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Thread: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

  1. #121
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    maybe neji meant that he had not had the operation yet and that was what he needed to worry about

  2. #122

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    That's what *I* meant [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  3. #123
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    actually i was wrong, reading through it again tsunade asks if lee's sure about the operation shortly after the genins leave
    but maybe he still spoke with confidence that he would soon be recovered with the operation?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #124
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    there's abasloutly no chance that lee has already undertaken the surgery... you know why?

    A. Lee has begen the surgert at chapter 184, so he still has a long recovery to go through.
    B. the mission was dispatched at 5 AM, the current hour is about 5-6 PM, so even if the surgery is over, he still needs to cover 12 hours of movement...
    C. the operation involves opening up his spine, he'd be crippled in a wheel chair for a while...

    i hope that something happened and tsunde couldn't perform the surgery at that moment, so lee took the initative and ran to help. or maybe it's an akatsuki attack and tsunde ordered him to keep naruto as farther away from the village as possible.

    anyway, lee should have been under the knife right now if he would have really taken the surgery....

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  5. #125

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    It's all very fishy. I worry if Lee went there on his own, even without the operation. That's why, for me the seal theory is the only one that makes sense right now.
    Also, Lee is somebody who doesn't mind damaging his body, how did Neji call him? Hot-blooded? It's really worrysome if he went there before the operation and without anybody's permission.

  6. #126

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i don't think people in the world of naruto may perform surgeries with a knife. kabuto is for one

  7. #127

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i dunno he was walking with a crutch earlier, and he called himself reincarnated, so therefore he had to have something that brought his ability to fight again back to him. most likely the surgery.

    I mean after all this is ninja stuff not real life stuff, in real life surgery takes a long time, and recovery takes a long time too. However in the world of naruto ninjas are able to do things very quick, thus he prob had the surgery but isnt fully healed yet, or maybe he soldier pilled so that he could go fight after the surgery.

    Either way he better not fuck up his body again or itd just be annoying.

    Also i have a feeling he is not alone, because kiba sensed more than one person, thus i think some definite backup has arrived. More than likely shizune came back and told Tsunade what was up after she finished the surgery, she got some back up maybe worthless sakura, another doctor maybe, and hmm who else, maybe shino just back from a mission, or ino going to help out shika. more than likely Rock overheard them saying what was up and he got up and said, "bitches im goin too, and gai gave him the smile and thumbs up."

    Either way the probable back up will probably consist of shizune(tsunades pupil) rock and some other ninjas weaker than rock, cause he went for the main battle while the others are prob doin other stuff.
    Also they will need someone who can track them because rock has no real jutsu's so he probably wouldnt be good at tracking people down since hes just a brawler, so i guess hinata with a byakugan or kibas sister maybe with a dog, who knows.

    Also its possible that rock caught up as well as others, after all they were held back in that chakra sucking jutsu for awhile, they stopped several times, and most likely the sound nin didnt travel in a straight line because they had pursuers. Plus rock is just fucking fast as hell so of course hed be the first to arrive.

    wow thats long, hehe

  8. #128

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    It's funny, before i read it I was just talking about the fact that Lee's been out of commission for waaaaaaaaaaay too long. Also, i felt sorry for him because it seems like since the gaara fight there have been less lee fans and more shikamaru fans.

    i wonder.. if lee caught up to naruto, you think he would've passed at LEAST one of the other genins, well maybe he did and we just don't know it yet. i guess we'll have to wait and see [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    One thing though, if Lee gets seriously injured or even killed I will be REALLY pissed!

  9. #129

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Ninja world is not real, but it has to have some coherence, otherwise, people would be pissed. For example, I like Haku, but if he'd came back, I'd be pissed, cuz the guy is dead...

  10. #130
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    there's abasloutly no chance that lee has already undertaken the surgery... you know why?

    A. Lee has begen the surgert at chapter 184, so he still has a long recovery to go through.
    B. the mission was dispatched at 5 AM, the current hour is about 5-6 PM, so even if the surgery is over, he still needs to cover 12 hours of movement...
    C. the operation involves opening up his spine, he'd be crippled in a wheel chair for a while...

    i hope that something happened and tsunde couldn't perform the surgery at that moment, so lee took the initative and ran to help. or maybe it's an akatsuki attack and tsunde ordered him to keep naruto as farther away from the village as possible.

    anyway, lee should have been under the knife right now if he would have really taken the surgery....
    where did you find the time of the mission dispatch and the current hour?
    keep in mind that lee could prolly travel at least like, 5x faster than the other genins, and there have been multiple stops for all the various conflicts the sound guys have ran into. What concerns me is the way lee was being vague and saying "dont worry, naruto" when he was asked about his body
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #131

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    A few points to make...

    #1. Kiba said there were others that he smelled. If we assume that he wasn't refering to Sakon and his bro, it must've been someone else he was afraid of - because he said "Why are THEY coming this way." I would go with the theory that it is Gaara and gang - since Kiba would remember them from the Chuunin exam way way back.

    If this is true - I would like to see Gaara kick Sakon's ass, because we all know how the Sound village backstabbed the Sand Village. Finally - Gaara killing someone we don't like (Shigure we liked...).

    #2. Lee is the Proud Blue Beast, and Gai is the Beautiful Green Beast. It was stated somewhere way back when they were off somewhere. I remember reading it in the manga. And I do believe green and blue are separate colors in japanese - they have similiar sounds and traditional characters I believe. Japanese people aren't colorblind.

    There is also a color pic of Lee wearing his old green uniform by Anbu-Pawn in the inane translation. So I don't think he changed to a blue uniform. Like I said - he was always the blue beast, and Gai was the green beast.

    #3. Lee vs. Kimimaro. Kimimaro is probably barely Jounin if we compare him to the other Sound-4. He could probably take on any of them single handedly - but not all of them.
    so.... 2 Leaf Jounins < 4 Sound with lvl 2 seals --- Kimi = 2 of the Sound-4? (keep in mind Kimi has yet to use his lvl 2 seal, if he has it)
    We all know Lee's the #1 Genin, haha. Well Taijutsu skill wise. The only reason he didn't beat Gaara was because of Gaara's dumb luck - and Kimi hasn't really done anything extraordinary except dance around like a fairy, sounds like Capoera or Wushu. Shaolin vs. Wushu ... nice - let us see who wins.

  12. #132

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Capoeira fought with a razorblade can be deadly. Take a walk on the streets of Salvador, Bahia and you may change your opinion about it Kimi [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Still, he'd have to be a bit more tanned to be actually good at it...

  13. #133
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Ok, a kanji-inclusive analyzis of Rock Lee's appareance...

    Ok people, this is Rock Lee, not Gai, not anyone else unless that anyone else was perfectly copying Lee's accent, way of speaking and pose.
    Its possible, of course, but I just don't think so. Think of when Shikamaru henge-ed into Jiroubu, he got the looks perfectly well, but was discovered because of his accent/way of speaking.

    Concerning that... accents and dialects are VERY important in Japan. Someone who talks in Tokyo dialect talks very differently from someone with a Osaka dialogue or Kansai dialogue and so forth.
    Naruto speaks with a think, bad Tokyo dialect... for instance, instead of "nai" or simply "ai", he pronounces "ee", and adds "datte ba yo" all the time...
    Rock Lee has a very correct way of speaking, and uses "kun" at the end of boys name, and "san" for the girls. Even when he refers to Kimimaro he does so in a very formal manner... also, Lee uses "kimi" while Gai uses "omae" when refering to someone else.
    (Kimi/Omae - Both mean "you", but "omae" is ruder)

    Finally, Lee definitely introduces himself as the reincarnated beast of Konoha. There are two confusing kanjis here:
    Utsukushii - Can mean both "proud" and "beautiful" at the same time, so I'm assuming Lee has always used it.

    Aoi - Aoi means Blue. However, the kanji Kishimoto used was not the normal kanji for Aoi... "aoi" would be just the furigana (special reading given to the kanji), and I cannot say the true meaning of it. For all I know, it could well enouogh mean "azure" or a darker tone of blue, but my points here are...
    1) Lee's definitely not introducing himself as the green beast anymore
    2) He's not really the blue beast either ^^

    I also checked the anime episode 31, when Lee saves Sakura from the Sound trio, when he introduces himself (seems Lee loves doing Konoha senpuus and then presenting himself...), the subtitles clearly say "The beautiful green beast of the Hidden Leaf... Rock Lee!", but what Lee says is different...:

    "Konoha no utsukushii aoi yajyuu... Rock Lee da!"
    Meaning, literally, "The beautiful blue beast of the Hidden Leaf... Rock Lee!"

    So, all in all, it seems that BakaShinji was right and Lee has always been the Blue Beast. Why was it translated as green then, when the kanjis clearly say "blue" and the cartoon does as well?
    Beats me.
    Why does Lee wear green, too? Shouldn't he wear blue? I assume that's because of how much he admires Gai.
    But still doesn't make that much sense...

    So I'll be assuming that Lee is not going to change his uniform (we wont know for sure until the anime catches up), but I'm also firm in that Lee is Lee, no one is henge-ing as him.

    And that's all I have to say regarding Lee's color!!
    Wasn't that a waste of time? Yes it was!! Now perhaps I'll try investigating something that's worth it!!
    But now you know, kanji problems? Can't decide whether your favorite character is being himself or if someone's posing as him? You think someone changed his/her look without consulting you?
    You know who to call!!

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  14. #134

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    just watched 31 (anbu's version)

    it says beautiful blue beast ^_^. Maybe Toriyama's world got it wrong?

    I'm not sure if the green and blue have anything to do with what they wear...
    Maybe for Gai, he wanted a green uniform to match his name - but when they went to look for the same make and model for Lee, it only came in Green.

    Well - we'll know if there are different colors later when Gai gives a set of the Lee suit to Naruto =). Maybe his is orange?

  15. #135
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Most probably!! I though I had Anbu's version, but nope! It was Toriyama's World. How did something so easy went trough them? And so VITAL, too? I have lived in delusion. Rock Lee is not green, but blue!!!

    ::Runs away crying::

    Oooh, I'm so looking forward for when Gai gives Naruto his jumpsuit and Naruto actually thinks of wearing it until Jiraiya tells him he'd rather die than be seen with someone in that suit.... it might just be one of my favorite (humorous) moments in all of the manga.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  16. #136

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    If that's not someone using a transformation jutsu to hell with this. Just toss in some dragonballs and start wishing lee healed and kages back to life already.

    Oh wait, apparently there's already a jutsu for that...

  17. #137
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    While I think it's cool that Lee is back, doesn't anyone suspect that Kishimoto might have thrown this in just to gather some of his lost fans due to the current arc being stretched out?

    I mean, he did just pop out of nowhere.

    "Oh no, they're losing interest, this arc is too long. What can I do? Meh, I'll chuck Lee in, that'll keep 'em happy".

    Just kidding, I know he's most likely had the entire story planned out for ages. But it's worth a thought. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  18. #138

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i dont' think its so unbelievable as everybody thinks that Lee has undergone surgery and recovered already. The only thing that makes me think otherwise was what tsunade was saying about the surgery before the genin took off on the mission. BUT i have come to the conclusion on a couple things....

    1) Tsunade really doesn't think too highly of herself. Back in the Kabuto fight she said that maybe he had more skills then her in her prime or something like that, and i think that was already proved wrong when Naruto basically served it to him.

    2) Similar to 1 Tsunade is a lot more skilled then she thinks. She has amazing healing abilities and is one of the legendary nin's. Its not so unbelievable for me that she could perform the surgery on Lee and have him up and about in no time. Givin that we have all come to the conclusion that Lee is in no way FULLY recovered, but i do think its possible he already had the surgery.

    3) ALSO one thing that i myself have already forgotten. Everybody already said that Lee is nothing really special when it comes to being a ninja. No special bloodline, not a genious, can only do taijutsu, etc. But Kakashi also said back in the 3rd rounds pre-liminaries that Lee is no ordinary person to be able to open 5 of the 8 gates. Maybe Lee is alot more powerful of a ninja then we give him credit for.

    And Lee coming in to whoop some Kimi ass was probably the ONLY thing that could save this arc for me. It just made it a 0329523908320958095328032958 times better when he popped up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].

  19. #139

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i see it like this now naruto has to fight sasuke because he not going to go back willingly. so naruto going to have to force him to return and with no one around to stop them its going to be an all out fight. with kimi naruto seem a bit worried because ya the shadow clones is a good way to test your oponents abilities but for not even one to land a hit showed naruto that he was no joke.

  20. #140
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i remember there being a discussion about whether lee actually was a "blue beast" or a "green beast".....i think the general consensus was that blue was incorrect, since both of them sound similiar and could easily have been mistaken, and the fact that he's wearing green would make more sense for him to be "green beast" anyway.
    As for the people suggesting lee is gai in henge.....all i gotta ask is.....why? What would possibly be the point of gai pretending to be lee. All that does is confuse the good guys, as the enemy prolly has no idea who lee nor gai really is. It would just decieve his allies, and what's the advantage in that?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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