Just a question for those who have watched episode 70, is the fight continuing between Orochimaru and Hokage 3rd or is the episode most about Shikamaru and naruto in the forest?
Just a question for those who have watched episode 70, is the fight continuing between Orochimaru and Hokage 3rd or is the episode most about Shikamaru and naruto in the forest?
every time i try to dled from bakasans site all i get is u cannot acces this site when i click on the link for the torrent so ill just go grab it from dowmloadanime its always there for me
well Anbu 70 is out now its on gotwoot torrents page
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
actually i preferred this expansion of asuma
even though it wasn't that badass
it seems like you saw more of him in the anime than in the manga though. and he still kicked alot of ass
i think this ep was cool
seriously i mean it
i think the anime version of the fight was better than the manga one =p