was a great ep, finally we get to see how the big boys fight. Hokage was cool although i totally agree about the drawings. There were times when the thirds head was monsterly huge in comparison with his bodyand they got Orochimaru's face all messed up at certain points. and his face beneath the mask is scary
. also i wished they would make hokage taller
he looked so weird when the 1st and 2nd are tall and strong and he is little and is drawn funky.
one thing kinda troubles me though. It just isnt right that hokage can deal with oro the 1st and the 2nd at once. they overdid it a bit i think. I mean if they werent spirits the 1st and 2nd would be dead by now cuz of the explosion notes meaning the 3rd is stronger than both of them together?.But maybe he just ownz