto summoned gamabunta, he obeyed him against gaara why not now?

    EDIT: Too troublesome to start a thread about this, anyway, we're now on chapter 209, what anime ep is that, like 120 ?
    he dont look like nidaime one bit. maybe you should check a pic on nidaime? sasuke hair is like its usually exept that he got more of it and a litte more spiky backwards thing. i think its stupid to summon gama bunta against a person whos the size of naruto i mean all the person need to do is jump on gama bunta and beat the crap out of naruto gama bunta cant attack the person when he stands on him. hope that didnt get to confusing.

  8. #108

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    First Death boo zo you sir are incorrect ab out Shika having 2 additional jutsu. we know he had @least 2 more jutdu as his father on 2 seperate ocasion makes refferance to teahing him new Jutsu. the man is a Genious i highly dought someone would have to teach him something more than once. Espcially if it is going to mean he is gonig to have to be nagged by a "troublesome woman" ( his mother )

    as for Lee's return i dunno im a bit sketched out about this well. the only things i can think is Lee actually recieved surgery same day he told Tsunade he wanted to go through with it. this took place before the 5 Genin left after Sasuke. Meaning at the time they did leae Lee was already in his rehab stages- when Neji said something to the effect of"you have other things to worry about" when Lee said he wished he could go along.

    last but not least. for all of thoose so gabbing about how trong Kimimaro is and how he beat kyubi Naruto blah blah blah. this is strong DBZ chakra lvls do not direct translate into actual fighting stength. this particular nivers and series a more dynnamic than that. certain fighting skillz and abuility are more or less efective in certain situations.

    Only things tat sucks at this point is; for story to progress Naruto has to get beat silly by sasuske. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  9. #109

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Do you guys remember how the 4 sounds had time to set up traps and were taking a relaxed break in the woods when Shikamaru and the group finally go to them? I'm pretty sure quite a bit of time passed, but Kishimoto made it seem faster to keep the story going. He's trying to not bore use all you know. I think it's been a while and Lee had the surgery.... and he's just skipping the rehabilitation stuff. BUT... there is the scary possibility that he skipped the surgery at the last second and used the wound gate to heal himself temporarily... in which case, he's going to have a hard time against Kimimaro...

  10. #110

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Ok I'm a little lost...

    Shikamaru's learned not ONE but TWO jutsu's???!!!!! (sorry caps)
    Kiba ran away from Lee?
    Lee is BACK???????????????????????????????????? WTF WTF WTF WTF!
    WTF is going on? Way to break all the tension Kishimoto! I was hoping to see Lee struggle in pain during his operation, but noooo you have him jump right in. I bet ten bucks that we're gonna have a flashback nojutsu on lee's operation. But its gonna be so anticlimatic since we know he comes out smiling like a dope.

    Ah what the hell, Gai will probably explain that "YOUTH IS EXHILARATING!" and thats why Lee's back in action. I suppose that good enough for me.

    go lee go.

  11. #111

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Question: Did lee have his operation already? Like waay back before Shikamaru made his Genin ninja team, and Lee was just wearing those bandages because Tsunade hadn't removed them from his operation. That would make so much more sense if he was recuperating and why he could get there so quickly.

  12. #112

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Well now that Lee is back, it opens the door for a 2nd rescue team, Im hoping Kakashi is part of that team, and Shino gets some action too! This could all lead to a final showdown with Orochimaru vs Konoha's best + Jiraiya, and a Naruto v.s Kabuto rematch! Finally the story is progressing somewhat, I'd hate for Naruto to drag on like DBZ did...

  13. #113
    Ssj Bun Bun

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Frankly I'm a bit surprised, however very very happy to see Lee back in action. What I worry about however is that his healing is only temporary, and that the operation Tsunade was supposed to do hasn't happened yet. That puts him in alot of danger. If he is healed however, then the fight between him and Kimimaro is going to be a great one.

    I still want to know how Chouji and Neji are doing, but if Lee is fighting, then Tsunade-chan may be close behind helping them out. My concern is Kiba... his reaction of smelling someone coming seemed to be that of fear instead of joy, which is what he would feel if he smelled Lee. I belive Gaara still may be on his way.

    Now Naruto is after the new and obviously snapped Sasuke... He may have to break his word to Sakura after all. I would really like to see Rasengan vs. Seal 2 Level Chidori ^__^

    So the question is... Where is Sasuke running off too?

    1) - He's going to Orochimaru to be by his side - Likleyhood - Unlikley

    2) - He senses Gaara nearby and is off to test his new abilitlies against someone who defeated him before. - Likleyhood - Depends on if Gaara really is nearby or not.

    3) - He's totally snapped and is running about like a happy mad man! - Likleyhood - Rather High

    4) - He can somehow sense where Itachi is resting and is cackling and off for vengance now that he is a Curse Seal Level 2 (But I think Itachi could still whip his ass) - Likleyhood - Not that likley, but cool if it is.

    What do you all think?

  14. #114
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: Everon
    Question: Did lee have his operation already? Like waay back before Shikamaru made his Genin ninja team, and Lee was just wearing those bandages because Tsunade hadn't removed them from his operation. That would make so much more sense if he was recuperating and why he could get there so quickly.
    that would also explain why he said "I would also like to join" when they were gathering their group. Cause otherwise it wouldve made no sense for him to say that if he knew that his body was not functional
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #115

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*


  16. #116
    Genin BurnHavoc's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    I can already see mass celebration from all my friends when I tell them (they stopped watching the show and reading the managa after Lee got crippled)

  17. #117

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i still say a seal was placed on lee. but since kiba lost his fight i think another match up will take place. like him vs shino since both of them have something living off of them. all these click hanger endings is starting to get to me. i guess its safe to says choji and neji most of been taken back to the village.

  18. #118

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    the seal theory makes sense.
    Yeah, hope everybody is all right. As far as I am concerned, Saske could go and marry Oro. I can't believe how many people got hurt on account of that no good ahodara.
    I say, kill him and give his eyes to Lee-kun!!!!

  19. #119
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

    that would also explain why he said "I would also like to join" when they were gathering their group. Cause otherwise it wouldve made no sense for him to say that if he knew that his body was not functional
    it makes perfect sense that he said he wanted to join them. he could WANT to join them even though he knew he couldnt. like if youre sick and your friends are going to an amusement park and you tell them 'i wish i could go'

  20. #120
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    yeah but people who say that dont say it with a big grin like that. Also he didnt say "i wish i could go" he said, "I also happen to know whats going on"....the former can infer that he acknowledges his inability to participate, the the latter sounds more like something a person who COULD participate would say. And when neji says "you've got other things to worry about" could just be that he knew lee had the operation and he still has to recover from it
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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