Sometimes animation can be bad, but as long as the story line and the action is good enough, I really don't care too much about it. Disapointing though the animation was, I still think this eppie was good *huggles eppie*.
Sometimes animation can be bad, but as long as the story line and the action is good enough, I really don't care too much about it. Disapointing though the animation was, I still think this eppie was good *huggles eppie*.
The animation truly wasn't even that bad...I rather enjoy that style of animated fighting.
Worst animation this series has seen so far. Easy.
Well, 65 was even more lousier, 71 was bad, 65 was really unacceptable!
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 21 2004, 06:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Man, the art-work really sucked! sarutobi looked like the son of enma... orochimaru had strange face-drawings, he dosen't look the same in 69-70 etc, in this ep he was fat and was like smooth-drawn... I really enjoyed when enma strangled him, it was bad it was just a fake... But episode 72 looks great from the preview, flashbacks when they were young and good art-work, I have high expetations of that episode...Orochimaru is a coward that just give orders and stand there laughing he hardly ever fight... pussy! </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You do realize that "saru" means monkey in Japanese? That animal/man thing has been stressed a lot in this manga/anime series, and Sarutobi was even called "Saru" or "Little Monkey" affectionately in the manga by the First.
There were a couple of scenes where Sarutobi's head looked way too big, but beyond that, I completely enjoyed the episode. It brought a crap-load more to the table than the manga version of this fight, and I'm really glad for that.
Maybe so...But the animation doesn't necessarily make the anime. Me thinks plot accounts for more then drawing/coloring.
comments on hokages, i know i'm a little late. i think that each hokage has something specal about them. the first has/had that soul tree that keeps him and his allies alive, the second has some own mad speacal justu we will see in a few episodes(i hope for that) the third knows all the justus there are in thier village, and the fourth has many great justu that he showed everyone for just-in-case emergencies. i.e. crazy monster named oro or giant demon.
i think you guys are paying too much attention to detail and not enough to the actual story, who cares if the artists made a few mistakes. i thought it was awsome even with the minor flaws. like when the tree grew it went higher then the barrior, but the barrior grew too.(look at the zoomed out scences)
so far the best looking justu was Katon, Karyuu Endan. that was soooooo much fire, although it looked queer when the third took a huge breath and his cheast increased 3x its normal size.
and the 3rd said that them staying alive had something to do with the tree, why didn't he just burn it down?
how many animals can be summoned like the frog, snake, slug or maybe that was another messed up snake,monkey, a follow up question is if they were all to be summoned at once and faught each other, who/what would win?
Fire Jutsu's don't seem to be that powerful. Especially since Hokage is dealing with another Kage's Special Jutsu! Remember Haku's Ice Mirrors couldn't be melted with Sasuke's low level fire, well Hokage's fire might not burn down the tree.
Besides, he was going to summon Enma anyways, so why waste chakra burning down the tree in addition to summoning Enma.
Spoiler: <span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Don't Spoil you ass</span>
IMO, this is the best episode on record since around episode 29(?) (orochimaru vs sauske). Good animation sequence, though the characters did look a little strange, the important part is NO FILLER SEQUENCES, like the last 40 episodes. A very lean episode, with some nice extras that the manga didn't have. I mean, omg, there weren't any five to ten minute flashbacks. That's a first for awhile.
Hopefully the animation and story quality won't decline. We getting very close to the best part of the Naruto project/storyline to date (IMO).
Oh, and I do have to admit that Orochimaru did look like a girl for some very odd reason, a very surprising (and a bad) take from the animators.
You're probably right Everon. He might have also not wanted to burn down trees because it would be good fighting terrain. It's easier to hide from certain attacks with the trees.
Good action, Bad animation ... (very bad timing) ...
One thing is kinda weird in the beginning you see from a angle all the ppl standing on the roof + the kekkai etc etc.. it looked very small, but when they were fighting it looked like it was a miles big area
Anyways i watched the preview and the animations are gonna be 1337 again in 72, so dont worry they just hired some cheapo's to draw 70 like in 65..
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (loser_nin @ Feb 21 2004, 05:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Hmm...I don't know Nara. If that were true, everyone able to do major Flame element attacks (eg. Everyone in the Flame Country) can become Hokage. And it would also mean that Naruto probably wouldn't be able to become one since he doesn't seem to have any elemental abilities. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
em but if the third were to choose another hokage wouldn't he teach him all he could like oro, even though oro turned out to be a horrible horrible creepy alien. and meh im not thinking that every hokage must have an element just saying that the past hokages specialize in their own element (i.e. the second's water elemental atks) just my theory >_>...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Why not use the regular team who makes good episodes, then everybody's happy, why does the sucky team make episodes, they should be fired!
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Its called a budget, you'll learn about it in the real world![]()
In any case, the animation for the episode was just what I expected, similar to the Oro vs Sasuke fight where quick fluid motions are predominant over detail and "Proportion". personally, i liked the animation a lot, as it kept up a fast pace. So what if it isnt as detailed as any of the other eps before? The story is still kick ass, and even though im a manga reader, that part with oro still scared me :S
"You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow
Oro scares the crap out of me!
This episode's animation did have it's flaws, but i have to say that the flame and water effects looked so cool
It's not really that it was that bad, it's just that we are so used to the regular animation. The animation also seems very dark, or maybe it's because it's night time?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DeathscytheVII @ Feb 21 2004, 07:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Why not use the regular team who makes good episodes, then everybody's happy, why does the sucky team make episodes, they should be fired!
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Its called a budget, you'll learn about it in the real world</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
lol thats true, they might of not had enough cash so they needed to get some different artist's in (cheap crappy ones) lol or the good artists might just need a break a few times i know i would get tired of drawing all bloody day and week![]()
about the specialized attacks of the hokages
the second hokage might be using a lot of water jutsu because he figured that water was the best to use against fire
but then, why would the first use the tree technique if fire will burn it down.
Oh well, i guess the attack strength is different
Just look, misa wanna throw up, look at the details (BAD)