Mon, 02-23-2004, 03:55 AM
ANBU Captain
Oooh, thanks! I'll ask little cool dude about it. :-)
Mon, 02-23-2004, 04:47 AM
karma if u like u could have this naruto one i could put ur name on it if u want just say or one of the other guys or me will make u a new one.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 04:53 AM
looks good so far 
Hey I actually was doing a strider Sig for you, even though Lasaire is doing one as well. Its almost done just need to add something more.
I'm looking for a good pic. Hope you like it
EDIT all done and here it is:

If you want to use it and cant find a host let me know
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:10 AM
ANBU Captain
Hey I propose a contest similar to the one in which Albino Fury got his title. Making a banner, sig or something like that for the GW website. (Mods gimme your opinion about this). The final showdown between the Sig Master and the Queen of Sigs, or any other contender who wants to defeat the ultimate duo of Sig creators.
What do you guys think about this?
P.S. Of course we have to wait until good ol' Albino is healthy and full of chakra (if you are still sick). I'm sending Tsunade to heal you right now (and provide any additional services if neccesary
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:12 AM
damn kakashi thats very good i think zero will be happy with it its really good
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:12 AM
what do u mean hope u like, looks awsome espically that particle effect.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:21 AM
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:22 AM
ANBU Captain
I think it's a good idea, though I'm a bit leery of contests since people can get easily offended and sometimes hurt in the process. :-( That's not cool. Plus, in terms of my time on the GW boards, I'm just a genin in comparison to AlbinoFury, KakashiSensei and the other sig sennin-sama-tachi. I make sigs because they're fun, good practice, and I can crank most of them out in under an hour.
What I think is perhaps a more fun idea, that would allow for more creative input without the risk of hurting feelings, is to have a Sig Challenge. What I propose we do is this:
Somebody picks out between 4 and 6 or 7 high quality images of a character that lend themselves well to sig making. Then whoever is interested in the challenge has a set length of time to make a sig from those images, and those images only. The only customization would be through actual photoshop techniques (including use of brushes and fonts). I think it'd be fun to see how many different sigs we could get out of the same set of images.
I dunno, it's up to whatever everyone thinks. If we had a contest, I'd for sure participate.
It's just I've seen contests in other forums turn into flaming wars, which I really hate. Really really. If it could be done without that, go for it!
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:26 AM
Thanks Kagari, I'm at school right now, yesterday was last night for me. But awesome I can't wait until later to see it, your the coolest!!
Mon, 02-23-2004, 05:29 AM
ANBU Captain
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (lasaire @ Feb 23 2004, 04:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think it's a good idea, though I'm a bit leery of contests since people can get easily offended and sometimes hurt in the process. :-( That's not cool. Plus, in terms of my time on the GW boards, I'm just a genin in comparison to AlbinoFury, KakashiSensei and the other sig sennin-sama-tachi. I make sigs because they're fun, good practice, and I can crank most of them out in under an hour.
What I think is perhaps a more fun idea, that would allow for more creative input without the risk of hurting feelings, is to have a Sig Challenge. What I propose we do is this:
Somebody picks out between 4 and 6 or 7 high quality images of a character that lend themselves well to sig making. Then whoever is interested in the challenge has a set length of time to make a sig from those images, and those images only. The only customization would be through actual photoshop techniques (including use of brushes and fonts). I think it'd be fun to see how many different sigs we could get out of the same set of images.
I dunno, it's up to whatever everyone thinks. If we had a contest, I'd for sure participate.
It's just I've seen contests in other forums turn into flaming wars, which I really hate. Really really. If it could be done without that, go for it! </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yeah, I see what you mean but it has been done before in this forum (like when Albino got his title) and there was no flame war. Everyone is cool in this forum, people who flame are put in a room with Michael Jackson and Gaara together. 
P.S. Kakashi Sensei, that Strider sig was badass. You make hella tight sigs *cough* like mine *cough*
Mon, 02-23-2004, 06:10 AM
Mon, 02-23-2004, 06:31 AM
yeah of course do you want me to post the PSD files as proof
. Not everything i do is good. I make good ones and bad ones. I'm always learning and sometimes the Idea's I have dont work out.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 06:57 AM
hey, if you guys do have this contest, can i be the first to post some base images?
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:04 AM
ANBU Captain
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:11 AM
ANBU Captain
First off, KakashiSensei, I love your sigs and I appreciate you helping out. The more people we have making sigs on the board means more creativity to be shared.
Secondly, Naruto: It was really REALLY rude to acuse KakashiSensei of claiming something as his that wasn't. I have no problem with you saying you don't like a particular sig, but give a more intelligent reason than just </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>cuase some sigs u posted doesnt really looks so cool. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
When you can spell and capitalize correctly, and give constructive criticism, come back and I'll take you seriously.
An example of good criticism is: "I don't like the dark blue." "I think you should have picked different images to use." "I think the background is boring." etc. NOT</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>did u really made ur sig by urself? cuase some sigs u posted doesnt really looks so cool. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
On another note, Josh, perhaps what we should do is host a poll first on what series and character should be the subject of the challenge. It would be better for someone with some graphics experience to choose the actual images as they will have a better idea of what to look for in terms of good images to work with.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:11 AM
ANBU Captain
aight so Ive been pondering this contest thing, and I think ive come up with a format that kinda would be entertaining and not too agressive.
My idea is to kinda do it in a 3 round tournament fashion, the first round having everyone that wants in do a themed sig of a certain character(probably from naruto-fits this sites mo best) then after a week say we vote for the top 4 sigs.
Then those top 4 sig makers make a new sig on a new subject(another char, series etc.) then we take the top 2.
Then we have the championship with a really hard subject or obscure character. Then the victor is proclaimed etc etc etc. what do ya think?
Oh and i think the everyone using the same base pic for the sig for the first round is a good idea, then after that lets open it up to the creators so they can search and open up their creativity.
Anybody else got any ideas as to how to do this thing? and oh yeh lasaire dont worry bout a flame war this fanart forum is one of the most creative and laid back environments on the net ive seen.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:14 AM
ANBU Captain
That sounds good to me! Having something in several stages allows the real masters to come out, and more people to have fun with the contest.
I also definately agree that it should be by popular vote.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:18 AM
ANBU Captain
Ok pending further approval of this method, our next step would be to make a poll topic with possible topics for the first round, does just a naruto character sig sound good to everyone for the first round?
So if this sounds good for everyone maybe lasaire or I can put up a poll tonight with like 10 characters from naruto for the masses to vote on.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:21 AM
Sounds like a good Idea. If we decide to make it a specific Pic to make a sig or Charector, then let the masses find thier own pics.
Mon, 02-23-2004, 07:28 AM
ANBU Captain
Sounds good to me! Maybe 10 choices of character from Naruto, then a mod pics the images once the character is decided for the first round.
Then maybe for the second round, the character/series is decided but images are up to the artist's free choice, and the third round is completely free for all. Sound good?
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