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Thread: my naruto 70 wont work ;[

  1. #1
    can anyone tell me what codecs they use one of mine was like a trial and it expired and now it doesnt work ;[

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    ummm i think this maybe should have been in Anime support area as u may get better help there as for me i dunno sorry mate.

  3. #3
    exactly what Toruxxx said


  4. #4
    sorry about that but any help would be appreciated

  5. #5
    Divx and Xvid work really well.... Other than that try a diffrent player personally i used VLC it plays whatever doesn't woln't in WMP. GO download it and give it a shot if not check the major codec at divx or see if there an updated codec pack out there. Nimo's codec pack. fddshow whatever.

  6. #6
    I use the KL Codec Pack, and it practically has every codec out there in it. It can be found here

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