Sun, 02-29-2004, 04:16 AM
does anybody know any qoutes. either ones taht are dark or that are angry. or actaully any site maybe taht has any qoutes organized in catagoreies.
Sun, 02-29-2004, 04:42 AM
ANBU Captain
I'm not sure how you define dark but how about this?
Quotes from Manic Street Preachers songs:
Not punish less, rise the pain
Sterilise rapists, all I preach is extinction
We are all of walking abortion
Little people in little houses
Like maggots small blind and worthless
The massacred innocent blood stains us all
Who’s responsible - you fucking are
Quotes from Marilyn Manson songs:
You might as well kill yourself, you're already dead (not really a lyric but a sample they used on one of their live CD at the end of a song)
Theres no time to discriminate, hate every motherfucker thats in your way
these are just lyrics (taken out of context) though, just stick something like quotes into a search engine and you'll be able to find some actual quotes rather than bits from songs 
simpsons quote - Moe: "I'll use your head as a bucket and paint my house with your brains"
Sun, 02-29-2004, 05:06 AM
thanks for the qoutes.
i just would like some qoutes from songs, movies anything. that would make someone go like "wtf is that guy twisted." something that will fuckin scare the shit out of u b/c it seems scary
liek this kind of qoute:
I'm gonna draw a picture, a picture with a twist. I'll draw it with a razor blade, I'll draw it on my wrist. As I draw this picture a fountain will appear, and as this fountain flows, washing away my sorrow, washing away my fear, my troubles will disappear.
Sun, 02-29-2004, 05:31 AM
ANBU Captain
lol, thats pretty cool, you could try song lyrics by a band called Cradle of Filth for that sort of stuff...they've got a song called Lord Abortion thats got well sick lyrics...
Sun, 02-29-2004, 08:17 AM
here are some i found:
I saw the best thing today... I was around at a mates place and these Jehovah's Witnesses
came around preaching their shit
So my mate invites them in and sits down and offers them pizza and cookies.
After about 15 minutes they left very happy.
We spotted them about an hour later lying in a park staring at the sky
I guess those hash cookies and that magic mushie pizza really did its job.
Who said drugs were bad?!
<potato> A couple years back, my friend had the greatest christmas tree of all
<Potato> We were 'round at his place, having a post-pissup drink/laugh at
lightweight bastards and two cops came in because of a noise complaint
<Potato> One of them walks towards the open back door while the other does the
usual "Why are you making so much noise" question routine
<Potato> The friend in question goes pale as he sees the cop stick his head in the
door and only look one way before deciding they were wasting their time
<Potato> When they'd fucked off, I asked him what was wrong, he pointed in the
other direction and told me to go check out the christmas tree the cop
<Potato> I stick my head in the door and lo, a 6 foot tall pot plant,
complete with tinsel and presents around the base, is sitting in the
corner, facing me off, taunting me, goin' "Yeah, fucker, I'm a 6 foot tall
pot plant. Ya wanna piece of me, bitch?"
both from www.bash.org they got som funny stuff there 
mabye not so dark but funny as hell =)
Sun, 02-29-2004, 08:28 AM
[adultswin] forum qoute meh dont know hot to spell like how the guy spelled but w/e "anime iz TEH SUK"
HE GOt flamed for saying this badly hell they even made a shirt that says it too
Sun, 02-29-2004, 09:03 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Uzumaki Kakashi @ Feb 29 2004, 03:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> does anybody know any qoutes. either ones taht are dark or that are angry. or actaully any site maybe taht has any qoutes organized in catagoreies.
thanks </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Is THAT english ?
or Eengrish ?
Sun, 02-29-2004, 10:36 AM
piss off. lol
i know i cant spell perfectly, the thing is i never look when i type at the keyboard, so i make a few mistakes.
Mon, 03-01-2004, 04:54 AM
you people may be wondering y i asked. well i can give u a very breif condensed version:
there is a girl i know who i used to be friends in during like 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. not greta but better than aquintances. anyways in the last like year her mother was striken with cancer adn she relaly couldnt come to school b/c she had to stay home and help out alot. but over that time i fell in love with one of her good friends (they hang out a lot). anyways after that i tryed to rekindle a friendship with this girl who never coems to school. anyways she after a while would have weird things on her away message like "bashin my head into a wall" and i said something through aim and asked her if she was ok. and the thing is i wouldnt ever ask anybody or even pretend to care but i asked since i genuinely did and since i feel bad that what is going on in her life.
anyways she took it one way and thought i called her suicadal or something (and i have had a weird experience within in my own family with suicide an i grew up with it being a common thing in my family) anways she said how she really doesnt understand y i even bother talkin to her and just b/c i like this girl do i even talk to her. anyways that is true that i like this girl but the fact that she said it how she did. like how i relaly dont care and the thing is i have been friends with this person for longer than i even liked this girl like a few years compared to 6 months. anbyways i think the fact that she is such good friends with this girl that i care about she may have ruined something inadvertantly (maybe by just saying something and could have some influence.) well i just want to mess witrh her and show her some real suciadal away messages. nothing meaning by them but i just want to do something to show how much i was hurt. so if anybody knows where i can get some deep adn twisted suical messages. (dont take it werid or anything, im completly sane and normal and suicde is against my religion) it would be helpful.
this is the weirdist thread ever i know.
Mon, 03-01-2004, 04:55 AM
"The thing about blenders is, that you forget what it is you put in there by the time it's finished." o_O;
Mon, 03-01-2004, 05:11 AM
Missing Nin
for quotes
a lot of intelligent/insightful/funny quotes on there by famous and less famous ppl, i recommend them to ppl 
one of my fav:
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.
-Jack Handey</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Mon, 03-01-2004, 07:13 AM
thanks some of those are insanley funny. not to many dark ones
Tue, 03-02-2004, 07:51 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Uzumaki Kakashi @ Mar 1 2004, 08:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> you people may be wondering y i asked. well i can give u a very breif condensed version:
there is a girl i know who i used to be friends in during like 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. not greta but better than aquintances. anyways in the last like year her mother was striken with cancer adn she relaly couldnt come to school b/c she had to stay home and help out alot. but over that time i fell in love with one of her good friends (they hang out a lot). anyways after that i tryed to rekindle a friendship with this girl who never coems to school. anyways she after a while would have weird things on her away message like "bashin my head into a wall" and i said something through aim and asked her if she was ok. and the thing is i wouldnt ever ask anybody or even pretend to care but i asked since i genuinely did and since i feel bad that what is going on in her life.
anyways she took it one way and thought i called her suicadal or something (and i have had a weird experience within in my own family with suicide an i grew up with it being a common thing in my family) anways she said how she really doesnt understand y i even bother talkin to her and just b/c i like this girl do i even talk to her. anyways that is true that i like this girl but the fact that she said it how she did. like how i relaly dont care and the thing is i have been friends with this person for longer than i even liked this girl like a few years compared to 6 months. anbyways i think the fact that she is such good friends with this girl that i care about she may have ruined something inadvertantly (maybe by just saying something and could have some influence.) well i just want to mess witrh her and show her some real suciadal away messages. nothing meaning by them but i just want to do something to show how much i was hurt. so if anybody knows where i can get some deep adn twisted suical messages. (dont take it werid or anything, im completly sane and normal and suicde is against my religion) it would be helpful.
this is the weirdist thread ever i know. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
uh... isn't that kind of the wrong way to go about things? I don't think that's going to make things any better than they are now. That's more of a 'revenge' type thing because she hurt your feelings by not being your friend anymore. Although it was a misunderstanding, getting back at her with that misunderstanding is kind of spiteful and immature isn't it? o_O?
But what you do is of course up to you. And there are people who, once they become like that, are very stubbourn and carry one being screwed up like that for the next 5 to 10 years ¬_¬'
My advice on the matter is, either:
1) Forget about her, there are plenty of other people out there. If she wants to seriously sulk in her depressive state, and think some new friend is better than any friend she ever had, then fine, let her.
2) If she wants to seriously sulk in her depressive state, and think some new friend is better than any friend she ever had, then let her make that mistake, and be there 'for her' when she realises it.
3) Try to explain what you really meant, and that it's all a simple misunderstanding. If she refuses to listen, email her. A person is more likely to read an email from someone they don't really want to talk to, than to actually talk to them across IM's or face to face. Don't know why, but they do. Human impulse i guess.
Well.... whatever you do. I just hope things work out eventually. For better preferrably, but if it's for worse, at least it's better than being stuck inbetween without any results.
Tue, 03-02-2004, 08:48 AM
i could care less about this girl (lets call her "kate" - not real name) the one who has problems at home (cancer of mom) but i felt bad so i said something and she took it one way, thinking i called her suicidal and i didnt and i tryed to explain myself and she just doesnt want to talk to me anymore,. and like i said i dot care about her and her friendship isnt that imop. but her good friend (call her "jenny"
i really have feelings for and i really fell for her the in the past 6 motnhs being with her all the time, we hang out a lot. anways i think kate could have affected how jenny sees me and since i only treat jenny like a princess and am never hurting her in any way. she may hvae made her see me not in the same way. that is really pissing me off since she could have ruined one of the most important things in my life right now. and i just want to have my away messages show real suicdal thoughts to show her that i didnt mean anything by my comments to kate.
i know it may sound weird and immature but i have a feeling this is like the only way to show her how much it hurt me.
so dont take it the wrong way, i just want to do it this way.
so thanks for ur advice i might email her.
but iff anybody has any thing that would be good as a n away message
that would help
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