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Thread: Problem connecting to Mircx server in irc

  1. #1
    Anyone here presently have problem connection to Mircx server in irc?
    I tried all the MircX servers, it could not be connected. I also tried to ping to . No response.

  2. #2
    I think it's down.

  3. #3
    i'm in it right now... but it has been down

    try all this ports 5000,6000,6666,6667,7000,8000,8080,9000

    also try

  4. #4
    yeah I in ... i think the server is just up.

  5. #5
    It seems to be back up but still unstable, many channels have auto-mute

  6. #6
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Servers down? Maybe it's just full.

  7. #7
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    nope, it's not full and it's not down.

    mircx is under an irritating bout of ddos.

    So if you want to connect, go through the cycles like was suggested before.

    Start at Try 6000,7000,8000,9000.
    If that doesn't work after 5 or so tries, try on the same.

    If you still got no luck, well ... there's always forums .

    For reference, I'm currently connected on

  8. #8
    what are those DDoS attacks anyways... if that's what it is?

  9. #9
    Anything new happend, heard anything, when is mircx online again... work properly, functionally!

  10. #10
    Even if you do manage to log onto MIRCX you get to watch everyone PING out or worse geez what a fubar situation . was logged on last night when this went down and got to see the shite hit the fan. was ok myself for quite some time then bang nothing. when even the @'s are not in # no use in going in ... fuggin script kiddies should all be hung by thier NADS!!

  11. #11
    Geez, now it says "Unable to resolve server", troublesome!

  12. #12
    It's been like that for about 6 or 7 hours

  13. #13
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    ddos is "Distributed Denial of Service"
    basically that means some stupid kiddie has r00ted a couple hundred or a couple thousand machines on idiotically administered machines or home owned cable modem computers with some stupid trivial exploit or another (that collection is henceforth known as a botnet).
    So now that the kiddie has a botnet, he commands it to do something stupid like executing a syn flood, or just throwing a bunch of data (icmp, udp, whatever). This results in exhaustion of some resource or another on the server (1 or 2 big servers versus a couple thousand malicious cable modems trying their damndest to deplete a single point of failure on that big server).

    DDOS has varying degrees of success, depending on the isp the server is on, the number and quality of the attack bots, the techniques used to counter the attack, and the resources available to the server.

    In this case, the kiddies have succeeded... they've denied us the service we wanted, namely mircx's irc services.

    Not much we can do about it though. Just kind of ride it out.

  14. #14
    Thanks for the explanation... i get it know... thanks.. i hope that it gets resolve soon... does my hammering trying to connect affect the recovery process?

  15. #15
    Here at work I can't even connect using jirc... ;

  16. #16
    Yah, there are some privat servers that works, but not, like jirc and other works... and aniverse..

  17. #17
    I got on just fine :x

    Here's what the ircops had to say:
    -Global- Just to update those of you who are connected right now... all of our servers have been receiving very large DDoS attacks since Thursday evening. We are investigating and filtering the attacks as we can, but problems will likely persist until the attacks come to an end. If you have any information on these attacks, please e-mail us. Thank you.

    Hopefully this won't last very long.

  18. #18
    Do you think the problems will be solved... or do you think aone will change network from mircx to another one?

  19. #19
    itachi: prolly... they moved to mIRC-X when Aniverse got DDoSd... just where to...?

  20. #20
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Is it down again, it is for me, anyway

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

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