"The February 9th edition of Variety has an article about Gonzo's Samurai 7. The full article can be read here (requires membership), or in the Feb 9 print edition.

Items of note mentioned in the article are that the first Samurai 7 teasers will be shown at the MipTV mart in Cannes this spring and that the first full episode will be ready this summer. According to Kyoko Kiriyama at Media International (Samurai 7 co-producers), several US companies have expressed interest in the show but Media International is taking it to MipTV because they believe that it is "well suited for TV networks."

According to the article, the TV series is being filmed in high definition at a cost of roughly <u>&#036;300 000</u> per episode, more that twice the average cost per episode for anime TV series.

Samurai 7 is a futuristic remake of Akira Kurosawa&#39;s world renowned 1954 film, Seven Samurai, and is being produced with a target audience of 12 to 40 in mind, with an emphasis on older teenagers.

Here&#39;s a link, not much but it&#39;s about the people making it Here