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Thread: Favorite Movie!

  1. #1

    Favorite Movie!

    My personal favorites are easily without doubt

    #1The Returner - The best specialeffects ever, love the bullet-time angle.. and the aliens were so real
    #2When the Last Sword is Drawn - Gotta love em, the shinsengumi are just too cool..


  2. #2

    Favorite Movie!

    I have both movies but they aren't the best.

    #1. The Crow
    #2. Memento

  3. #3

    Favorite Movie!

    1) Alien Quadrilogy
    2) Ring Movies (the Japanese ones)
    3) Akira

    ok so that could count as like 10 movies - but 1 and 2 are loads of films that are related, so that counts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Favorite Movie!

    1) any lord of the rings, i was a big fan of the book
    2) old school, just TOO damn funny
    3) fist of legend, (big jet li fan)

  5. #5
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Favorite Movie!

    i cant do top 3, too difficult [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] so ill do top 10!!!

    10: Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (Funny as fcuk!)
    9: Ghost in the shell (classic of course, series was even better. and 2nd gig is amazing so far [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] )
    8: Green Mile (I almost cried [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] )
    7: Reservoir Dogs (the best tarintino film without a doubt, and YES I HAVE SEEN PULP FICTION)
    6: Shawshank Redemption
    5: Matrix trilogy (i dont care what ANYONE says, all 3 films were ownage)
    4: Platoon
    3: Scarface (love the direction and the soundtrack of course [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img])
    2: Akira (my introduction to anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img])
    1: LOTR trilogy (loved the book, loved the films)

  6. #6

    Favorite Movie!


    1. LOTR trilogy
    2. The princess Bride
    3. Labrynth

  7. #7

    Favorite Movie!

    1.) The Last Samurai
    2.) LotR Trilogy
    3. ) Fight Club

  8. #8
    ANBU hiddenpookie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Miami Fl- Grimey Suburbia

    Favorite Movie!

    1 last samurai
    2 scarface
    3 any bruce lee movie

  9. #9

    Favorite Movie!

    1. Fellowship of The Ring
    2. Return of The King
    3. the Two Towers

    ...wait, do they count as one? if so, throw Star Wars movies, Star Trek 1 through 8, and guaranteed the Naruto movie that's coming out in that mix.


  10. #10

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    1. Forrest Gump
    2. LoTR

  11. #11

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    OOO, new fave, watched it last night. Matchstick Men is incredible...I think I'm in love with Alison Lohman.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    1) Band of Brothers miniseries
    2) LOTR Trilogy
    3) Star Wars Episode 4,5,6
    4) Gladiator
    5) Don't Be A Menace

  13. #13

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    The Rock
    Pulp Fiction:
    Tarantino is a genius, where did he ever come up with having Ving Rhymes (big black guy) bent over and done in the butt

    Don't be a Menace
    Pootie Tang
    Super Troopers
    Old or low budget horror movies
    (so bad or gorey that it's hilarious)

  14. #14

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    I've never downloaded as much movies as I've done the past several weeks... Gotta have a new rate

    #1 - The Returner
    #2 - When the last Sword is drawn
    #3 - Zatoichi (the new '2003')
    #4 - The Return of the King
    #5 - Twilight Samurai


  15. #15

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    hmm...gotta be:

    #1 Ocean's 11
    #2 The Matrix (first one, the sequels blew)
    #3 Death and Re-Birth (sorta always watched together, so i count them as a movie [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

  16. #16

    Favorite Movie!

    Zatoichi is out for download? Where can i get it?

  17. #17

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    It was released on DVD yesterday, though a group called HLS has already made a DVD-Rip.. I got it from suprnova otherwise DC++ is good... the movie roxxs, much fighting and the effects are at the top.

  18. #18

    Favorite Movie!

    thanks man

    Well i might as well make a list.
    In no particular order

    Seven Samurai
    The Shawshank Redemption
    All of the Back to the Future movies
    Any Marx Brothers movie. Favorite one is "A Night in Casablanca".

  19. #19
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali

    RE: Favorite Movie!

    i don't really have a #1 favorite...but i'll just list a bunch.

    the wood
    reservoir dogs
    25 hour
    american history x

    and i think troy is gonna be on my list...that looks waaay bad ass.

    i won't list scarface since that's EVERYONE's favorite nowadays.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #20

    Favorite Movie!

    1: LOTR trilogy
    2: Last Samurai
    3: MAtrix and Forrest Gump tie [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    4: Swordfish (hate me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

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