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Thread: Best manga ever, yours?

  1. #61
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Melbourne Australia

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    TEnsaikun has really great taste [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Okay, here's my renewed list. In no order.

    My top 5 fav's would definitely be

    1) Berserk - Awesome story. Awesome art. Awesome fight scenes.

    2) GAntz - Every guys manga. (Same as above). Gantz is all about GUNS GORE & GIRLS!

    3) 20th Century Boys - The best mystery i've ever read. However it seems going downhill from the latest episodes. Unless it can suddenly conjure up some magic it's been doing.

    4) One Piece - To me, It's probably the best adventure series I've ever read.

    5) Naruto - Richest world I've ever read about. You just want to know more about everybody.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  2. #62

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Gantz. Hunter X Hunter, Hajime no Ippo

  3. #63

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    the number one for me
    #1. Berserk
    easily wins

  4. #64

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    im not here to talk about the topic but just to say... damn there is still a Itachi_ thread alive...

  5. #65

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    #1 for me is........
    Love Hina....
    damn i love this manga so much... i even still read it when i get the time even though i read it soooo much times before.

  6. #66
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Bellevue, WA

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    1 Gantz
    2 Blade of the imortal
    3 Naruto
    4 Bleach
    5 Beck

  7. #67

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
    My favorite five mangas (in this order) are:
    1. GTO (great story especially the bad company prequel)
    2. Naruto (I'm addicted)
    3. Futari H (NOSEBLEED!!! It's also extremely funny)
    4. Devil & Devil (fucking cool angel and devil battles)
    5. Hunter X Hunter (great characters and a cool story)
    Where did you find Bad Company prequel? Are they out in book form?

  8. #68

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    #1 - Jojo Bizarre Adventure
    #2 - Hokuto no Ken
    #3 - GANTZ
    #4 - Sakigake!! Otoko Jyuku
    #5 - Urusei Yatsura

  9. #69

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    #1 - Bleach
    #2 - Inuyasha
    #3 - Naruto
    #4 - Azumanga Daioh
    #5 - One Piece

  10. #70

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    i just read beck and i have to say its the best ive ever read.
    so top 5
    1) Beck
    2) Bleach
    3) Berserk
    4) Naruto
    5) One Piece (only read first couple volumes though, so bloody long)

  11. #71

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    Since my earlier posts I hadn't read much manga (they were all among my very first manga) I'll go again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Ghost In The Shell (not read Man Machine Interface yet)
    Pet Shop of Horrors
    Battle Angel Alita

  12. #72
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    top five?
    #1 Berserk - never ever coming down from 1st spot.
    #2 Hajime no Ippo - i wish i could box my way out of problems like they can...
    #3 Kare Kano (kareshe Kanoji no jijyu, his and her circumstances) - funny, intellgent and good art, what more can you ask?
    the rest are more problematic... i think i'll go for maison Ikkoku amd Kimigure orange road. though i might change that after i read a bit more bleach (great, but not GREAT) and Gantz (i'm only at volume 6) and maybe Narutaru (come on, whay can be better than cute houshimaru killing people?).

    Naruto, One Piece, Ranma, Recca and Inuyasha are all good, but they're not getting into the top list.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #73

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    I feel the same about Berserk,it hard to see a manga that can surpass Berserk.

  14. #74

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    Tenshi Kinryouku

  15. #75

    Best manga ever, yours?

    I got it from Boxtorrents.

    Here is the link to the page where you can download the torrent.

  16. #76

    Best manga ever, yours?

    u guys have to get your hands on some good manga...

    getbackers is really good... watched the first ep. of anime and it is nothing compared to it... very deep and awesome

    pirate king (guess of name) very awesome... about a pirate who is known for his swordfighting.... only when he has two swords hehe

    one piece is alright... gets boring

    something about a pingpong manga... funniest manga ever read ... short 4 vol.

    slamdunk and the samurai series by the same author... classic

    the story of a fireman... cool shit

    plenty more just go to a manga rental and start digging
    i bet u won't regret reading anything i listed (besides one piece) here

  17. #77

    Best manga ever, yours?

    2.Hajime No Ippo
    3.Hunter X Hunter
    7.Death Note
    8.Blade of the immortal
    9.One Piece

  18. #78
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    American Empire

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    No particular order:
    Love Hina,
    Tenjou Tenge
    Yakitate Japan
    Ichigo 100%

  19. #79

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    Naruto is pretty good.

  20. #80

    RE: Best manga ever, yours?

    Does anyone know where i can get Gantz? Please give me a link

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