These are several questions and theories about the 4th that get me p...ed

Is the 4th alive?

How did he survive battle with kyuubi?

Is he trapped inside naruto along with kyuubi?

i thought about adding this as a post on my previous topic but at least one of these questions are asked in most threads so i decided to put them in a tread all of there own.

My take on these are well known to those who've read my previous topic but im about to contradict myself a little.
Im pretty new to these forums so i don't know if this as ever been said but im sure people have thought about the teory that the 4th is alive and is in fact the head of akatsuki.
Or maybe its not kyuubi akatsuki want but infact the 4th .If as some people have said the 4th is trapped in side naruto maybe they want to release him for some reason and not kyuubi. why? well i havn't thought of that maybe you have some ideas
Although they don't totaly contradict my last topic (naruto meets his dad in battle) but simply changes the circumstances in which the battle comes to pass. Where as with my first theory and the 4th being head of akatsuki theory a pysical battle would be possible. However with the 4th being in side naruto along with kyuubi theory it would be more along the lines of a battle of wills and consiousness that would take place inside naruto between the 3 of them for control over the boby. Three souls all fighting for control of the same body. Now i've really got you confused havn't i
As for surviving the battle maybe he didn't use the same jutsu as the 3rd but a viriation of it known only to him in truth the only way we're gonna find out is to wait but it is fun to speculate.