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Thread: Berserk

  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Umm, can we, like, have the second movie first before a trailer for the third? :/
    It will be released on DVD/Blue-ray the 5th of December.
    I don't know how long the translation will take, obviously.

  2. #242
    I just want to know what will happen after the 3rd movie and when

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Belial View Post
    I just want to know what will happen after the 3rd movie and when
    Prepare yourself for years and years of IdolM@ster.

  4. #244
    Hope the translation doesn't take longer than a week, like the first movie. Hopefully faster this time around.

  5. #245
    Berserk movie number 2 release on dvd/blu-ray today in Japan. Anyone gonna pick it up and up it?

  6. #246
    Ok guys forgive me for rezzing this thread but I did something long overdue, watched the original Berserk 25episode anime.

    And no - I did not like it - to me it has zero rewatchability.
    I liked the depth to the characters but the story itself has been unsatisfying and the ending made me want to shotgun off my monitor.

    I'm sorry if I'm going Animeniax on this but : This whole thing blows I watched the 1st movie and it still blows.
    So now I'm open to the idea I might not have understood Berserk's subtext.
    If you think that is the case, please make your argument, make me a believer.

  7. #247
    Maybe you missed the memo. The end isn't THE end.

    The anime was only made to promote the manga. The first 3 volumes of the manga isn't even in the anime and neither are the 30 ish other volumes that are after the anime. The anime is focused on showing how and why Guts became the guy he is. The anime is also censured in a lot of places that for those who haven't read the manga just won't understand. Like how Guts was sold by Gambino and raped by a man in his youth.

    The fact that Miura kills off everyone you have come to know and love (or hate) like pipin, corkus or knife-thrower whose name has slipped my mind is brilliant. It feels so meaningless and so powerful because you've spent the whole anime building a relationship with these characters. And Guts at the end having to watch Griffith rape Caska, so much anger, so much hatred, pain and sorrow gathered all at the same place, betrayel from the one man they all loved in the most profound and horrendous way. Pure genius!

  8. #248
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Ok guys forgive me for rezzing this thread but I did something long overdue, watched the original Berserk 25episode anime.

    And no - I did not like it - to me it has zero rewatchability.
    I liked the depth to the characters but the story itself has been unsatisfying and the ending made me want to shotgun off my monitor.

    I'm sorry if I'm going Animeniax on this but : This whole thing blows I watched the 1st movie and it still blows.
    So now I'm open to the idea I might not have understood Berserk's subtext.
    If you think that is the case, please make your argument, make me a believer.
    The manga is the single greatest Seinen in history, read that shit.

  9. #249
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Ok guys forgive me for rezzing this thread but I did something long overdue, watched the original Berserk 25episode anime.

    And no - I did not like it - to me it has zero rewatchability.
    I liked the depth to the characters but the story itself has been unsatisfying and the ending made me want to shotgun off my monitor.

    I'm sorry if I'm going Animeniax on this but : This whole thing blows I watched the 1st movie and it still blows.
    So now I'm open to the idea I might not have understood Berserk's subtext.
    If you think that is the case, please make your argument, make me a believer.
    Your taste sucks. Sorry.

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    The manga is the single greatest Seinen in history, read that shit.
    Will do.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Your taste sucks. Sorry.
    I accept your apology

    And Guts at the end having to watch Griffith rape Caska, so much anger, so much hatred, pain and sorrow gathered all at the same place, betrayal from the one man they all loved in the most profound and horrendous way. Pure genius!
    Well to me that was painful - because I spent so much time with Guts, with his hardworking ass trying to save more or less everyone.
    Everything blows up in the last episode, Casca, the whole gang - everything goes to shit.
    The final scene however is Guts walking off in the distance after getting a new sword -with nothing indicating the fuck he's going to do. Has he given up - is he gunning for revenge - or is he going to keep fighting because that's just what he does.
    How did he escape ? Did he fuck Griffith up just enough to run away ? Was he allowed to leave to go through a training arc and come back Kubo style.

    I'm sorry - I know for you the Berserk fans - I might just be going full retard.
    But for you all that watched the anime with or without reading the manga : Did the end satisfy you ?

  11. #251
    Your mistake was not reading the manga first. You dun' goofed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    is the single greatest manga in history, read that shit.


  12. #252
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    But for you all that watched the anime with or without reading the manga : Did the end satisfy you ?
    Watched the anime first, then started the manga.

    Of course, it didnīt leave me satisfied. Hence, me starting to read the manga. BUT: The ending of the original Berserk-anime is one of the most powerful emotional impacts an anime ever had on me. This surreal feeling of hopelessness, pure brutality, cruelness. Itīs never been done as well again.

  13. #253
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    Inazuma, you talked about the ending. You know what happens after he left. Remember episode 1? That's what happened. He tries to keep everyone safe at the same time as he wants revenge at Griffith. That's the tone the series continues with.

    You really should read the manga if you enjoyed everything but the end since the manga continues that story.

  14. #254
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Well to me that was painful - because I spent so much time with Guts, with his hardworking ass trying to save more or less everyone.
    Everything blows up in the last episode, Casca, the whole gang - everything goes to shit.
    The part of the series that's covered in the anime is basically just Guts' "tragic backstory" that explains what drives him to kick so much ass in the rest of the series, which you haven't seen, because the anime didn't show it.

    It's like taking, well, any other anime character with a tragic backstory, and making JUST that flashback into a series.

    Outside of that context, it's just real depressing if you never know that Luffy goes on to be a great pirate after Shanks sacrifices an arm to save him.

    Or that Ichigo goes on to hunt Hollows someday after a Hollow kills his mother.

    Or after seeing his brother slaughter his clan that someday Sasuke...becomes an asshole.

    ...they're not all great examples...
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 12-11-2012 at 02:31 AM.

  15. #255
    Berserk movie 2 released with chinese subs, or so it would seem. Not watched it yet so I don't know. See in an hour or two when it's down.

    The Second movie is indeed out... But it has Chinese subs and it is censured... So for those who doesn't want to wait, pick it up and enjoy ^^
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 12-11-2012 at 01:49 PM. Reason: Double

  16. #256
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Watched the anime first, then started the manga.

    Of course, it didnīt leave me satisfied. Hence, me starting to read the manga. BUT: The ending of the original Berserk-anime is one of the most powerful emotional impacts an anime ever had on me. This surreal feeling of hopelessness, pure brutality, cruelness. Itīs never been done as well again.
    Pretty much how I felt. Don't care what people say... the anime was fucking awesome.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Tue, 12-11-2012 at 04:47 PM.

  17. #257

  18. #258
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    For the record the Golden Age of Berserk is the only great arc of the series, so I really didn't mind the anime only covering that part. It's not like there was an option to just wait until the series was done, as even at the time it was obviously never, ever going to be finished.

  19. #259
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    For the record the Golden Age of Berserk is the only great arc of the series, so I really didn't mind the anime only covering that part.

    I actually prefer the later High Fantasy stuff that comes after the series to all the boring feudal stuff and the depressing demon crap in the first part of the series.

  20. #260
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post

    I actually prefer the later High Fantasy stuff that comes after the series to all the boring feudal stuff and the depressing demon crap in the first part of the series.
    You crazy. The tight plotting and air of foreboding in the volumes leading up to the Eclipse leads to the best character arcs. Berserk up to that point stands almost as a rebuttal to what it eventually turns into. Guts getting a team of generic RPG cliches and heading to Fairy World is so at odds with the "realistic", dread-filled depiction of the fantastical in the Golden Age that it feels like a different (worse) series.

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