www.narutofan.com has it in his manga list now
I'm in the proccess of reading, shall post impressions soon ^^
www.narutofan.com has it in his manga list now
I'm in the proccess of reading, shall post impressions soon ^^
It's Raw, dohhh?!
D'ooh, raws are usually japanese, moron. As in, you know, Kishimoto Masashi? Japanese?
Other than that, meh... didn't seem all that exciting to me. Only gross. But Shikamaru-lovers (if there are any) will like it.
omg, from the looks of it, shikamaru turned those summons against tayuya. awesome. the translated one is gonna be awesome.
Yeah, and I think that the tentacle things that come out of the summoned monsters minds have the ability to eat souls... or something like that. A la Sealing Jutsu that the 3rd used on Orochimaru... it looks like it at least, since one of the things was about to bite Shikamar and, while he avoided it, he still got hurt and it looked like the tentacle was biting a smoke-like arm...
Anyway, it'll be long before Shikamaru's fight ends. Tayuya still has to go on to level 2, and Shikamaru will be in a pinch again, and then he solves it, looks like he dies... and I just wanna see what happens with Naruto, Kimimaro and Sasuke (though I can live without Sasuke).
yeah one of the summons ate his soul arm
i don't think it'll really be a problem after shika wins the fight. he has tsunade to heal his arm.
i cant wait to see his strategy it was kinda confusing without english, but it looked uber smart!
I figured this would be an all Shikamaru chapter, I tend to the like it when all 3 of them are in it, but this was a decent chapter. Looks like he used the shadows casted by the Sun or whatever to get all 3 of them, either that or its a new sunburst shadow technique he has.
I would give it a 3.5/5
Damn this Raw threads. i end up looking at it and find spoilers. Cant wait for it ether way
Why would you read the thread if you haven't read the chapter yet? That seems really illogical to me.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
probally because he's looking for a download for it?
anyway, great chapter, really good, nice to see some lesser nija abilities winning the round, instead of the whole "my super secret ability is stronger than yours" thing.
just looking (since i can't read it) but it appears that shika has the summons in a shadow bind, so it looks like he wont be able to control them for too long, maybe they'll just go beserk after he lets them go? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Does anybody want me to translate it? The RAW happen to be in chinese, and I know how to read chinese.
Yeah jing I saw a picture of you in the "post a picture of yourself" you sure looked like an authentic chinese ^^ ... Hehe you're born there or just know it from studying?
know it from studying, and parents chinese. wasn't born there.
Japanese Naruto ch 207 raw!
Yeah, but still....Originally posted by: Trip
probally because he's looking for a download for it?
You can get the link without reading the posts, or you can just go to known manga source sites and find it for yourself. I just think it's crazy to read the discussion of a chapter you haven't read yet then complain about spoilers.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
the Thread with the manga links is Gone.
For future reference usually when you see a raw thread that means the raw is probably gonna be at Narutofan.
Too bad you have to be a memeber to get anything from there. not nuf need to sign up if i can get the stuff somewhere eles