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Thread: Naruto Gekito Ninja Taisen

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  1. #1

    I just downloaded Naruto Gekito Ninja Taisen. It comes with 3 files that my computer can't read (I've got XP).

    First what is this .rar supposed to be? (Just soundtracks or something more?)
    Second do the following files in the archive contain anything important? How do I open them?
    msinfo document


  2. #2
    a .rar file is basically a special .zip file but in it's own format. You can un'rar' it with Winrar. This will most likely have the files you require.

    An .m3u file, is a Que list that is associated with WinAmp.

    Um... for the MSinfo document, do you mean the one with the extension .nfo? It's normally associated with a database in windows by default, and always claims to be corrupt. That's because, there is in fact another file type which has the same extension as Windows. Confusing or what? You open these files in notepad, it normally contains information related to the file you downloaded, or the group or created/ripped/subbed it.

    as for the .svu file.... i really have no idea. I made a quick search for you, but ended up with tons of "Law and Order" stuff everywhere i looked. Hopefully someone else will know.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    well you know about the extensions now. I have a ques. You say that you dled Naruto Gekito Ninja Taisen <--for the GC right? If so, how do you intend to play it. There's no way to emulate GC isos as yet (or at least to my knowledge). I also haven't heard of any way or anyone who have sucessfully burned a GC iso and got it to play.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  4. #4
    Ah thanks for the info. Yeah i have that same file myself lol.

    GameCube Emulators
    Various GC GUI's, probably to be used with a GC Chip or Emulator.

    I'm not really sure how to myself, as i've never tried. I don't even own a GC. But that website will probably have the information if you can, and i have actually seen plenty of GC Games floating around, so i wouldn't be surprised if it was possible.

  5. #5
    EDIT: corrected some minor flaws ... again

    AFAIK, GC discs (which are a variant of mini-DVDs) can be ripped (if you take some special precautions by not allowing your OS routines to check out the disc and do a raw rip... instructions can be found elsewhere) but the discs can currently not be burnt... which is a shame for *cough* backup purposes.

    There is however a way to use the isos - a buffer overflow bug has been detected in the GC broadband code, which allows anyone with the GC broadband cable, a broadband capable game and a computer with a network card and a hub to "load" isos through the broadband cable. The GUIs that float around are often front-ends for the program that "pumps" the isos into the GC. Instructions for this whole procedure can be found on the 'net. Happy hunting and... backuping.

    A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.

  6. #6
    i believe the reason they cannot be burnt is because the gamecube dvdrom spins in the opposite way from regular dvd roms

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