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Thread: Naruto 72 raw out!

  1. #1

  2. #2
    It's been out several hours... but post it anyway...

  3. #3
    eh a post has to be made eventually.

  4. #4
    can u post when naruto 72 subbed comes out. i am grounded from comp. for a week.. yesterday and i really wanna see it yet i cant have my comp on. so i will come on to check if its out ..downlaod it and whatch it at night. so somone please! post it and give me a link when its out?! it would be greatly apreciated!!!.. i got grounded frlom t.v too and ps2.. because..well.. i am on it so well anyways bye! and dont forget to post post post!

  5. #5
    *Itachi_ is whispering, Ok I'll do that, I usually do that anyway.*

  6. #6
    thank you, and at around what time do u tihnk that will be.. i know u have no idea but an aprox wil lmake me feel better.. should i check around 7 o clock?

  7. #7
    Do you mean ANBU&AonE's version or the BakaSan ?

  8. #8
    doesnt matter to me. as long as i know what they are saying hehheheh.

  9. #9
    I would assume, It could be all from early thursday to late thursday, most likely mid-thursday, if you ckecked the last eps when they were out...

  10. #10
    ooooooh ok, last episode came out wednesday! anyways thank you. now i wont risk gettin caught by waiting around the com[puter all day. good day!

  11. #11
    where I live, Bakasan's release usually comes out in the middle of the night (Wed / Thurs). I usually stay up till 3am waiting for it, lol.

  12. #12
    Where i live last time it was released on like 08.00 AM thursday morning

  13. #13
    Anyone know what time it is in japan(at this moment)?

  14. #14
    They're 8 hours ahead of GMT: Stockholm, Berlin, Rome. So the time in Japan is Thursday 06:54 AM

  15. #15
    where are u from itachi? i am from Toronto Canada

  16. #16
    alirght ive been waiting so long for this eps omg
    hey hey baka san 72 is already out grab it from

  17. #17
    and out at animesuki too

  18. #18
    meh do you want me to edit the title so we don't get two threads? Or do you want to start a new topic?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden
    Itachi_ is from sweden like me.. If i remember right..

    And Bakasan is out already..

  20. #20
    Its available for direct download from

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