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Thread: Manga: 20th Century Boys

  1. #21

    20th century boys

    Here's volume 20 chapter 9

    Get it before the link expires...

  2. #22
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    20th century boys

    I prefer Monster much much more over 20th Century Boys.
    For one, Monster is more realistic. Also, the theme itself for Monster - the monster within human nature - is, well, more intelligent and meaningful?

    Sometimes, I get this feeling that 20th CB is a little pointless... =|
    What is the point that the author is trying to get across?
    That rock music has great moving powers??? *scratches head*

    But nonetheless, it has a complex and intriguing plot.
    Looking forward to the release of Vol 21. Hopefully it'll finally bring an end to this Tomodachi saga.

  3. #23

    20th century boys

    I don't know... I really like 20th Century Boys... I especially like the time jumps, seeing Kanna and the Kenji gang grow up into adult hood is very appealing for me...

    There is no need for the author to get a point across... good story to read is plenty for me...
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 01-05-2007 at 02:11 PM.

  4. #24

    20th century boys

    For those of you that couldn't download the series through IRC, kAi uploaded it here if you guys want to download it... Now you can catch up.

  5. #25
    I just caught up to volume 21.

    Got stuff as always, and that last chapter was awesome on how it ended. Can't wait for volume 22, which will be the end of the manga. Manga-Heaven won't release magazine scans, so we'll have to wait till the tank comes out.

  6. #26
    I hope people haev been reading, cause volume 22 chapters 1-3 have been out, and this manga is just so amazing. Get it from there IRC: #Manga-Heaven

  7. #27
    I've read up to chapter 2 of volume 22, got to get chapter 3...

    Anyways, I hope we see a final confrontation soon because I feel like Kenji needs some more "screen time", he's pretty much been neglected for the better part of the last half of this series.

  8. #28
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Awesome manga. I think i started a thread about it 1 or 2 years ago. But oh well. Its really good. And I liked the way how it all seemed like it was written by a kid and then got so complex but felt like your reading a 5 year old kids creation after all.

    you can't shoot a man when hes singing on his guitar~!
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  9. #29
    Yeah, that line was awesome. And you didn't create a thread, but you did recommend it to me in my "Gimme some freaking manga" thread.

    Chapter 5 of volume 22 is out.

    I thought it was a nice chapter. Any chapter with Kiriko is a good one, now that doctor that was introduced is a weak pussy. The Keroyon getting shot at was pretty funny, but that last scene was kinda creepy with all the children wearing the masks. Didn't we see some of these kids playing earlier inside the World Expo where Friend is?

  10. #30
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    i think i read the wrong a little lost

  11. #31
    It's always healthy to download a couple of chapters from where you think you left off, to make sure you're reading the correct thing. Done this a couple of times already with this series.

  12. #32
    I wish they'd be scanlated faster, 21st Century Boys, like an epilogue revealing confusing info, and wrapping up various things is already on it's 8th chapter.

  13. #33
    Finally read the final volume of 20th Century Boys... good stuff as always, but still confusing as hell. I liked when Kanna woked up and it was the same scene that was seen in the first chapter after the time jump... or was it the first scene of the manga?

    Pretty much no one is scanlating 21st Century Boys, except for one chapter, wich is a shame. It's 2 volumes long, and it should give a real conclusion to the story... can't wait.

    Here's the first chapter for 21st Century Boys:

    You're better off by getting it from their irc channel:
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 09-14-2007 at 07:35 AM.

  14. #34
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    OMG! bad ass manga so far up to Volume 10, I got it from Anyone know where I can get the Monster manga? I have read it before but somehow I lost the site where I got the manga from a long time ago.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  15. #35

  16. #36
    20th Century Boys to get a Live-Action

    Was looking through ANN news when I saw this. Maybe this'll turn out good. Was always a shame it never got adapted into an anime.

  17. #37
    Yeah, I've seen news about that for some time now. Don't really care much for it to tell you the truth since I've never been a fan of Japanese live-action. It is indeed a shame this hasn't gotten animated, but Naoki Urasawa has had a few of his series animated, so it wouldn't surprise me if it did (Yawara, Master Keaton, Monster).

    On another note, I missed that 21st Century Boys is fully scanlated.... going to get that and finish the series ASAP.

  18. #38
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Weird, I haven't seen this thread active in a while and then just when I finish the entire thing, it pops up. So I might as well throw my brief, nonspoiler, two cents here...

    I've been reading a whole slew of "psychological"/mystery mangas lately and I really enjoyed 20thCB, if only for its storytelling... the "edits" the mangaka made throughout the series really gave a movie-production feel to it, you know? I kept thinking about Memento when I was reading it haha =]

    I would say more but I'd hate to give anything away. By the way, does anyone know why they broke off the series so awkwardly and continued with 21stCB? Was there a gap in publication or something?

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