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Thread: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

  1. #201

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    won't that make this whole arc amount to CRAP? what you're describing means that the last 25 chapter were absaloutly a useless waste of time, where nothing changed and nothing happened
    If you think about it, what has the anime contained, from episode 22 until 66-67 it's been this chuunin exam, pretty damn dragged out... we need more things to be revealed...

  2. #202
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    i didn't bother reading any of the posts in this thread cuz i'm on a -56k since i'm home for spring break. yes, negative 56k, that's how slow netzero is.

    anyway, the chapter was pretty good. my thoughts:

    1. shika's fight needs to be over. shikamaru will either start spitting some game at tayuya or just be like "BYE" and get the hell out of there.
    2. i don't think lee is one of the "visitors". i think kiba is too far away to smell anything and he has the smallest chance of being found. so i think the visitors are still some bad dudes.
    3. i guess kimimaro is a taijutsu oriented guy so matching him up with lee is good. probably gonna be an awesome fight.
    4. really gay how sasuke didn't even bother turniing around.
    5. naruto will probably catch up with sasuke but sasuke is still gonna manage to get away.
    6. the surgery on lee happened too quick and lee recovered way too fast. yes, tsunade is the best medic, but the operation was suppose to be a 50/50 live or die thing. i know it hasn't been more than half a day since we last saw lee (right infront of the gates and left in the morning), but no way he should have caught up with naruto. the operation could've taken several hours, but no one is gonna recover that fast enough to show up without any bandages or scars or even look remotely tired. i think it's complete bullshit. either rock lee skipped the operation (which i doubt) or he's a saiyajin with a rejuvination chamber. bullshit.

    but rock lee showing up and introducing himself in that pose was pretty fucking cool.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #203

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Please poeple, go easy on the DBZ stuff (or, rather, just stop).
    Answer to number 5:I LIKE how Sasuke didn't turn around. Gives me something to look forward to seeing, his level 2 that is.
    Answer to number 6: A new kind of soldier pill perhaps?

  4. #204

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    yeah whats with the hate on dbz in my book it remains one of the greatest anime's ever

    but yeah the chuunin exam has been dragged on for quite a while its nice to have this change all of the sudden

  5. #205
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    well, this is the problem with lee's appearence.

    If Lee beats Kimimaru, then it means that Kishimoto's story telling and foreshadowing ablities are CRAP. Lee couldn't be back to normal so fast and kimi can't be so damn weak...

    If Lee loses to kimimaru, the it's either that Lee dies and Kishimoto loses readers and respect, even if lee survives (kimi decides to go after Naruto and stop him before killing Lee), then it still makes the story seem like CRAP.

    there's no way for this fight to end well, i can't see LEE runing away (since he is lee) or Kimi dropping dead suddenly (it was established that Kabuto and Oro believe he will bring Sasuke no matter what), and i don't think anyone new can drop into this fight and tell lee to go save naruto...

    heres a thought, gaara will come and say:
    "Lee, stand back! you don't have a ghost of a chance against a foe who reeks of so much blood. I, Sabaku no Gaara, Sand's third division captain, will be he's opponenet"

    it's from RK first OVA, when Saitou comes to fight Kenshin instead of Okita ("Okita, saretey-uo!"), my friends are kenshin addicts', so i'm one as well...

    seriously, though, can anyone come up with a fitting ending for Kimi\Lee fight? an ending that won't make Kishimoto seem like a total idiot?
    There are ways....

    The one that I believe most likely will happen is that they'll exchange blows for a while, and somehow Lee will become trapped or incapacitated, and Kim will say "you're not worth my time, my real goal is the Uchiha" or something, and he'll leave to chase after Sasuke and Naruto.

    Or alternatively, someone else (an ally) will rock up besides Lee, and Kim will be outnumbered, causing him to run away.

    In any event, I see Lee surviving without too much injury, and the same with Kim. Probably with Kim escaping/running for whatever reason.

    You're right though, there's no way Lee can die or be seriously hurt, and the same goes for Kim, because the buildup is too big for both of them.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  6. #206

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    For all Lee fans, its time to pay your respects cause I doubt he will be left standing after fighting Kimimaro. I have much respect for Lee but I doubt that he has even had surgery, I believe last minute he decided to take off and sacrifice himself for the good of Konoha!

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention that when Naruto asks "why, what about your body?", Rock Lee just tells him not to worry about it. If he had successful surgery and was healed he would at least hint that, but it seems that is not the case.

  7. #207
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    I doubt...well I hope Kishimoto doesn't be an asshat and cripple Lee again. Such a waste of a good character won't go over too well.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  8. #208

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    the fact is most people didnt even like Lee till he was presented as the struggling character.
    also, introduced Lee to fight Kimimaro was such a dumb idea...

    there is no way even if Lee uses the gates (WHICH HE SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO AGAIN) that he is going to beat Kimimaro if Naruto couldnt even lay a hand on him when he was using basically the most kyuubi power that he EVER has.
    not only does Kimimaro have a 2nd cursed seal level but he was the strongest out of all the sound nins.

    so far the only sound nin to actually win their battle has been Sakon, which is pretty damn stupid.

  9. #209

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Originally posted by: Haku no Fuyu
    It doesn't STEAL your life, it shortens it. Cells can only replicate a certain number of times.
    ok sorry my bad. I didn't want to get technical and bore you but here goes.
    yes you're right, your cells are limited in divisive cycles by the fact DNA degrades at the ends when your polymerases copy the strands during mitosis. However, all cells have inherent telomeres that replace the uncopied strands naturally in cells. This is why cancer cells and stem/germ cell lines can divide theoretically infinitely.

    asleep yet? anyways. Gaara theory.
    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Why would Gaara go after Oro? I don't think he exactly *loves* his father, to begin with...
    Sand and Leaf already signed a truce. It said way back in episode where they buried everybody and everybody was wearing all black. They're not tracking down sands anymore - it said so. It said they were more worried about reinstating the next Hokage and upping the Leaf's strength again.

    It would make the most sense that Gaara and gang are off on a mission by Sand to get revenge for the country. Why wouldn't sand be pissed after finding out Sound backstabbed them? And who's sand's perfect killing machine? Gaara - yay - perfect guy for the job. Plus I'm interested in seeing what Gaara's like now after facing Naruto. Maybe he'll turn into a sappy Rurouni - must atone for my sins character. haha - not likely. and i hate those kind of guys. So full of themselves *kenshin/vash* cough cough..... ah well... can't expect writers to come up with original stuff anymore.
    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    You're right though, there's no way Lee can die or be seriously hurt, and the same goes for Kim, because the buildup is too big for both of them.
    Anyone notice the trend and theme of all these chase Sasuke and beat up sound overrated Sound Four characters? Both parties get posterized!!!

    Lee's gonna get posterized, and so's Kimimaro. Their futures are death - my sharingan has foreseen it (and we all know how accurate that is...)

    Neji's going to be the only one that survives this arc - and they're gonna rename the series to Neji.

  10. #210

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    why the hell would they send Gaara after Orochimaru?
    thats pretty damn stupid.
    so after losing their hokage they're going to lose their best weapon, yes thats a real smart idea.
    think about it for a second why dont you? Gaara stands about the same chance of killing Oro as Sakura ending up with Jiraiya.

  11. #211

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    If Orochimaru could kill the Kazekage, Gaara has no chance against him. It would only make sense to send Gaara after Orochimaru if they were still tyring to have him killed, otherwise that would just be retarded.

  12. #212

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    How long in fact have they been chasing the sound five?
    I've predicted like 7 weeks ago that itachi and shark face would have kidnapped naruto just before he gets wasted.
    For that bone arm guy to say that rock lee was "good" was really odd, cuz when naruto went ape shit his chakara would
    have been like 100 times greater than lees.

    someone else in animesuki forum thought of this too, that lee is probally really itachi.

    also, lee would have came across fat ass, neji, probally not kiba, but definatally shika. but lee didnt
    help shika as we could see....

  13. #213

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    why dose eveyone think that kiba jumped into the water to hide because he smelt someone new. wasnt he in a bit more of an admedinant danger?

  14. #214

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Neji's going to be the only one that survives this arc - and they're gonna rename the series to Neji.
    You have great foresight. But, I will add this... Neji will survive thanks to Hinata's medicine and after renaming the series Neji they will rename it Hinata-sama. Neji will give up trying to be the #1 byakugan guy, Hinata will be recognized as the true heir of they Hyuuga, which in fact she is, after all. Then, Naruto will be the Hokage and will marry Hinata and they will rule over Konoha and live happly ever after.

  15. #215

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    with sasuka as there man Servent?

  16. #216

    RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    I see a lot of people are no saying that it's entirely pointless for Lee to have come out and fight Kimimaro, when it's a lose-lose situation. Now -- apparently there's going to be one other person coming into the fight. Assuming Kiba was talking about Rock Lee and someone else.

    So, if he was -- my best guess as to someone accompanying Rock Lee? I would say .. Gai. I haven't seen it mentioned before this, but, well - let's see. Let's say that Rock Lee's operation -was- a failure, and he's going to die. Don't you think one of the last things he'd want to do would be something along the lines of doing a mission with Gai? Hm.

    Seems like it's -possible-, although as unlikely as some of the other stuff.

    However .. Lee coming along with Gai seems like the most plausible thing in my mind. Since I Don't think Lee can beat Kimimaro and still keep the story intact. Not only that, but if he dies now, bringing him in at all seems rather .. well, I dunno. Saving Lee, and then killing him off the next chapter.. XD

    Anyways. ^^ I still think it could be Gai. My guess is they would have taken just about the same route as Shika and the rest (Though I don't see why we don't see them pass Shika) - Gai could have helped Neji (I'm a little doubtful with Chouji), get back to Konoha quickly, and that's why he hasn't arrived yet.

    Of course, I could be completely wrong. But Gai seems like the only logical person who would come with Lee and still be able to beat Kimimaro without messing up the story.

  17. #217

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    If Lee beats Kimimaru, then it means that Kishimoto's story telling and foreshadowing ablities are CRAP. Lee couldn't be back to normal so fast and kimi can't be so damn weak
    Dont forget, Kamimiaru is sick, i think...

    But also lets not forget an important thing..How many times will Lee bite the dust ? He did in the Forest in Chuunin exam, he did in the Preliminary Matches...and now too ? This is just getting ridiculous, i mean come on.. Rock Lee is clearly one of the most favourable charecters in Naruto, and yet they keep downgrading his reputation... Its sick when people say "Man sasuke is strong"..and u go "Lee > ALL"... the easiest reply goes "stfu Gaara owned his a$$ and same with sound nin's...what a lamer hahaa"

    Rock Lee has to put up some kind of fancy show...although, the thing we all agree on "48-50 are teh best epidodes in the series"

  18. #218

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Lee has a big chance against Kimmimaro, It's just it... he have learned some new move from tsunande (hopefully) or from gai, and he will not give up his struggling when he have come this far.

  19. #219
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Itach_, plz go find a bucket of ice cold water and stick your head in it...

    now, if you are done with the sucide attempt, let me tell me why you're so damn wrong...

    Havning tsunde both operate on him and teach him a new cool jutsu during the TWO DAYS she has been in the leaf (and a few hours since the operation started) is as far fetched as having Sakura learning from her anything usefull during their ONE meeting (tsunde: 'she's been visiting each day', Sakura: 'she's beutifull...' BAMN! Sakura isn't so usless?).

    Gai isn't in the leaf anymore, he left last night to a mission (otherwise he would have been there to walk the genins out or to be with lee in the operation).

    third of all, this isn't YYH or something, have you ever seen anyone in Naruto pull a 'my new move wins' stunt? the only time i can recall is during the FIRST chapter, where naruto won thanks to his shadow clones, but since then, no new move alone won a battle...

    Kimimaru might be sick, but both Orochimaru and Kabuto (a medical nin, even though you can argue about his motives) have no doubt about him retrieving Sasuke, and thier judgement about ninja condition is probably better than almost anyone else. and if you haven't noticed, kimi just displayed two (three) of the dances against more than 200 Naruto kyubi clone, and he has yet to spit out one drop of blood, do you seriously believe that fighting one LEE will be so much harder?

    Lee's only accepetable method of such a fast recovery is some sort of super pill, but that means he's going to pay the price later on (even if kimimaru doesn't kill him), and that would just suck... and having lee beat down Kimimaru is even stupider than naruto doing so, at least naruto had some resisting chance (thanks to the fox) and had a motive to do so, but Lee is just there cuz someone made him appear there, he turned this whole fight into meaningless beside to see who's stronger, which makes the whole build up (of both of the character) entirely useless!

    Lee better not be lee, i hope they show us the real lee in hospital next chapter, and then in the chapter after that, reveal 'lee' to be one of the bad guys, prefferably Kabuto, but also Itachi is ok. though i can't see why he should have any intrest in this fight, espically while if he wants he can get Sasuke to go after him just by revealing himself, but it can open up the whole 'itachi isn't bad' buisness, which is also mighty cool.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  20. #220

    Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*

    Well you have guts that's for sure, troublesome to writhe that much...

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