here you go
can someone make me an avatar of Athrun Zala from gundam seed/destiny?
i want it to look good and with only athrun in it. For the picture, surprise me with a good picture. thanks in advance
Ovan, The Rebirth
I made two so you go a choice. If you dont want to
use them, thats fine
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
thanks for your effort but those avatars don't interest me enough, thanks anyways though, anyone else?
Ovan, The Rebirth
can someone make me a sig with this including my name
ty psj for this sig
Could someone make me a sig please? I want the colors to be the same as the current one but with this picture ( and with the words xeno genesis on it.
heres yours zabuza
any changes needed?
wow cool! no changes needed and thanks very much
ty psj for this sig
Request. Don't want a character in sig just a cool simple backround, earth tones, with text SK: Running GW Since 2004.
Yea, could you make the text clearer? Thanks good work.
its not my sig but I'd say make the size around the same as mine and yours itachi
here ya go isn't perfect but its the best i can do....
Thanks a lot man. =)
-- Oh is there anyway you can make it smaller? Like 300x80?
glad you like it.. if i make it smaller than this the quality will suffer.
maybe someone else know how to do this better..
you could just crop the ends of it, it needs a border too
Well woops.......I feel stupid [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
nvm you edited your post
anyway I went back and redid zabuza's request cause the last one I made him sucked ass