Btw lasaire i took ur advice and went to and i downloaded one or two but now what do i do ?![]()
i feel stupid......but it was too be expected![]()
Btw lasaire i took ur advice and went to and i downloaded one or two but now what do i do ?![]()
i feel stupid......but it was too be expected![]()
You're running windows, correct?
Go into your C:/WINDOWS/ folder and there should be a folder called fonts. Drag and drop all your .ttf files of the fonts you downloaded into that folder to install them, and voila!
Thanks lasaire u sure are smart! or maybe im stupid?Well this just goes to show that u learn sumthin new everyday
Nah, I've been using Photoshop for 5 years, since version 5.0, so I learned all this the same way as you.
If you are downloading brush files, put all the .abr brush files into your brushes folder (it's in your Photoshop program file, in the presets folder) and then open up your brushes menu and select the little top right trangle to load the new brushes into your pallette.
Toruxx, that looks really nice, good job!
The only thing I can think of to improve is to go gently around the edges of Haku's hands making the seal, and soften up those jaggies with the blur tool. Otherwise, very nice. I like the softer color choices especially.
hey lasaire im Animaniacs friend so wat time can u get the sig done .... no rush i can wait.
thx lasaire trying to fix it up nowshould i use the blur tool or smudge tool? to do it im thinking of smudge but u know more then me lol
thanks alot toruxx
Blur tool simply does just that: blur the edges.
Smudge tool actually pulls almost feels like finger-painting, and is directional. I.e. the direction you move your mouse, the pixels will follow.
k well i did what yah said any better? i edited the last pic.
That's the idea, but you blurred his hands a bit too much...let me make you an example.
Edit: forget the example, taking too long :-)
What I mean was, take a really small blur brush, like maybe 2 pixels, zoom in to like 300-400 times and just touch the edged of his hands and hair, the very very outlines, and those jagged edges will soften, without actually blurring the interior of the image.
I switched out my sig...what does everybody think?
Once I make a decent number, I want to do the random-switch thing that littlecooldude has going on.
nice lasaire.
ive already finished a first draft of my round 1 sig, I used one of the pics in a pretty cool way, but now that ive toyed with the images i hardcore wanna see what everyone else comes up with. of course im gonna hold off submitting mine till i polish it to a shine.
Same, I've got some rough ideas but I want to get something really unique out of it. I'll definately be tweaking it right up to the last minute.
I like much...
ok, I started a shikamaru sig, and the vision i had didn't quite turn out, and I KNOW much is missing from this sig. suggestions are always appreciated.
its not bad. i think its trouble though is it tries to have a focal point but it doesnt know which one to use so it ends up a bit jumbled. also the font isnt very clear. but ur premise is good it just needs tweaked.
I actually think I'm going to drop the sig and consider it experience. It didn't turn out like I imagined, and I'm gonna start over.![]()
Thanks for the advice though, I'll remember it.![]()
Any suggestions of sites with good brushes?
I got almost all my favorites from here. It also houses the brush search engine, which I, not coincidentally, used to find all my other ones.
Have at it!