The dude with the googles must b the friend kakashi was talking about at the start of the series.
The flashback in this episode was the best yet, it had a lot more emotion and a lot less pointless crap.
The dude with the googles must b the friend kakashi was talking about at the start of the series.
The flashback in this episode was the best yet, it had a lot more emotion and a lot less pointless crap.
im so glad the graphics are back to normal...
makes me wanna watch again
that episode was awesome, Orochimaru looks awesome, just like he did before, check out my wallpaper
sarutobi flash backs gave me chills down my spine. very cool
i actually thought the pakkun/sakura shampoo thing was funny. and since jiraiya now looks old does that mean tsunade is old too? but from the pictures i saw of her she looks realllly young to me O_O. Also at 19:31 in the ep it shows kakashi the goggles dude and another girl infront of their "sensei" i suppose. But the thing i noticed is that KAKASHI DOESN'T HAVE HIS SHARINGAN EYE!! I have a feeling later on in the series it's gunna have to explain it right? maybe he got the eye to avenge his dead friend ?(the goggles guy?) Then i saw orochimaru with anko and then i remembered they knew ea other form somewhere ... were they past lover??!! >_> wouldn't it be freaky liking some snake guy O_O .......
edit: and um the kid with a bandage on his head is the third when he was small right? that makes the 1st and 2nd older than the third(dunno why i wanted to say that) but the third looked kinda badass bak then >_>
It was an awesome episode.
Funny = Shampoo Joke
Action = Sasuke vs Temari and more Hokage level teasers
Emotional impact = Finally flashbacks that truly enhance the feeling of the episode.
I can't wait until next week... it looks like we'll see something super special.
A really great story episode.. Orochimaru is getting even cooler and cooler, loved the Orochimaru flashback aswome...
And the Hokage is doing really well. Pretty badass for beeing old.
when orochimaru confronted kakashi during the prelims, he said that kakashi didnt use to have that eye, so we can assume he didnt get the eye until after oro left.
i think one of kakashi's teammates shoulda been gai.....that wouldve been sweet!
also, here's another detail that i dont think many people would notice without it being brought to their attention
dont those 2 council members look kinda like the 3rds old teammates?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Very cool episode. loved seeing the many generations of konoha, and i loved the little fight between sasuke and temari.
Well before you sead it looked like the 4th with the lord of death. i thought of another ninja that would fit in that place better. Zubaza(man i hope i spelt that right or close nuf) he would fit into that kind of ituation more then anyone eles i can think of
You read the posts in the manga forum huh? Wow you are so smart!
Anyway the signs under their eyes don't really much. Especially since I don't think Sarutobi has them right now does he? I will have to go back and look. Perhaps he painted those on for that picture, and Jiraiya just copied off of him.
Since you have seen those pics, these won't be spoilers anymore
Just some alternative poses. These are on Kakashi's shelf in his bedroom. Kishimoto drew a color picture of Kakashi sleeping for the cover of one of the manga (the covers are never animated)
EDIT: As a manga reader I think the anime is doing a great job of not only capturing the feel of the manga (besides the violence of course, but that is understandable). Sure having the 2nd do the Genjutsu instead of the 1st was kind of weird, but I can live with that. They both probably know how to do the technique anyway.
The whole Orochimaru, 1st Hokage, 2nd Hokage Vs. 3rd Hokage and Enma is one of the best fights in the series, and 2nd favorite.
Just the way he feels about his comrades, considering them all family, he is a great guy. Not to mention he is like pushing 75 and still can hold his own against 3 of the greatest shinobi to ever come out of Konoha.
oh no the 2nd is doing the gen-jutsu oh no its the end of the world now the anime got so raped now.. and everyone praise me now pls cuz i discovered this mistake..
GAWD how pathetic can you be djeezus i mean WTF djees for pete's sake can you grow up and quit whining for a change..![]()
Seriously if you really like the manga that much better shove it up your butthole and leave and go to the Manga forum..
The episode totally rocked (best in a while) whoohoo Sasuke owned the chick muahah too bad he didnt finish her![]()
And Tsunade is sooo cute when she was little XD
Can't wait till episode 73 (as usual)!![]()
ANd what's up with adding all this Temari vs. Sasuke stuff?
This is actually going to cause a story-related problem later.
Edit: AssertnFailure: sharp eyes! Those village elders ARE the 3rd's genin teammates!
no it won't. They added the Sasuke and Temari fight in there to space out the length of time between the fight that is going on now, and the ones that will be coming up. It is a little different than in the manga, but its no big deal.
Also, that fight serves as good "filler", because the anime was at times doing 2-4 chapters in one episode. These nice stalls and add ins give the manga just a little bit more time to keep going.
Don't say it will never catch up to the anime either, look what happened to Rurouni Kenshin. The anime caught up with the manga so they devoted an entire filler arc, episodes to allow Watsuki more time, but the episodes were so bad it got cancelled and the final arc/true ending were never animated.
Expect maybe a filler mini arc after this one. That is what One Piece does, to allow Oda more time. All the anime studios have learned their lesson from Kenshin, it is better to do fillers in bits and pieces over a long time span, than to do them all in a row.
I love watching the anime for the fight scenes more than anything. They do a great job, unless the Koreans are doing it, then I feel like I am watching something a high school art club produced.
That was just an example of all = hundreds... the lacking in the anime is terrible, it's too much for now...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 29 2004, 05:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> You read the posts in the manga forum huh? Wow you are so smart! </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
um, ok? maybe you like to feel all knowing and powerful while posting on a forum based on a tv show, but others dont necessarily share your same sentiment. I didnt bring it up to gain any special recognition, i did it because i'm sure anime viewers would like to know these details that they wouldnt have known without visiting other forums
next time try to refrain from posting dumbass retorts
thank you![]()
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Wait a min? OMG is jiraiya Related to the 3rd?? they look so much alike! i would take and post a Screen shot but i am not the best at that. and goggle boy. notice what is sticking out of his mouth? Humm. makes me think of someone in paticuler
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Feb 29 2004, 04:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> when orochimaru confronted kakashi during the prelims, he said that kakashi didnt use to have that eye, so we can assume he didnt get the eye until after oro left.
i think one of kakashi's teammates shoulda been gai.....that wouldve been sweet!
also, here's another detail that i dont think many people would notice without it being brought to their attention
dont those 2 council members look kinda like the 3rds old teammates? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
good point there bout hokages teammates
i was thinkin about orochimarus immortal technique, whenever he changes bodies, doesn't he have to make a new contract with the snakes or whatever because the new body has different blood
just my thoughts
I have to say that's one of my fave eps out of the whole series.... the Sasuke/Temari fight was an awesome addition to the anime that wasn't in the manga.
All of the flashbacks contained in the episode just felt right - they didn't drag, they explained what they needed to, and they were filled with tension, etc.
As for the 3rd's speech about Konoha - combined with the awesome music, it really was a tear jerker! Pretty emotional stuff. The voice actor is just perfect.
The combination of so many good points accumulated to create a truly excellent episode. 73 is gonna rock!
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (tensai @ Feb 29 2004, 06:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i was thinkin about orochimarus immortal technique, whenever he changes bodies, doesn't he have to make a new contract with the snakes or whatever because the new body has different blood
just my thoughts </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
well, im not sure how picky summons are with the type of blood and whatnot, but it seems that when orochimaru takes over someones body, he can alter their original form to be just like his. Especially considering that he still has those snake-like eyes and long tongue
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
awesome ep!![]()
anyway, if that person inside god of death is Yondaime, then we have some possibilities:
-by this jutsu u can seal ANYTHING into a child, but the god of death requires sacrifice, and that sacrifice is jutsu performer which is from then on prisoned inside god of death (for what reason? maybe "prisoner" is making god of death stronger by transferring his chakra to him?)
-by this jutsu u can seal ANYTHING inside anyone (let's think, who in konoha would freely agree to seal Kyuubi into him? I know hokage would agree, but U know that then this story wouldn't make any sense, so the 4th just sealed Kyuubi into Naruto [and we have no guarantee that Naruto was chosen because he's son of 4ft or he was at hand at the time]). God of death require's sacrifice blahblahblah.
-by this jutsu u can seal ANYTHING into a child/anyone, God of death takes ur soul temporary, then ur soul is free and can go to heaven() or u come back to ur body and u're alive again (mwahahaha!
Besides if we assume that it's yondaime then "reincarnation theory" that naruto is reborned 4th seems very unlikely![]()