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Thread: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

  1. #21

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Mmmmm sweetness, and a good one too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Okay let's get the discussion running. This episode is a long awaited punch in the face for the Zaku & Kin fans (are there any?) aswell as an even more long awaited appearance by the bug boy. Other than that it was yet another great episode though a few parts were a bit dragged out (probably so they could end the episode with a Shino & Kankuro frontation). Pretty funny btw how the next episode will be about Gaara & Sasuke and not about the two combatants that were just revealed. That's just stupid. A real teaser!

  3. #23

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    well u dont actually know that it wont show it coz 72 didnt show anything about Jiyaira but he appeared in 73 and kicked ass hehe.

  4. #24
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    True but Jiraiya's appearance in ep 73 was pretty fast... and judging from the preview & title it will be very centered on Sasuke/Gaara.

  5. #25

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Great Episode, I never thought I would see that face on orochimaru, he was really scared! it felt good somehow... I hope we will see the end of the hokage battle in the next episode not only the sasuke vs gaara fight.

  6. #26

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    will orochimaru's soul be ripped away from him? or will the hokage die before he can completely take orochimaru's soul?

    find out in episode 74! same time, same channel!

  7. #27

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Wouldn't it be "Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!"

    Good stuff though. Need one read the manga, and/or be prescient, to tell you all that this is going to be the most-funnest-bestest arc in a long while?


  8. #28

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    this is where reading the manga becomes hard on us. when people speculate whats happaning. dont worrie my lips and fingers are sealed. and i guess the speculation that it was a diffent Jutsu then the 4th used to seal the demon Fox have beeen somewhat blown away. i guess the 4th sealed it into naruto instead of going into the the death gods Tummie. at lest thats what i am thinking.

  9. #29

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    It doesnt make sense when the Hokage says to himself that "This is what the 4th saw and was telling me about using this jutsu." If the technique makes you die after completing it, how was the 4th gonna tell the 3rd? I'm also assuming that the 4th used it to seal Kyuubi. Just my 2 cents.

  10. #30

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Already got it and watched it ;P

  11. #31

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Well i wount be shocked if the 3rd was standing next to the 4th at the battle. Now to see the 4th actually do the Jutsu Be way cool to see

  12. #32

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Perhaps Sarutobi watched Yondaime use this technique on the Kyubi, that is why he knows it so well. Either that or Yondaime could have taught it to Sandaime before the fight with the Kyubi.

    Hopefully next episode it will 75% Shino vs Kankurro and 25% Sasuke vs Gaara

    I am more excited to see the Shino and Kankuroo fight.

  13. #33

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Will the Sarutobi need a baby to seal himself and Oro inside? It didn't seem that case with the sealing the second and the first.

    Its probably best not to think about it too much

  14. #34

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    if orochimaru wins then we have all hokages in death's belly.... that sounds preeeeeetty bad cuz hokage wanted to win with ORO and then we can see that hokage screwed up like no man before...(seal former hokages and himself for nothing), if oro loses there must be a "new" main villain... and we are only starting to know something about him so it sounds theoretically unlikely especially that with his fingers he can "play" with sword of his inside sandaime...

    don't know what to think about it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    great ep either way and i'm sure next one will be as good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  15. #35
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    I REALLY hope that the next episode is about the Shino/Kankuro fight and that the next episode preview at the end was just to throw people off...

    lol its not gonna happen is it?

    *sigh* oh well if it doesn't we get to enjoy Gaara flip out and try to kill Sasuke

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    great ep. action all the way. 74 better keep the intensity going

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  17. #37

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Left hanging. You'd think temari and kankurou and even gaara would pee their pants knowing a Uchiha was huntn them down like the T-X hunting JOhn COnnor =D Being chased by a Uchiha could be one of the most scariest things in the world...

  18. #38

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Damn they prolly will show 75% gaara vs sasuke and 25 % shino vs kankorou, man finnish that hokage vs orochimaru battle, but I think that in the manga they switched after orochimaru's soul was half-way out to the shino battle, ......

  19. #39

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    Y'know its good plot and storytelling when they encompass every aspect of the surrounding environment and characters. Its not just following Naruto and his team around the war zone. You get representatives from almost every group in Konoha. You get the 1st year students. You get Jiraiya! When it comes to a close, you aren't left asking why some character didn't show up when the others were fighting.

  20. #40

    RE: A/A Naruto 73 release is out

    I think that's it becuase the Kyubi soul is immortal that the 4th had to seal it inside a living body and not himself, cuz if he would die then the kyubi would be released and then everything was for nothing...

    btw: am i the only one who hates Oro's sword? it looks like a light saber combined with a broad sword, yet it's named after a tradinol oreintal eastren sword, so lame!

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