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Thread: Naruto 204 Discussion

  1. #21
    yeah the peta would be pretty pissed

  2. #22
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 13 2004, 07:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> LINK i downloaded it there. Is it dead? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    No, Xplo took that down once the XDCC bots got up.

    I haven&#39;t tried my alternative link, so I don&#39;t know what is up with it.

    That person stopped advertising it though too once the bots got up, but still give it a try

    Also, I also think that Akamaru is still alive. I don&#39;t think Kiba will die now just by cutting his stomach. Maybe he is just bluffing so that Akon gets out of him.

  3. #23
    Thanks, why totally didn&#39;t see that coming? Does &#39;Moto hate all his characters genins now?

  4. #24
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    didn&#39;t i tell you they are gonna split?
    the peeing scum smells too much like a Kakashi rip-off from the bridge fight...
    and Kiba&#39;s explantion of his move sounded like Kenshin Ougie thing, where the air slashes of the dragon get you even if you dodge the claws...

    I really hate the fact that the sound four can&#39;t kill a loser like Kiba without going into a super special mode.. Asuma beat the crap out of 9 sound shinobi with only Taijutsu and they can&#39;t kill a fucking dog boy without pulling some super trick from thier sleeves?

    next chapter i hope kiba will keep on suciding, even after Sakon&#092;Ukon get out of him and take over Akamaru to create a bad ass wolf ninja&#33;
    oh, and i think that something will come out of that giant door, maybe a giant snake demon or something like that, it isn&#39;t orochimaru&#39;s abasloute defence for nothing...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  5. #25
    i think that door served it purpose.

  6. #26
    <span style='color:#D6DBE0'>I bet Sakon eyes have a chemical burn and he dies from that. Sometimes using H20 for some chemicals can actually make things worse.
    Ukons probably gonna be able to leave, but not without damage (did he have blood spurting out from his mouth near the end?</span>

    That was fast and whats up with the first page about not supporting n. chussin manga?

  7. #27
    I think it is good that at least one of the genins is gonna die. I mean if they came back without one casualty it would seem like they&#39;re invincible.
    I wonder if kiba dies would akamaru die. Since they are connected. (i think)

    EDIT: I think its just pee in his eyes. Its not like its gonna kill him or anything.

  8. #28
    Naruto Chuusin took credit for INANE&#39;s translation or something, or they stole it. I don&#39;t know what is truly up, but that is the word in the Inane Channel.

  9. #29
    omg this chapter fukin rocks dam first chouji then neiji and now kiba what will be the outcome of all of this i hope all them of them are alright

  10. #30
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    ok, i think if anyone is gonna die, it&#39;s probably gonna be neji (unfortunately). i mean, he took the most damage...

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  11. #31
    is there a site i can download off since i dont use bittorrents on my moms comp

    edit: nevermind i found it on narutofan

  12. #32
    Sakon isnt going to die from piss in the eyes, geez lol

    as for Ukon - any bet hes gonna leave Kiba to die, the thing is even if Kiba kills Ukon then Sakon is still alive.

  13. #33
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Feb 13 2004, 07:53 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> didn&#39;t i tell you they are gonna split?
    the peeing scum smells too much like a Kakashi rip-off from the bridge fight...
    and Kiba&#39;s explantion of his move sounded like Kenshin Ougie thing, where the air slashes of the dragon get you even if you dodge the claws...

    I really hate the fact that the sound four can&#39;t kill a loser like Kiba without going into a super special mode.. Asuma beat the crap out of 9 sound shinobi with only Taijutsu and they can&#39;t kill a fucking dog boy without pulling some super trick from thier sleeves?

    next chapter i hope kiba will keep on suciding, even after Sakon&#092;Ukon get out of him and take over Akamaru to create a bad ass wolf ninja&#33;
    oh, and i think that something will come out of that giant door, maybe a giant snake demon or something like that, it isn&#39;t orochimaru&#39;s abasloute defence for nothing... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    lol, we had Sasukehaters, Narutohaters and Nejihaters, and now a Kibahater, oh well, &quot;para gustos, colores&quot;

  14. #34
    maybe ukon and sakon are linked if one dies they both dies i doubt oro gave both of them a seal and they both survived

  15. #35
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Narutofan has it already

    Aaaaah, Kiba&#33;&#33; What&#39;s up with Kishimoto, killing off every single genning like that?? Sure, we still don&#39;t know if they are dead, but it sure looks like it at the moment.

    I mean, Kiba was twisting the kunai inside his own stomach. Jesus friggin Christ, that&#39;s half the Japanese traditional suicide... if he slices just a little more, he&#39;s gonna be a goner.

    Also, I think that since Ukon and Sakon are connected, if Ukon dies Sakon will die too.

    And Akamaru&#33;&#33; He can&#39;t be dead, of course... as someone else said, no one can kill a puppy unless he&#39;s very very sick.
    And I want to believe Kishimoto is not that sick.

    Aaaaagh, Kiba&#39;d better not die....&#33;&#33; I really like him... and Akamaru, too...

    Man, now I&#39;l wondering what the hell&#39;s gonna happen to Shikamaru. Seeing the pattern, he&#39;ll get beaten up pretty well. That leaves no Leaf Gennins, no Sound Nins, and only Naruto and Kimimaro...

    And Sasuke-in-a-barrel.

    If _any_ gennin dies, I&#39;m so going to hate Sasuke... I mean, I dislike him even now, but I don&#39;t hate him. I think he&#39;s too arrogant, but he&#39;s needed...
    But if Neji or Kiba or Shikamaru die because of this.... agh&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
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  16. #36
    Ok, somethings strange with running javascript in my ie so...

    Quote: &quot;ok, i think if anyone is gonna die, it&#39;s probably gonna be neji (unfortunately). i mean, he took the most damage... &quot;

    Yeah, and also cuz that would make Hinata a &quot;stronger&quot; character (everybody can figure out why by themselves) and the Naruto - Hinata (or the Hinata - Naruto to be more precise(sp?) ) story has gotto go somewhere so if Neji dies Hinata gets her chanse to shine and maybe Naruto would notice her...

    ...or is that diggin´ to deep?

  17. #37
    we dont know if they&#39;re literally connected, Ukon and Sakon - because it was Ukons ability that allowed him to live in Sakon

    we dont really know Sakons ability or if Ukon dies he does, maybe if Ukon was IN his body at the time yes they would both die.

  18. #38
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kiba&#045;kun &#064; Feb 13 2004, 08:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    lol, we had Sasukehaters, Narutohaters and Nejihaters, and now a Kibahater, oh well, &quot;para gustos, colores&quot; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Yes, &quot;en gustos se rompen generos&quot;, mmh?

    [fangirl]Aah, I have never understood why people dislike Kiba, though. I mean, he&#39;s got a PUPPY&#33;&#33; How can you dislike someone who has a dog? And such a kickass dog, too?? And he&#39;s not an arrogant moron, nor a complete clown, nor completely useless... I like Kiba ^^

    Anyway, whatever... I think the only thing I&#39;ve yet to see is a Shikamaru-hater. But who can dislike him, anyway...

    And yeah, we don&#39;t know if Ukon and Sakon are connected now that they are... separated. That sounds stupid.
    But its all speculation... think of it this way,

    Kiba _has_ to kill Sakon (and Ukon, in this case). Chouji killed Jiroubu, Neji killed Kidoumaru, and they both ended up almost dead (if not dead).
    Therefore, Kiba _will_ kill Ukon, and will almost die in the process.
    But then he still has to deal with Sakon, right?
    So unless Akamaru gets up and somehow kills Sakon giving his own life blah blah blah, Kiba&#39;s &quot;suicide&quot; will kill both.

    Anyway, that&#39;s my theory...

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  19. #39
    the only reason we have Kiba haters now is because hes doing more then he should be able to, if he draws with Sakon and Ukon thats just out of whack seeing as they&#39;re the strongest of the 4 and Kiba isnt exactly the strongest genin.

  20. #40
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Yeah, I know what you mean. Its just weird that someone who lost to Naruto can defeat Sakon and Ukon... but still, &quot;Hate&quot; may be a little bit strong here, though...? Do y&#39;all dislike Kiba _that_ much? Do you feel like smashing your computer monitors? hehehehe...

    Anyway, so maybe we&#39;ll have Shikamaru haters next, since all gennins so far have gotten their hate-fanclub?

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

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