Hello people... I see that there is a FTP up right now that is ratio. I do not like ratio FTP's and so I am offering access to my FTP to you all. I only have 100 gigs of anime but I am sure that you can find something worth while in here. ^_^ Anyways.. On to the goodies!

Port: 2003
Login: got
Password: woot
Users allowed at once: 3
Max simultanious IP's: 1
Max idle time in minutes: 2

And now for the rules:

#1 Do not hammer me
#2 Uploading, while nice of you, is not welcomed unless you PM me beforehand. I have limited space available now-a-days. The little free space I have is needed for other things. So if you would like to share something with me PM me and I will get back to you.
#3 Do not bitch or ask me if I can get something for you.
#4 Leech to your hearts content ^_^