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Thread: Disgaea

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  1. #1


    i just beated teh game and im kinda disapointed at the ending, but then again they did say that the ending all depends on how u play, and i got a sad ending, anyways i just wanted to know if anyone beated this game and wut ending they got. i got a sad ending oOo and i wanna know how stong there chars are, me my laharl is at about level 859 and thats about it all my other chars i dont care about but thast wut i plan on doing next level up my other chars

  2. #2


    Well im on the battle with the seraph. I dunno if thats the last battle or not but my characters are only at like level 70. Is that not enough?
    Oh and in my game Flonne got turned into a flower. I dunno if thats different for other people.

  3. #3


    There are four or five different endings to the game. I've seen two, I can see the others, but I'm concentrating on stealing from and beating the second for of Baal.

  4. #4


    I havent beaten my game yet, but Mike got the Flonne into a flower one..

  5. #5


    The way that I've heard: if you accidentally kill one of your characters, you get the flower ending. If you manage to beat it without killing one of them, you get a better ending (haven't gotten it yet so I can't describe it). There is also an ending for beating the hidden Earth missions and probably another one or two out there.

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