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Thread: The Sharingan

  1. #1
    The sharingan can copy any jutsu exept for bloodline jutsus right?

    And then my question is.

    Can like sasuke copy narutos rasengan? I mean, Naruto worked a long time to master it. And it would be low if sasuke would copy it.

    And another thing is.
    Sasuke used his sharingan many times while fighting with or against naruto, and
    the sharingan copies everything it by itself, so maybe sasuke knows all of narutos moves like kage bunshin and rasengan.

  2. #2
    probably Sasuke learned Kage Bunshin no Jutsu from Naruto but I don't think that he could perform the Rasengan if he only copies it from Naruto, remember that Rasengan needs a huge amount of Chakra which Naruto gets from Kyuubi. Second, I don't think Sasuke has mastered his Sharingan enough to copy such a high level technique like the Rasengan.

  3. #3
    Rasengan is not really a jutsu. It is simply a form of chakra manipulation and thus can't be copied. Naruto's kage bunshin can definitly be copied since it requires seals to perform the jutsu. Rasengan doesn't require hand seals and even if it did it couldn't be copied.

    Sharingan can't copy all types of non-bloodline techniques. Just consider summoning for example. It does require hand seals but it requires a contract with the summoned animal and therefore sharingan is useless against summoning.

  4. #4
    I think he can copy kage bunshin but he has no use for it. He doesn't have a giant supply of chakra like naruto so it would give him a disadvantage in battle.

    About the lee speed thing (even though it hasn't been mentioned in this topic). Sasuke copied his taijutsu. Not his speed. Sasuke had to gain that speed in a month. Because he was an Uchiha he was able to do that. It was his blood that enabled him to do that not his sharingan.

  5. #5
    even if the sharingan can copy the movements required for the rasengan...which i really dont doubt... the rasengan requires a specific amount of chakra control and manipulation beyond what most ninjas. especially sasuke whose chakra control wasnt very different from narutos in the tree climbing excersise. and i really doubt that sasuke did the kind of chakra control training that naruto did with jiraiya since

    1) during the time off in the chuunin exam he was focused on taijustu training and 2) while naruto was learning the rasengan...sasuke was out cold

    sure...sasuke learned the chidori which requires the ability to focus chakra in a specific area...but that cant be much different from the tree climbing training...and the chidori requires no chakra manipulation like the spinning of the rasengan

    the sharingan is only suited for coping movements as sasuke proved in the first part of the chuunin exam...and as lee pointed out the sharingan doesnt cut it if it cant keep up with the speed...the same is true for chakra control and manipulation

  6. #6
    actually the sharingan copy stuff by itself.
    It's a kind of a defense mechanism.
    it says so right here,sharingan

  7. #7
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (EpoC @ Feb 29 2004, 02:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> actually the sharingan copy stuff by itself.
    It&#39;s a kind of a defense mechanism.
    it says so right here,sharingan </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    i went to that site and it said this.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Although it uses up chakra when used, this advanced bloodline requires no hand seal to be performed; the user just focuses some chakra on his eyes, bringing the Sharingan to the surface</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    it means it doesn&#39;t do it by itself, you need chakra inorder to use it. u need to focus chakra on his eyes... you are wrong epoc. you should read the site better.

    it is same concept as byakugan, you need to activate it inorder for it to see chakra.

  8. #8
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (villin @ Feb 28 2004, 07:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Rasengan doesn&#39;t require hand seals and even if it did it couldn&#39;t be copied. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    The Rasengan does have seals, Jiraiya just thought that they were too complicated to teach Naruto.

    So what&#39;s the difference between using the seals and not using them? My guess is that using the seals causes the chakra to be more efficient and organised, a more focused attack, whereas performing it without seals uses raw power and is probably very raw and hard to control.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    its impossible for sasuke to copy the rasengan. i mean he can see how it works but he cant perform it. thats the weakness of the sharingan, it can see how stuff works but cant perform it. the person himself must learn how to do it. of course this only applies to stuff without handseals such as narutos version of the rasengan.

  10. #10
    he meant that when it is active, it works by itself &#33;

  11. #11
    i just thought of something... THERE is a chance that it does work on its own because it seemed to drain kakashi&#39;s chakra on its own... so im guessing that as soon as u turn on sharingan it starts doing stuff on its own, but u need chakra inorder for it to copy stuff on its own. sasuke fighting in the prelim exam proves it, because kakashi says not to use the sharingan, and he knew it drains his chakra.

  12. #12
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (villin @ Feb 28 2004, 07:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Rasengan is not really a jutsu. It is simply a form of chakra manipulation and thus can&#39;t be copied. Naruto&#39;s kage bunshin can definitly be copied since it requires seals to perform the jutsu. Rasengan doesn&#39;t require hand seals and even if it did it couldn&#39;t be copied.

    Sharingan can&#39;t copy all types of non-bloodline techniques. Just consider summoning for example. It does require hand seals but it requires a contract with the summoned animal and therefore sharingan is useless against summoning. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    you have no basis for what your saying

  13. #13
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    About Kage Bunshin...

    Naruto used it infront of Sharingan Sasuke only two times, in the gaara fight and the hospital fight, I doubt Sasuke was in the appropiate mental mode to copy it in any of those fights...

    Jiraya thought Naruto the raw version of the rasengan for a few reasons:
    - to increase Naruto&#39;s Chackra Control.
    - to improve Naruto&#39;s chackra output abilities.
    - to protect the jutsu from being copied by Itachi&#39;s sharingan (they don&#39;t want to give such a jutsu to thier enemy).
    - cuz naruto is too dumb to remember long senqunces of seals, and would mess up if he tried to remember (he can&#39;t remember an Haiku properly, how could he remember 20+ seals?).

    I don&#39;t think Sasuke would be able to do any of these two anytime soon, maybe after training with Oro he could do kage bunshin, but i doubt that Kishimoto will have Naruto lose his special jutsu.

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  14. #14
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    it&#39;s funny how people go to these FAN sites for references. i know for a fact that i can answer a question about naruto just as well as the staff at can. but i&#39;m not saying this to disrespect, i&#39;m just saying that some of the information is just personal assumptions and theories.

    anyway, for someone like sasuke, who is a natural born sharingan user, he needs to &#39;activate&#39; sharingan in order to use it. when he is using it, whether it&#39;s copying by itself or sasuke is forcing it to, it uses up chakra. but for someone like kakashi, who had an uchiha eye implant, he needs to cover it up or it&#39;ll use up chakra because the eye will start copying things at random. the reason why it uses up chakra is because the eye isn&#39;t his and he can&#39;t turn it on and off like sasuke can.


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  15. #15
    owned by dazzz, beautifully explained.
    i find alot of info at
    arent very precise too. catched alot of errors and assumptions.

  16. #16
    i DOUBT that sharingan can just copy jutsus by itself. you have to make it copy. and im sure sasuke does not want to learn Naruto&#39;s move, you know, because sasuke thinks hes at a higher level than Naruto.

  17. #17
    Agree with jing... it&#39;s the same principle with mange-sharingan you can actually do whatever you want if you have succeeded that technique... make a illusion - stabb them with kunai&#39;s for 72 hours, kill them, make them experience sorrow moment&#39;s in their life etc...

  18. #18
    There is a guide book? haha kewl

  19. #19
    I think most of their info is based on the info in the Naruto guide book.

  20. #20
    sasuke needs the third dot 2 copy the jutsus like kakashi and itachi not jus the lame 2 dots

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