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Thread: Naruto 204 Discussion

  1. #81
    thank you jakob

  2. #82
    Regardless, I've just settled a compromise with the higher-ups of Inane. War over.

  3. #83
    This might sound evil, but I hope that either Choji, Kiba or Neji do die. I don't have a problem with any of them, I just don't think that everyone should survive this mission. Especially not with the damage that they are taking in these battles.

    As long as Shikamaru and Naruto survive, everything will be fine

    Edit: problem solved

  4. #84
    The thing is this, guys.

    It's about respect. Inane deserves respect because they work hard to translate the chapters. Period. Whether it's released Friday or Saturday, they still work very hard. And people who don't do anything to help along the release, by scandslating, translating, editing, don't really have any right to complain.
    Inane deserves the respect that they wish. If they think that having their name in the folder title is a big deal, than I think they should warrant the respect of having that

    I do not agree on Inane's way of portraying this. Unless they first asked Naruto Chuushin to stop the act, before doing something like this. But I do think they deserve the support, guys.

    Honestly. ^^* It's a lot of work to translate Japanese. It's a lot more work when you're doing it, knowing that people aren't happy enough that you're doing it. They want it even faster.

    Rather than saying "Inane is dumb for doing this", let's say "Thanks Inane, for having the translation done so fast!", and try to encourage Naruto Chuushin to respect Inane the way they believe (and, honestly, it's not a big deal) that they should be. ^^

    Also: Editing the image files in any way along those lines could alter the quality of the image. Just so you know. Inane would most likely not want their images to be tampered with, because people may see bad quality. Inane is simply trying to perserve its title as a quality scanslation group. They can't do that if there are bad copies around.

    Edit: Congrats on solving the problem! ^^

  5. #85
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Legato 2057 @ Feb 14 2004, 01:17 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> This might sound evil, but I hope that either Choji, Kiba or Neji do die. I don&#39;t have a problem with any of them, I just don&#39;t think that everyone should survive this mission. Especially not with the damage that they are taking in these battles.
    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    dammit their is no way neji is dead&#33; as far as them killing off kiba, if they kill off one(akamaru or kiba) they have to kill off the other, and theirs no way in fuck they are gonna kill a puppy in the series. btw neji isnt dead so just accept it and move on.

  6. #86
    &quot;1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing&#33;? Since when?&quot;
    where did i mention stealing ? oO

    &quot;3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it&#39;d make you happy if we put &quot;Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans&#33;&quot; on every single page?&quot;

    Inane cares. And exactly like in chapter 203 narutochuushin REMOVED THE INANE TAG IN the chapter(page1). Read again my post....

    &quot;4) I&#39;ve seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don&#39;t work for Inane, I don&#39;t know the whole story, but i&#39;m sure UltimateDBZ isn&#39;t making this shit up just because he doesn&#39;t like you. &quot;

    ohhh really what chapter ?? u cant know when a chapter is done unless you re in inane wich i doubt .....

    &quot;5) So, its okay for Inane to say &quot;don&#39;t support Chuushin&quot; but if we turn that around and say &quot;don&#39;t support Inane,&quot; we&#39;re the ones that are wrong?&quot;

    Yes it s wrong it s our edited chapter, not yours, u just modified inane chapter,if u dont like what we put in our chapter then DONT distro it .... This page can be considered like stealing

  7. #87
    You mention stealing in every other breath you take

    And like I already said a compromise has been enacted and the feud is over.
    Go walk a dog xplo.

  8. #88
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (XpLo @ Feb 13 2004, 10:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Jakob
    &quot;1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing&#33;? Since when?&quot;
    where did i mention stealing ? oO

    &quot;3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it&#39;d make you happy if we put &quot;Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans&#33;&quot; on every single page?&quot;

    Inane cares. And exactly like in chapter 203 narutochuushin REMOVED THE INANE TAG IN the chapter(page1). Read again my post....

    &quot;4) I&#39;ve seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don&#39;t work for Inane, I don&#39;t know the whole story, but i&#39;m sure UltimateDBZ isn&#39;t making this shit up just because he doesn&#39;t like you. &quot;

    ohhh really what chapter ?? u cant know when a chapter is done unless you re in inane wich i doubt .....

    &quot;5) So, its okay for Inane to say &quot;don&#39;t support Chuushin&quot; but if we turn that around and say &quot;don&#39;t support Inane,&quot; we&#39;re the ones that are wrong?&quot;

    Yes it s wrong it s our edited chapter, not yours, u just modified inane chapter,if u dont like what we put in our chapter then DONT distro it .... This page can be considered like stealing </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    1) You&#39;ve mentioned it multiple times. &quot;Claiming Inane&#39;s work as Chuushin&#39;s own,&quot; to paraphrase what you&#39;ve said.

    3) Oh, so we did it in 1 chapter, so we&#39;ve done it in every single one?

    4) I don&#39;t need to be in Inane&#39;s IRC room, UltimateDBZ is, and he posts whats said in there from time to time.

    5) What i&#39;m saying is, you can bash us, but when we try to retaliate, all of a sudden we&#39;re the bad guys? I don&#39;t get it...

  9. #89
    I find this arc is getting repetitive and lame.

    It was cool when Choji used the pills to fight and it was cool when Neji went off to fight but by the Kiba fight I just lost interest. I mean Neji&#39;s and Chohi&#39;s fight had emotion to them but Kiba&#39;s has nothing. It just seems so artificial and forced.

    I can buy Choji winning his fight because of his pills (they are supposed to be the pinnicle of his clans ninja weapons.) and I can buy Neji winning his fight because he is supposed to be the most talented Hyuuga in existence but Kiba winning is just lame.

    If Kishimoto were an interesting writer at all he would have had Kiba and Shikamaru team up to take on Sakon and Tayuya while Naruto went off to fight Kimmimaru.

    Ironically I thought everyone had really lame level 2 curse seal forms except for Sakon so at least we got one thing that was cool out of that fight.

    I just really hope that we don&#39;t continue to see the trend of &quot;Oh I&#39;m in a situation that is impossible to win, luckily for me I learnt a new jutsu on the way here that will pull me out of this mess.&quot;

  10. #90
    Damn.... Who cares? Let&#39;s all just enjoy the freakin manga.

  11. #91

  12. #92
    He is just lazy and not that good of a writer.

    He probably figures that if he can drag this storyline out for half a year, he will have time to plan a good portion of the rest of the manga. After all, this arc doesn&#39;t require much planning in the first place.

    1. Sasuke leaves with the Sound 4.
    2. Shikamaru has to go after him.
    3. He picks Naruto, and 3 others to go with him.
    4. They have 1 on 1 fights all the way through.

    Yeah that could take up a lot of time, especially since they won&#39;t catch them right away.

    I agree that he should have made a 2 on 2 fight, because 204 just wasn&#39;t up to par at all with 203. Its boring being focused on one of them the whole chapter.

    He needs to end Kiba&#39;s fight next chapter like in 6 pages. Then go to Shikamaru and have him beat Tayuya in the rest of the pages. Then go to the freaking main character, who is fighting the main villain of the arc.

  13. #93
    We get our mangos from Indians anyway, not Inane.

  14. #94
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Yep, this isn&#39;t the place for this guys, this is the discussion of the chapter. Please don&#39;t make me close the thread because I&#39;d rather not.

    A great chapter, but yeah it seems a bit odd that all the gennin so far have been at deaths door. How cool was page 14&#33; I kept going back to it just to look at it again, hehe
    I hope the battle gets finished quickly next chapter, but I doubt it. I just wanna see what kickass strategy Shikamaru is going to use. He&#39;s so entertaining.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  15. #95
    Damn right&#33;

    Hurry up to the Shikamaru fight&#33;

  16. #96
    2 things:
    1) kidoumaru has to LIVE&#33;&#33;&#33; the moves done on him were the same ones done on naruto and hinata, and they lived&#33; so plzzzzzzzz

    2)i agree, sum1 has to die. i dont care either but sum1. i dont want a corny endin to the arc of how they all managed to survive. 1 took &quot;suicide&quot; pill. 2nd had &quot;mortal&quot; wounds. 3rd is going suicide. so plzzzzz die sum1

  17. #97

  18. #98
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (pavi @ Feb 14 2004, 03:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> 2 things:
    1) kidoumaru has to LIVE&#33;&#33;&#33; the moves done on him were the same ones done on naruto and hinata, and they lived&#33; so plzzzzzzzz

    2)i agree, sum1 has to die. i dont care either but sum1. i dont want a corny endin to the arc of how they all managed to survive. 1 took &quot;suicide&quot; pill. 2nd had &quot;mortal&quot; wounds. 3rd is going suicide. so plzzzzz die sum1 </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    1. kidi got hit in the head, it means that his brain goes by-by&#33; but still, he had a cool battle.

    2. exactly, i can defintaly see Kiba and chouji die, but i think Neji will survive, the bird reprsents breaking out of his destiney, and he previously said that everyone share the destiney of death... i know it&#39;s not much but i don&#39;t believe he&#39;ll die, and while Chouji and Kiba both said that they&#39;ll die, Neji is still clinging to the hope of life... so i don&#39;t think he&#39;s down yet.

    Kiba&#39;s fight is the worst so far, even though he got to fight one of the cooler sound nins, the battle is just ugly, he copied the &#39;the dogs hunt by smell&#39; from the kakashi fight and the &#39;godunka&#39; (kiba new move) from kenshin&#39;s ougie, pure crap...

    Chouji fight was DBZ nostalgia, and was much more fast paced than this one, Neji&#39;s fight started great, but had a draw back in the conclusion, kimi &amp; Naruto fight hasn&#39;t really started, and so did Shika &amp; Tayuya fight, but Kiba&#39;s fight started out purely ugly, and doesn&#39;t seem to be improving at all. Sure, sakon-ukon and Akamaru are decent, but kiba ruins everything by staying alive against such an advesery without a good reason.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #99
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    yeah, neji was about to kill hinata too, before the jounins interfered. Not only that, but if Hinata didnt get treated then whe was going to die in about 10 minutes. I dont think any doctor has come to help kidoumaru yet.

    this &quot;all the genins on the verge of death&quot; thing seems far too convenient. the moment kiba and akamaru agreed to use a jutsu that could drain all their chakra, i was promptly pissed off. Although it IS quite strange how all these genins could be doing so well, i sorta had the same thoughts though when ALL of the 9 rookies made it past the second chuunin exam, accounting for almost half of the genins that passed it.

    as for Sakon and Ukon.....them being linked together makes the most sense to me. Afterall, we know that they have to somehow be defeated, and i dont think kiba or akamaru will be able to do so if sakon is still in good health.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #100
    ÜberBaka had some good thoughts a while back about the eventual path of things, and for the most part I agree. What strikes me, though, is an interesting analogue between Kiba/Akamaru and Sakon/Ukon. Will either of them be able to function without the other? I&#39;m fairly certain that if Sakon dies, so will Ukon, but how about that reversed? Hopefully, Ukon dies, which doesn&#39;t kill but shuts down Sakon. I like Kiba and Sakon. And damn if I want Neji to die. We spent how many chapters talking about his family&#39;s legacy? Let&#39;s evolve that concept please, so that it wasn&#39;t just wasted pages.


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