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Thread: Berserk

  1. #61
    As said before in this thread, I would start from Volume 1, there are a couple of details ommited in the anime that are important in the manga. The story is good, so you should have no trouble.

  2. #62
    Oh nice, another Berserk reader, well be sure to come by the manga thread in the General Manga section, although coming now you'll get spoiled hardcore, wait till you've caught up.

    Also, start the manga from the beginning as it differs to the anime a little.

  3. #63
    Is there a free online manga site like there is for naruto? Or where can I download them?

  4. #64
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    A warning bro I think you want to try the manga section of the site before the angry people show up and start talking about your intellect good luck
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Divinity
    Is there a free online manga site like there is for naruto? Or where can I download them? has all the manga plus many others.

  6. #66
    the way the story started in the anime is quite different from the manga. In the anime, the man said something about "the land becoming miserable after Griffith became king." I wonder what happened to the other characters who already showed up in the manga.

  7. #67
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I just started watching this anime and I don't see what all the excitement is about. It's a pretty bland and trite series so far (seen through ep 4). You have your usual anime cliches, pretty weak action, average animation of characters and fight scenes, and there seems to be no point or plot, and the homo-erotic relationship between Guts and Griffith isn't helping. Is it worth seeing the rest of this series?

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  8. #68
    Yes. Though the manga is where this series really shines.

  9. #69
    Don't judge Berserk after 4 episodes is all I'm saying.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I just started watching this anime and I don't see what all the excitement is about. It's a pretty bland and trite series so far (seen through ep 4). You have your usual anime cliches, pretty weak action, average animation of characters and fight scenes, and there seems to be no point or plot, and the homo-erotic relationship between Guts and Griffith isn't helping. Is it worth seeing the rest of this series?
    yes... by the end, you will look back on these words, and think it was heresy

  11. #71
    If you ask me, no. It's not worth watching _unless_ you've read the manga or if you have the active intent to read it.

  12. #72
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Now, now, all this hype is the reason Animeniax is doubting it in the first place. Yes, the manga is better (because it doesn't end where the anime does, doesn't end at all apparently).

    Unequivocal, Unbiased Review:
    Berserk is an epic. The manga starts in the middle, very traditional for epic series, but the anime doesn't have time for a lot of the intro. There's a very short scene in the very beginning of the first episode. The remainder of the anime is all flashback. We see Guts develop into an adult from an adolescent. It's an epic of betrayal, camaraderie, politics, loyalty, and combat. If you get attached to the characters, you can really empathize with their emotions and situations. Reading the manga (of which the series is a direct scene for scene excerpt) you already know what's happened, and yet you still get dragged into their story and sentiments.

    The animation is ugly because the series ran from 1997-1998. If you get a good dvd rip, it's better looking than Evangelion, which aired a year earlier. Speaking of the dvds, the dub is actually quite superb and the outtakes are some of the most beloved work in dubbing.

    As for the "homo-erotic relationship between Guts and Griffith," it's just one-way, and something that the dub outtakes make fun of...a lot.

    It's by no means perfect, but remember that the anime is but a fraction of the ongoing (and unfortunately recently declining) epic that the manga has become. Berserk is a true epic in the most literal definition of the literary style.

  13. #73
    I think you should see them both as seperate parts, so much got filtered from the manga, yet so much tension, in my opinion, got added to the Animé. The manga ,although pretty serious , is set in a fantasy realm, where the Animé should be seen as a political setting, with the occult added to it. ( there's blood in both though ^^, alot of it )

    I was trashed when I saw Berserk and after it sunk in, I totally loved it. The manga offers far more indepth information, with far more side"quests" and far more characters, but I understand why the Anime did away with them.

    They would've caused the series to drag on far too long and it would lose the tension that builds up towards the end.

    This is entirely based on how I see it, so this may not go for you.

    And I never got the feeling of homo-erotics.. there's this feeling of unbreakable trust, faith, almost worshipping, but definately no pink flowers and waving hands.

  14. #74
    You say it would drag on towards the end, the anime doesn't really end.. It just.. stops. At a point where you really don't want it to.

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Uberbaka
    You say it would drag on towards the end, the anime doesn't really end.. It just.. stops. At a point where you really don't want it to.
    Possible spoiler, drag your mouse to read it if you've already seen the animé.

    No you're wrong, it's probably the best ending in my history of Animé ever. I'm excluding NGE, because I hate Shinji , but the ending was goddamn shocking to me. You want Guts to rip them apart, you expect him to rip them apart. Instead he's just another sacrifice without power.

    Brilliantly executed. From the first till the last episode, Gut's is put in like the man, he can fix anything and then in those last three episodes, everything gets shattered.

    I think it's the best ending the animé could have, but it's not for carebears who want their Pokemon endings

  16. #76
    ?igma I know what you mean by getting a dark ending instead of a fairytale ending, since the anime was close to the manga's storyline at time of release is why they ended it there. If there was a second season in the future they've got to clear up the mess of not including spoiler and especially another spoiler who if you ask most people who have read the manga believe is the biggest cock up in the anime.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 07-22-2007 at 10:35 AM.

  17. #77
    Edited out the Spoiler, heh.

    This is the anime version for Berserk. Please don't include spoilers from the manga.
    Last edited by animus; Sun, 07-22-2007 at 03:52 PM.

  18. #78
    Apologies for including names. Although I didn't feel they were spoilers but sorry anyways.

  19. #79
    Isn't he spoiling by quoting you ? *confused*

  20. #80
    Yeah, I edited it out. Forgot that it retained it.

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