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Thread: How did u come to NARUTO?

  1. #81

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    My friend recommended it to me about a year ago, and i've been waiting ever since for each episode/chapter of manga to come out each week!

  2. #82

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    I found out from forum people talking about it. I think it was on like ep 71 when I found out, I had them all watched by ep 73. I work and have college too, so that tells you how little of a life I have [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #83

    RE: How did u come to NARUTO?

    when i had started watching it the series was already around 34. it was my friend that got me intrested.

  4. #84

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    How did I come to was over a year ago I believe...I had downloaded some eps jus because I'm what you call an "anime packrat", and one day I watched..been hooked since the first ep!!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  5. #85

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    Shonen Jump. Complain all you want about it, but it's an awesum's because of that magazine that I found out about 2 of my favorite animes, Shaman King & Naruto.

  6. #86

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    my friends told me early last year about it and told me to download some but I never remembered. So he gave me a burnt DVD of the first 25, started watching and loving it. Whilst watching those 25 I downloaded the other 9 and watched all 34 episodes in one long go, since I was off work for a couple of days sick. A nice way to spend a sick day or 2 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #87
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    How did u come to NARUTO?

    My friend brought his 80 gig hard drive to my house to watch anime. And at that time he had like episode 1-21. So we watched the first episode. And then we watched the second episode. And then we watched the third episode. And then we watched the fourth episode. And then..

    Simply put it. I was hooked on to it ever since.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  8. #88

    RE: How did u come to NARUTO?

    My brother said that i might like this anime!
    I only used to watch Shadow skill then but now the only thing i watch is Naruto! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #89
    ANBU hiddenpookie's Avatar
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    Miami Fl- Grimey Suburbia

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    well i was reading s.j. febuary '03 issue i read naruto..and around that time i knew about fansubs.bla bla went to an irc channel some one kept on posting about naruto and its all great and all and ive been d/l it ever since.then in november i found and it went downhill since then lol j/k.....

  10. #90

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    A friend of mine from college (Kagashi) was watching an episode with another guy in the class, at this time it was i think episode 70 or so? And i quickly downloaded all the episodes and caught up in two weeks (thats a lot of episodes to watch) and i have to say its been one of my fav anime series.

    I am also trying to introduce those guys to different animes too because the only one they actually like is Naruto...

  11. #91

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    First saw Naruto online and was pretty turned off when the art then.
    I ran out of anime to watch during one of my school vacations (slightly more than a year ago)... couldn't stand the boredom...and I was forced to watch Naruto as a result.

    Strange enough, I now love the artwork of this anime.

  12. #92

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    A couple of classmates of mine where fans of Naruto, discussing episodes in class and such. Now at the time i thought Animes where pretty much Pokemon and DBZ, and asked them how they possibly could find such crap interesting. Luckily, my friend had just burned 72 episodes to CD's, and was kind enough t lend them to me...
    Needless to say, i got hooked....bad. I finished watching all 72 eps in little over 2 days. Now i can't get enough of it.

  13. #93

    How did u come to NARUTO?

    Was helping run a booth at CNAnime convetion in toronto and ppl kept askin naruto stuff, i had also heard ppl where paying s$$$ loads of money for some , at the time i thought, stupid head band thingy and wondered what the hell was all the hype about, so i went home downloaded at the time around ep 24, and was hooked rite away, and of course i got lots of my friends hooked after bruning them to cds hehehehe...

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