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Thread: karaoke help~

  1. #1
    Ive tried making a karaoke file today but im having some problems. i only see blue text, here is a screen id ont know what i did wrong since im a noob

  2. #2
    Alright I think I know what the problem here is:

    You are using the 'Default' style you should make a new style give it any name other than Default you also need to make the 2nd and 1st color different. Otherwise it won't look like the karaoke works.

  3. #3

    RE: karaoke help~

    Ok now ive got this problem, i have it like this:

    now i get Half green Half blue text, i wanted it to change colour word by word as they sang [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    thx for any help in advance

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