Originally posted by: Kagari
We just want to focus the forums more on *DISCUSSION* and less on people discussing how great their sigs are all day.
This forum is not about sigs and it's not supposed to revolve around them. As Jess said, we are trying to make this place as user friendly as possible and having a bunch of pictures flashing in your face in every thread you go into is not exactly user friendly now, is it?
As hard as this is for you guys to believe, the world does not revolve around your banner ad. I mean really, why call it a sig? It's a free banner ad that you get to dispay all day, every day, in every thread.
First off, I apologize for the low blow, I was just very angry. I'll watch myself next time.
Ciber, let's review what you've said.
First of all, you think this forum should be about DISCUSSIONS....and so our thread, in the fanart forum, where we DISCUSS our sigs, doesn't fall into that category...? Since when do you determine what we get to discuss?
You can discuss them all you want.
We don't dicuss how great our sigs are. There is no bragging, or bullying. Maybe if you had taken a moment to stop in and see, you'd notice it's not only a forum to request sigs, but also to improve them. the quality sig makers (ie. Lasaire, or Albino) Not only critique our sigs as far as looks, colours and composition, but give us tips to improve them. It sure seems like fanart to me.
I was referring to the sigs being displayed globabally, not just the fanart section.
Second, the entire forum doesn't revolve around sigs, and saying that having "a bunch of pictures flashing in your face" is ridiculous. I'm sure a happy medium could be found where we cannot have any "Jumpy, flashy pictures" in our sigs....not that i've seen any that fall into that category.
There is no middle ground, no matter what we do, they will cry and stay or leave.
Finally, Banner Ad? 'Ad' is the short form of Advertisement, correct? So you're basically saying that this isn't a place for us to advertise. Advertise what? Our name? Our favourite characters/moments? Or even worse... *GASP* our artistic work? I thought advertising our thoughts and opinions was the same as discussing them.
Is there really a need to advertise it in every post though? You already have a custom avatar and username, as well as some space to put some text in your sig. I think that makes each and everyone one of you stand out more than enough.
You can easily display your "Artistic work" in a thread by linking it. Displaying your "Artistic work" every post is totally unnecessary.
sigs are fun. We have fun making them, and people have fun requesting and displaying them. There also seems to be many members who agree.