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Thread: what do you think happens to....

  1. #21

    what do you think happens to....

    It puts the lotion in the basket

  2. #22

    what do you think happens to....

    augh..... don't remind me (cool movie though)

    so anyway, i guess the original soul is killed/disposed of and all that remains are strong intentions.

  3. #23

    what do you think happens to....

    i just read something interesting in chapter 199 page 17
    kabuto says that he's in a body THAT WON'T PERMIT TRANSFER FOR ANOTHER FEW YEARS

    does that mean that body swapping timeframe is dependdant of the body he uses ?

  4. #24

    what do you think happens to....

    i think it means that if he keeps changing bodies so often then it would be dangerous to himself so doing it every few yrs could give his soul time to like stablize or something to where its not in any danger to change to a new body

  5. #25
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    RE: what do you think happens to....

    that could be right. i also think that the immortality jutsu has a cool down timer of 3 years. HA

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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