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Thread: Inane released 203

  1. #61
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 9 2004, 03:01 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i could imagine Sasuke with wings of some sort actually, suits him more then turning into a mutant like the sound 4 </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    itd make him look more like a fairy than ever, lol. had to go there sry sry.

  2. #62
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    umm...where the hell is Anko? (not that she&#39;d be kicking major ass if she were around)
    Yes it would be cool to see their parents get some involvement unless most of em are already on missions. Well Shino and his dad are on a mission i think...wonder where&#39;s the hyuga and rest of the inuzuka clan?

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  3. #63
    yeah, It would be cool to see Kiba&#39;s dad, since we have only seen his mom, who looks pretty much like him, except with eye liner. His sister is the butt of many jokes on irc, which I won&#39;t repeat here.

    I don&#39;t know about Naruto&#39;s dad showing up though. Perhaps in Naruto&#39;s mind. Naruto goes to call on the Kyubi again, but Yondaime is there and give him some of his chakra instead

  4. #64
    i wonder if sakon has a summoning since tayuya does as well as the spider guy ( i forgot the name)

    i wonder since he had that scroll on his back when he was attacking kiba. i think he might have a tiger or something like that.

  5. #65
    did any one notice the huge scroll on sakons back on page 16 i wonder if that will come into play.

    if sasuke had wings that would just be to weird

  6. #66
    Even if he does, he has used up way too much chakra already, I don&#39;t think the gruesome twosome have that much left in the tank to summon up anything decent.

    I think for the most part, the tide of battle has turned against them.

  7. #67
    i think he will summon something with that huge scroll on his back. Just to make things interesting because we will see beast against beast. hopefully, dual headed doggie will do a gigantic dynamic air marking.

  8. #68
    inane was going to drop naruto????

    woa is this true.......

  9. #69
    Cool inane&#39;s the best. I think I&#39;m gonna start sending thank you e-mails every other week or so from now on.

  10. #70
    OshadowO I think that&#39;ll just annoy them even more

    Basically they just dont want people to bother them, even mass &quot;I Love what you do&#33;&quot; messages gets annoying...

  11. #71
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    *wipes tears.
    Indeed this chapter owned. Kiba really surprised me with that kickass jutsu.
    -shudders at the sight of Sakon&amp;Ukon&#39;s lvl2 curse seal form.

    sidenote: i was wondering about if/whenever Sasuke gets the lvl2 curse seal. So far the others who used it @ lvl 2 have ugly ass transformations. I&#39;m trying to imagine how he would look.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  12. #72
    The Sound 4 have some kind of Demon Curse Seal or something. It is different than the ones that Kimimaro and Sasuke/Anko have.

    So most likely Kimimaro and Sasuke will each have a different looking Level 2 Transformation.

    I hope they do, because the seal that the Sound guys have is terrible.

  13. #73
    Judging by the power of that Twin Fang, i don&#39;t think he is going to get the chance to use that scroll.

    I think he is kind of a wuss. Maybe when Sasuke Lion Comboed him, Akon just stuck some limbs out a little bit and blocked it, that is why he was able to just shrug it off.

    The Sound 4 are pretty overrated.

  14. #74
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    well no, i didn&#39;t say that cuz i&#39;m a uchiha fan. i said that cuz that&#39;s the way it&#39;s gonna be. kishimoto is gonna look stupid if he makes sasuke into a some random creature.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  15. #75
    We will just have to wait and see I guess...

    I just hope he gets out of that damn barrel soon. He is my second favorite character in the manga and I am hoping him and Naruto team up on Kimimaro, if Naruto hasn&#39;t beaten him by the time Sasuke pops out.

    We have to find out after all, which is is stronger, the Heaven Seal or Gaia Seal.

    I don&#39;t think Kishimoto would leave this unanswered, so maybe Naruto might lose at first, then Kimimaro would fight Sasuke, then beat him. Then they would join forces against Kimi.

  16. #76
    i expect Kimimaro to own Naruto then leave with Sasuke, Sasuke comes out of the barrel and Kimimaro attempts to kill him, after killing him Sasuke leaves for the sound village.

    as for Sakon - one hit like that and hes dead? geez.
    Naruto took about 20 gatsugas and barely was hurt.

  17. #77
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 10 2004, 12:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think for the most part, the tide of battle has turned against them. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Hrm, it seems to me that Tayuya is doing fine, if not whooping up on Shikamaru. (See 203 page 14, frame 1.) From the way I see it though, Shika shouldn&#39;t have any issues turning the tables. Shadow grab, sidestep, watch them fall to the ground 50 feet below, clean dirt from under fingernails, resume fighting Tayuya.

    I think it was Hatake Kakashi (forum goer, not the character) who was talking about Meifumado, Buddhist Hell, and the possibility that the 4 Sounds might have the Meifumado seal. I firmly agree, and actually have thought the same for a while now. They are definitely demons, and seeing that we have (confirmed) heaven and earth seals, it fits that Orochimaru&#39;s henchmen will be demons.

    It seems to me that someone should put out a joke Naruto issue: &quot;Inuzuka, Doggy Styles&#33;&quot;


  18. #78
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    im sure there is some weird negativ effect of being conjoined with your twin brother. but maybe this one move wonder called kiba can beat sakon with a little pee and a big ass wolftransfromation. if sakon dont got some kind of body shield or something he will definetly be ripped apart the attack hit him right in the stomach after all.

  19. #79
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    maybe ukon will jump out and take the attack, and then Sakon will kill Kiba for hurting his big brother?

    anyway, Sakon is the strongest of the four, and we know he has bad personality, I hope Kiba is a goner, and Akamaru is adopted to become a sound-nin dog.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  20. #80
    Remember Kiba has a new move.Yeah,he&#39;s winning.Shikamaru might have to retreat from Tayuya to assist another team member.Kimmi will probably be in some trouble because Naruto goes in a full blown kyuubi rage.Then Sasuke breaks out and helps Kimimaro fight Naruto.Why would Sasuke help Naruto.Last time he saw Naruto he tried to kill him.Power comes first on his agenda,not Naruto and friends.

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