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Thread: Why don't Team 7 train togethar?

  1. #1
    As been said, Hinata will be a very strong ninja if she get's some confidence, im sure she has a lot more now due to Naruto.....and Tenten isnt bad either, Temari was just the worst match up she could have got. Btw how old is Temari, she's strongggggg =)

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    i think people are underestimating the female ninjas' abilities, such as:

    cheer no jutsu
    clean no jutsu
    stop talking no jutsu
    get beer no jutsu
    get naked no jutsu

    they are very powerful jutsus.

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  3. #3
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hyuga Koji @ Feb 11 2004, 12:41 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Ten Ten and Hinata would be pretty good ninjas they just got really bad matchups

    Hinata vs. Neji (no match)

    Ten Ten vs. Temari (weapons were useless)

    Hinata needs to work on her self confidence and i&#39;d like to see Temari again Sakura has nothing and Ino&#39;s attack is only useful for scouting or taking one character out of a team battle.

    Naruto and Sasuke training together wouldn&#39;t work as good because they needed to be taught different things Kakashi couldn&#39;t have given either of them the intense one on one they both needed to win their fights or at least have a chance at victory. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Hinata is the only female character that looked like she can be good if someone trains her and gives her confidence. I hope she gets confidence when she sees hows good Naruto is now cause he sucked in the begining.


    i wasnt talking about strenght i was talking about skill

  4. #4
    What I am trying to say is that if you remember before the finals all other teams were training togethar with their team sensie, thus improving the over all strength. Kurenai&#39;s team was working to improve Shino&#39;s strength before his final match. Asuma&#39;s Team was working to improve Shika&#39;s strength. well it all seems very logical thing to do. I believe Kakashi favours Sasuke too much to train him alone and let Naruto train with that pervert Ebisu. Well i understand Naruto lacks in basic but Kakashi should know better just like Jiyaiya that Naruto has too big a chakra to perform basic jutsus. and if he does it turns out bad. Thats why he can make actual bodies so easily. So i think Kakashi should have matched up Sasuke and Naruto togethar for their final matches. Because we all know Naruto works alot better when there is competition with Sasuke , just like the Forest of Chakra Training.

    What do you guys think?

  5. #5
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (_Sasuke_ &#064; Feb 11 2004, 07:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> As been said, Hinata will be a very strong ninja if she get&#39;s some confidence, im sure she has a lot more now due to Naruto.....and Tenten isnt bad either, Temari was just the worst match up she could have got. Btw how old is Temari, she&#39;s strongggggg =) </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    temari probably is 1 - 2 years older than tenten, which means she is 15 or 16 years old.

  6. #6
    Splitting them up was just a way so that the storyline could progress into Sasuke learning the Chidori and Naruto learning Summoning no Jutsu. It also allowed for the suspense if whether or not Sasuke would show up or not.

    I agree that it would have been smart for Kakashi to have Team 7 train together, but you have to remember that Team 7 was the only team from Konoha that had 2 people make it into the 3rd Round. The other 3 just had 1, so it made sense for them to train together to help the one person out.

    Kakashi is just uber smart and realized that for Sasuke to beat Gaara he had to learn some uber taijutsu and ninjutsu assassination moves, so he had Sasuke go to a secluded place and he trained him personally.

    He knew Naruto would be alright no matter what, but he had to work on chakra control, so he let Ebisu train him.

    In one flashback Kakashi and Jiraiya are talking (kakashi has it during the fight with Itachi), I think it takes place after the death of Sandaime, but if it is before hand, then Kakashi knew Jiraiya was in the area and he might have just given Naruto to Ebisu to kill time for him to arrive.

    All what I really know is that I just wrote way too much.

  7. #7
    I have been thinking about that conversation too but i think it did happen after 3rd&#39;s death because soon after that Jiyaiya took Naruto with him....and what is the Shinobi Training Center?? well we have yet learn that. But coming back to the topic if Team 7 had worked togethar they should really have had Sakura go along with them too....because when we evaluate team 7 there is a huge gap between Sakura and Naruto,Sasuke. Its true that Jiyaiya had to be introduced and teach Naruto Summoning no Jutsu. But that could have done in some other way. Because as we know if we needed Jiyaiya to unseal Oro&#39; Seal on Naruto, Even Kakashi could have done that since he is good in sealing techninques. all and all...i think Naruto should have been taught by Kakashi along side with Sasuke. Because since naruto has huge amount of Chakra for him to learn taijutsu the level of Sasuke and Lee would be very easy. since he wouldn&#39;t get tired so easily like Sasuke and Lee.

    I think Gai should teach Naruto his Taijutsu.

  8. #8
    well i don&#39;t disagree that Jiraiya is much better than Kakashi...Since Jiraiya is the master of Kakashi&#39;s Master (4th Hokage). So he has to be like super better than Kakashi. And i think Jiraiya doesn&#39;t like Kakashi that much since he called him a brat once. i am not sure though. well when it comes to the girls hmmm since the stories revolves around Naruto alot so girle are getting neglacted. But they have shown some pretty strong female characters in the story like Anko, Temari, ANBU chic too we know ANBU are pretty damn strong and lets not forget Tsunade. I think Ino is pretty good for a ninja coz she has special jutsu like mind body transfer. but yea Sakura is a waste of a character.

    Even if we compare team 7 with the Legendry Nins.....Tsunade was stronger than sakura when she was only a genin.....we know Oro was a genius like Sasuke and Jiraiya was tied to the post like Naruto. oh well who knows Tsunade might help Sakura out and teach her summoning of the Slug.

  9. #9
    Well Gai gives him his &quot;cool&quot; practice suit.

    I think its fine that Jiraiya teaches naruto. He has the same style as naruto. I think if Kakashi trained naruto, he would teach him the things least important to his fighting style i.e. chakra control. The thing that bugs me is that Sakura is getting left in the dust. Someone has to come along and train her.

  10. #10
    If Naruto learned Gai&#39;s Taijutsu then it would be too much for now. I could see it happening though.

    Narut walk out to get some Ramen

    Gai: Hey, come with me, I need a new project till Lee heals, and you are a hardworker type like us&#33;


  11. #11
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    you can&#39;t say that jiraiya is super better than kakashi cuz he taught the 4th...isn&#39;t that a little illogical? the master isn&#39;t always stronger than the student.

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  12. #12
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    she gotta teach sakura a hell of alot more than summoning no jutsu for sakura to be a good ninja...

    Dazzz: no but in this case he is right jiraiya is probably alot stornger than kakashi. i find kakashi overrated...

  13. #13
    Besides Sakura doesn&#39;t have enough chakra to summon anything a salt shaker couldn&#39;t kill.

    Medical jutsu and genjutsu are what she needs to focus on doesn&#39;t take a lot of power and relies on smarts.

    Perfect match for Sakura she&#39;ll never get that strength though.

  14. #14
    hahhaah yeah i think that is very much possible or....Lee when he heals up teaches Naruto on how to improve his speed. because he kicked major ass of both Gaara and Neiji ...and those were the two people Lee wanted to defeat badly.

    And Sakura....i think Kakashi should pay more attention to her....or she should just quit being a ninja. i think Kishimoto neglects alot of other characters when focusing on a certaing thing. It feels more like when he is showing Naruto and Jiraiya rest of the cast is frozen.

  15. #15
    just one thing i noticed, kakashi gave naruto to ebisu because he thought naruto just sucked, he didn&#39;t know that naruto had the seal over his kyuubi seal. If he had known that i think kakashi would have at least passed him on to a better teacher.

  16. #16
    Yeah he hasn&#39;t done diddly with Sakura. I will laugh if her and Lee are secretly trailing the pursuit team. Lee can&#39;t fight, so it will be up to Sakura to kick the crap out of the remaining Sound Nin&#39;s. If Jiroubou, Kidoumaru, and Sakon survive their fights and are just at the brink of death, she could just walk by, and beat all of them easily with kuna&#39;s to their vitals. Then she would have bragging rights as the Sound Killer.

  17. #17
    Dazzz : If Kakashi was stronger than Jiraiya that certainly means he has passed the legendry status....which he certainly hasn&#39;t....and i really believe Kakashi would get his ass kicked by Jiraiya.

    Jiraiya is able to summon Gamabunta with his own chakra unlike Naruto who needs Kyubi&#39;s chakra to summon Gamabunta. and plus Jiraiya is the master of Gamabunta unlike Naruto who Gamabunta doesn&#39;t even consider a master only his underling(something). And Kakashi could only summon Pakkun with his blood contract Summoning. not the Scroll Summoning. Little Strange eh.

    Sakura would be a better at medical jutsu and Genjutsu...i totaly agree.

  18. #18
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    yea and that alone shows that kakashi is a bad teacher that cant observe and see anything without his stolen eye... bottom line is he is overrated copied over a 1000 jutsus what did he learn then? how to copy?

  19. #19
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    the only way for Sakura to become like Tsunde is to lose her loved ones (like Tsunde lost Dan and Nawiki). but i guess you can say sasuke is her important person and she&#39;s gonna end up like tsunde - a drinking gambeling old bitch.

    Ebisu training Naruto would do absaloutly nothing good, Ebisu could only teach Naruto about Chackra control, but that wouldn&#39;t win him any match against Neji or Gaara, Naruto needed a big striking jutsu, cuz against Kiba he had enouh chances to hit Kiba but he couldn&#39;t do anything usefull since he taijutsu sucks and he doesn&#39;t have enough raw power to beat anyone.

    he needed 3 clones to kick a dazzeld (dizzy, not Dazz the user) kiba to the air, while Sasuke could kick a fulley competent chackra pumped bigger enemy to the air with one kick while being half drained.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  20. #20
    hmmmm yeah i never thought of that before i really think she wouldn&#39;t come because she knows that she is not strong and infront of the Konoha 5 she can&#39;t do anything except that stupid &quot;Cancel&quot; Genjutsu. and plus Lee wouldn&#39;t let her go. and Plus Lee is gonna go through that treatment....and Tsunade said it will take long time. So i don&#39;t think he&#39;ll be able to fight right after the treatment.

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