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Thread: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

  1. #61

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    man i got so pumped when i read this chapter that i drop kicked my mom right in the face!

    lmao i don't think its corny at all, i love entrances like that.

    and the thought of tsunade only temporarly recovering lee for the time being seems more feesable then the operation happening already and him being completely healed. THIS was seriously the best part of this anime/manga since the lee, gaara fight.

    and btw.... i think lee would have whooped up on gaara, when he was doing the lotus with the gates open gaara quick used kawarimi when lee paused from the pain....... for some reason i can't see anybody surviving an attack like that lol. So maybe lee and gaara weren't as unevenly matched as we thought. (... well ... at least un-transformed gaara.. then lee would have just been f**ked.)

    freaking awesome chapter... its been a while since this manga has literally made me scream in front of my comptuer screen while reading it hehe :-D

  2. #62

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    if Gaara was in demon form Lee wouldnt have stood a chance, he only did so well against Gaara because Gaara was playing with him

  3. #63

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Insomniac man why bag out the stroy line like that theres nothing really wrong with it. I mean u havent even read the explanation and your already saying how bad it is....if u really think that then maybe u shouldnt be reading the manga man lol seriously

  4. #64

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Dumb, Dumb, dumb... Rock Lee's return was just dumb... why you ask?

    Simple because it came out from no where, atleast Kimi had some build up and foreshadowing to his arrival... Unless we get super flash back no jutsu immediatly in the next chapter Rock Lee's arrival is really lame imo...

    Hes a great character and all but he really seems outta place...

  5. #65

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Well were not completely sure that Lee will be fighting kimi alone. naruto might help. or the ninjas from the other team could be on their way to help and he's stalling for time. But if he's on his own............ I mean i love Rock Lee but he'll get owned.

  6. #66

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Naruto has to chase Saske... *yawn* Boy, that brat is annoying. Kakashi should have killed him right after he tried to kill Naruto. Just like the Sandaime should have killed Oro...They will all live to regret not having wacked kono kozo no yarou.

  7. #67

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: oni roh
    man i got so pumped when i read this chapter that i drop kicked my mom right in the face!

    freaking awesome chapter... its been a while since this manga has literally made me scream in front of my comptuer screen while reading it hehe :-D
    Yea I never really liked Lee- but his random entrance kicked ass!!!

    It's what make's it so great - you didn't see it coming because everyone thought Lee was crippled and gone - long long gone, and it made everyone sad. Kishimoto did a great job making us feel like it was the end of Lee. But those of us who are wiser know that in a good story - the character who seems to be down for the count always comes back.

    True, there wasn't any direct foreshadowing of this... besides the fact the author kept telling us "poor lee, poor poor lee, he's never going to fight again... poor lee" - wasn't it a great set-up???


    And doesn't everyone think ANBUpawn did a kick ass job on drawing up the Lee entrance? Dope as hell. Makes me want to learn paintpixel! I'm glad he/she/it strayed from the norm to get the coolest scene colorized! Sweetness! AHHHHH! I'm going to go dropkick my mom in the face now!!!

  8. #68

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers* has inane 209

  9. #69

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    nevermind someone beat me to it

    or you can read it online at our site

  10. #70
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    I can only say

    OMFG OMFG OMFG..... LEE IS BACK.. This is the best chapter so far.. Damn what joy that was.. I was f***ing amased to see Lee so quickly but now it will be much better.. This was the best thing they could do..

    <u>GO LEE!!!!!!!!!</u>

  11. #71
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    lee says 'konahas proud azure beast has been reincarnated'. is this a mistranslation or do you think he is calling himself azure instead of green now for some reason? maybe he can use ninjitsu now and his chakra is blue?

  12. #72

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    he said it once on the anime, and I still don't know why.
    Gai called himself green beast, which makes more sense. Still, I got that from the translation, so...don't quote me on that...

  13. #73

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: Insomniac
    didnt Lees appearance strike anyone as stupid?

    if Naruto doesnt stand a chance against Kimimaro at kyuubi how the HELL can Lee even hurt him

    Lees just gonna get beaten on seriously
    It looks like Kimimaro's strength so far, is Taijutsu. And, that isn't exactly where Naruto really shines. So, I think Lee is a great match against Kimimaro.

    Stupid or not, something big had to happen in the current arc of the manga - this is the remedy to an otherwise boring set of events of cliche fights and outcomes.

    And might I add, Kishimoto, you dog, you!

  14. #74
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    even though naruto has extreme power, he doesnt have the skill to fight someone like kimimaro. i think lee has the necessary skill. even kimimaro said 'hes good..'

  15. #75

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    im thinking Lee must have been in recovery when they Team left. if we recall he was with Tsunade and was telling her how he was gong to take surgery. they walked off together. its the 5th only explination for Lee returning to kick some ass, considering the said recovery and rehab was going to be a long and arduous.

    Looking at the Sannin, we are still in need of a medical specialist to follow under the 5th. the other 2 are accounted for with Sasuke, and Naruto. wich leaves( assuming its a female, it kinda has to be all the males are dead, dieing, or going to 0wn3d- stay shino. ) Sakura, Hinata, or Ino . i really dont know suspect that Ino, or Hinata will get the spot. so someone had to heal the wounded or they really will be dead. since standards teams include a medical specialist. a rule the 5th was somewhat directly responsable for. It seems incredibly unlikely she sent out another group to go wthout one. most likely a jounin is with Lee, as at this point the the jounin team has return to kohona. reported that it was the crew with sasuke in the box responsable for owning 2 jounin. Then again Lee could have jsut not been able to contain himself and went out on his own...

    only time will tell butim stoked to Lee back in action to say the least. i actually thought Itachi( from the forums not the story) prediction about Sasuke taking on Kimimaro to test his new strength was going to come true.

  16. #76

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    The more I think about it, the more something tells me that Lee isn't at 100%. Bad forshadowing imo. He might get gimped again.

  17. #77

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    BTW, kawai sou, Hinata-chan...still, unlike Sakura, she knows that Naruto is is sorta dense, but still likes him. Is it just me or Sakura is in denial of Saske lack of wits?
    Hope Hinata-sama starts her ass-kicking career soon...

  18. #78

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Also, if Lee recovered that quick, maybe Hinata became a medical specialist in the same amount of time. Last I've heard of her, she was looking for a hobby and she *is* known for carrying meds around... Would be cool if she became a doc in a team...

  19. #79

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Well, the whole Lee thing was definately unexpected...
    I'm curious who else is going to come and save the day.

  20. #80

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Kimimaro vs Lee will be a great match. He is more suited to fight Kimimaro than Naruto was. Plus come one guys...we alway knew Sasuke vs Naruto was gonna happen.

    So right now we have four fights going on AGAIN!

    Kiba vs Sakon/Ukon
    Shikamaru vs Tayuya
    Lee vs Kimimaro
    Naruto vs Sasuke

    Looks like their are still the Sound 4....

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