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Thread: Samurai Deeper Kyo

  1. #1
    Any one know where to find this anime for download or if it is licensed? Thanks

  2. #2
    Its licensed. I think volume 1-4 have been dubbed. I wouldn't recomend it though. Its very mediocre. Don't know where to d/l it though. Try one of the anime channels on mIRC.

  3. #3
    I found a site that has the first 18 episode out of the 26 episode in the series

    <span style='colorurple'>Gotwoot does not promote the downloading of liscenced anime series. If you&#39;re intrested in watching the anime, wait until it comes out on dual-audio DVD and buy/rent it.

    Gotwoot Administrator</span>

  4. #4
    I saw ninja scroll a week ago and i thougth it was good but i was chocked by the ninja group leader doing doggstyle on his women.

    How many eps of the anime has been made?

  5. #5
    There is 13 episodes of the TV-series, 1 originally movie, and one other thing that we would keep beeing quiet about..

  6. #6
    I&#39;m very interested in that anime, More info and i&#39;m pleased... I like animes such as naruto, pmk, rurouni kenshin, would i like that anime also then?

  7. #7
    Maybe....... I also like the anime&#39;s you listed there but i don&#39;t really like Samurai Deeper Kyo. That may be because i&#39;ve only seen the dubbed version. I dunno about the original.
    Oh another thing is, it&#39;s one of those anime&#39;s where the main character has a special move and he/she always uses it at the end of a battle. Gets old very fast. I dunno, check out the first couple episodes if you&#39;re really curious.

    EDIT: Itachi_, you seem to be intrested in the ninja/samurai based animes. Have you seen ninja scroll? It&#39;s really cool. I&#39;ve only seen the movie so i don&#39;t really know if the anime is any good.

  8. #8
    Hahah, Ninja Scroll was the worst peace of crap in years... So unreal&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33 ;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    Fuck Ninja scroll, (I saw episode 01 and 02, then i couldn&#39;t stand that crap anymore.

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    there&#39;s abasloutly no real reason to watch SDK, trust me on this.

    I&#39;m on ep 13 and it&#39;s still not intersting. it&#39;s just so <span style='color:blue'>MEDICORE</span>

    it&#39;s trying to be cool but it&#39;s just crap, the characters are as deep as a half full bathtub, the story is myserious only becuase nobody really talks about it, and the fighting is so lame that it makes you wish for DBZ sometimes..

    i mean, there was a point where 4 clones of the ultra super samurai were up against the original, and guess what they did?
    they surounded him, and then one of them walked forward with the most basic sword slash in low speed, and then he took a step back to avoid it, and again it happned just with another clone. it looked so awfull that i decided to go asleep at that point...

    it&#39;s basically another version of Magic Knight Rayearth, it tries to look adult and cool, but the plot is so basic that you end up inventing new plot lines yourself to keep it intersting..

    I know that plot and characters aren&#39;t supposed to be the strongest point of fighting animes, but this exceeds even the low stantards of Shaman king, everybody is so damn static that you&#39;ll probably end up figuring thier next line before they do, and when&#39;s something big is reaveled, no one talks about it, they just leave it hanging.

    SDK could have been so much better that it&#39;s fucking scary, and if you&#39;re watching it, do yourself a favor and get a subbed version, the dubbing is terrible.

    <span style='colorurple'>Read my edit above. -- JessiA</span>

    but i must warn you: you&#39;ve seen Kenshin already, and you watch Naruto, SDK is just an insult after those two, scratch that, SDK is an insult even after watching Samurai jack and X-man (classic).

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #10
    Alright there are like 3 ninja scrolls.

    First there&#39;s the movie, which is kick ass.

    Second there&#39;s the sequel to the movie which is not really a sequel. Kinda confusing.

    And last there&#39;s the anime series. I assume thats what your talking about since you said ep 1 and 2. sry i said i hadn&#39;t seen it but i&#39;ve seen the first 4 episodes.

    Sequel=Piece of Crap
    Series=Not that good

    You&#39;ll notice the difference when you download cause one is called &quot;Ninja Scroll&quot; the other is &quot;Ninja Resurection&quot; and the series is &quot;Ninja Scroll Dragon Gem&quot;(or something like that)
    Download the movie not the series.

  11. #11
    You can get samurai deeper kyo from..., Ive watched the entire series, its okay, the ending kinda leaves with with a wtf kinda feeling but overall, it was okay

  12. #12
    Yeah, the ending was somewhat WTF, but I really liked it though...

    Well it is true that the series gets repetitive and boring, but I enjoyed it nonetheless... it kept me from boring myself to death for two days

  13. #13
    I watched samurai deeper kyo a few months back...I haven&#39;t really formed an opinion whether it&#39;s crap or not...I did enjoy it as well...I say watch it for yourself...

    I agree with Serico and Mondongo, though, the ending is quite confusing as well...and I don&#39;t really know what they want to say in the ending...

    I guess that&#39;s what you&#39;ll call wtf feeling...which a couple of animes have.

    If you want action, samurais, mystery, weirdness, then, I think you can watch it no prob.

  14. #14
    I really have to disagree with the thing i said earlier, Samurai Deeper Kyo was good, it&#39;s in my top 10... though not much blood, but everything that has some kind of historical enviroment is good.

  15. #15
    As this has become a discussion thread, I&#39;m not going to close this (unless I find that there is a pre-existing thread that deals with discussing SDK).

    Anymore asking/discussing where to download this <u>liscenced</u> anime, though, and the thread will be closed.

  16. #16
    Is it just some kind of policy?, because i bet 90 % of all people on gotwoot has some sort of licensed anime...

  17. #17
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    License anime is technically illegal. So I think if people talk about it and promote, Gotwoot has a risk of getting in trouble for it. I personally dont care, but if it puts the site in jeopordy then it shouldn&#39;t be discussed, im not sure if your not allowed to PM answers,though.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

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