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Thread: What will happen to Shikamaru's Team?

  1. #1
    well we all know Shikamaru got promoted to Chunnin level. So will he remain in his original team or move to a chunin team. If that happens what will happen to Ino and Chouji (if he survives). Well we are assuming that all the characters come back alive. so how will the new teams be formed. Coz i am sure the teams will take part in the next chunin exam and the teams have to be three member. hmmm any ideas guys?

  2. #2
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    if chouji survives they will probably still be a team i think shika can choose whether to stay or not and as the lazy bum he is he will stay but if chouji dies its bye bye team.. shikamaru will probably leave then..

  3. #3

    Udon comes and heals them all.

  4. #4
    A few weeks ago we were debating whether or not Shikamaru would be forced to move up or not...

    Another possiblility is that Shikamaru will move up, Chouji might have passed away, and Ino would be part of Team 7 with Naruto and Sakura after Sasuke leaves with Orochimaru.

    Naruto would be in deep shit if that is the case. Him and Kakashi would have to make up for those two.

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    yea, but with no Sasuke to be stupid about, maybe Sakura and Ino could do something usefull, not likely, but it's still a possibilty.

    and i hope that if there'll be a team changes, then Naruto will be with Hinata and someone else from another team, it'd be more balancing to mix up all the teams, to get to a situation where there are no old teammates in the same new group, that way they can work on the new teamwork and the new one won't feel left out.

    and Shikamaru still seemed to be with Ino and Chouji and Asuma, they had that BarBQ meeting, and Asume still treated Shikamaru like part of the team.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #6
    i certainly hope Ino doesn't join team 7 ....It would be a waste of the series....Since the series has to go along with Naruto , which means Sakura and Ino getting more exposure ....which means they'll be spending time on their relationship and it would be all girly stuff...NOOO just the thought of it scares me....

    I think they should team up Neiji , Hinata and Naruto.....that would be a super team....since Hinata likes Naruto she'll work hard watching Naruto Fight..since Neiji is suppose to protect Hinata because of the family thingy...and he has acknowledged Naruto as a strong would be a good team .

    Ino , Kiba and Lee.....would be a good team up too.

    And Shikamaru should just leave the team and concentrate on becoming a ANBU coz that'll be Cool.....

  7. #7
    Lee, Naruto, Hinata would be an awesome team.

    Then Neji, Shino, and Sakura

    Then have Kiba, Tenten, and Ino

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    i hope people like hinata are out of the picture forever. i can't stand people like her.

    but anyway, i think they won't be getting back to doing more team stuff. i think the story line will put more emphasis on individuals from now on (sasuke going off, naruto continuing the training with jiraiya, etc...).

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  9. #9
    I think Sakura should just die....because that will make Naruto super pissed and he'll train really hard to avenge Sakura's death.

    i like the Lee, Naruto , Hinata formation.....hmmm Lee would certainly help Naruto alot and i think they should change the Jounins too and make Gai their new Sensei
    because Gai understands the hard workers and he can certainly help Hinata alot too.

    Kakashi should take up Neiji, Sasuke and Ino.

    Kuranie should take up Kiba , Shino and Tenten

    And Asuma with Chouji, sakura and some new Genin from the Academy

  10. #10
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    yea there isnt time to do more team stuff if he wants to end this series before 50 volumes he cant put in more team stuff we need explainations for ALOT of stuf fthat we want to know... about 4th, kakashi, naruto, itachi.. more about he sennins...

  11. #11
    I think Naruto is gonna be really long because yea there are alot of unanswered questions and Kishimoto introduced characters very quickly without fully introducing the old chracters like Kakashi , 4th and Naruto and even where did she come from...all the characters we have seen in the series come from certain clan or they have something special in them...Sakura is a just a no body. it would be really sad if they just left Naruto being a Genin at the end of the series....he should atleast be at a legendry level....and fight a really tough enemy like Itachi and don't die....

  12. #12
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 11 2004, 10:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

    Udon comes and heals them all. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    how is udon healing? its obvious that that pic was made to own itachi_(the forum member) btw hotsuma you really LOVE to post that pic dont you?

  13. #13
    I don&#39;t know if the series will go through another chunnin exam. I don&#39;t think that they will fast forward to where all the original team members are already chunnin/jounin levels.

  14. #14
    I think Naruto is gonna leave Konoha with Jiraiya. It would make sense because they are attracting the akatsuki and they wouldn&#39;t attract them to Konoha. They will probably go off somewhere and come back and all the genins would now be chunnins. Thats the only &quot;time jump&quot; I can see happening.

  15. #15
    Because the pic freakin rocks dude. Udon is the combination of every characters special ability.

  16. #16
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 11 2004, 09:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Because the pic freakin rocks dude. Udon is the combination of every characters special ability. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    THAT&#39;S RIGHT, UDON IS THE MAN&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

  17. #17
    yeah but i don&#39;t see any connection between that freaking pic with the current why waste space?

  18. #18
    Naruto and Jiraiya leaving Konoha is kind of a decent idea. That way Naruto could get some more training and battle experience.

    Have like 8 years go by and Naruto shows back up all bad ass with Jiraiya.

    To do a proper prediction we would have to know Sasuke&#39;s fate, which we don&#39;t right now. Their is a 50-50 chance that he will go with Orochimaru.

  19. #19
    Yeah. I see how Naruto leaving with Jiraiya on some training journey (ala, Ranma) could do him some justice. I really can&#39;t imagine him becoming Hokage-mature in just Konoha. He needs to get his hands dirtied up a little more.

  20. #20
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    there&#39;s a 100% chance that sasuke is going to sound.

    but that has nothing to do with shika&#39;s team...OR DOES IT

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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