where does it say that i know everything. i am just never wrong.
and trust me, they have the same seal.
omg wtf, my sig changed to "i am always right"
it's suppose to be "i am never wrong"
where does it say that i know everything. i am just never wrong.
and trust me, they have the same seal.
omg wtf, my sig changed to "i am always right"
it's suppose to be "i am never wrong"
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>and trust me, they have the same seal.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>OWNED</span>
so tell me this, since tayuya has a different looking seal, then are you saying each one of the sound has a different seal also?
EDIT: go read chapter 179, the sound 4 explain about the same curse seal they all have.
EDIT: what are you talking about. i said sasuke and the sound 4 all have the same curse seal. they talk about it in ch 179.
What are you talking about now?
I said Sasuke and Kimimaro have different seals than the Sound 4. I never said that the Sound 4 had all different seals.
I will edit back in pics of the Heaven and Gaia seal just for reference.
Maybe the pattren of the curse seal changes when it's evolved into Lvl2? like how they have diffrenet forms and stuff, they 5 had the same seal as Sasuke (like they said) but it changed when it evolved to the 2nd level?
is anyone else dissapointed that Sakon goes 2nd level against a wimp like Kiba?
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 9 2004, 01:51 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sasuke and the sound 4 have the same curse. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I rest my case....
Don't try back peddaling on me.
I don't think the Sound 4 have the Heaven Seal. Kabuto made it seem like the Heaven and Gaia seals were the best when talking to Kimimaro.
dude, i don't understand what you are talking about. i didn't back paddle anywhere or anything. i've been saying the same thing the whole time: sauske and sound 4 have the same curse seals.
EDIT: i know what you're trying to say. but just cuz they don't look the same that doesn't mean it's a different curse. it's the same curse man. dude, just go back and read ch 179 plz. it's all explained there.
Kiba is not the weakest of the group. When it comes to physical strength, Shikamaru is the weakest. When it comes to pure destructive Taijutsu power, Kiba is second only to Choji (ch 187). Everyone seems to think that Kiba is weak when he is not.
And stop calling them the five gennins. They are a ninja squad composed of four gennins and a Chunnin leader.
Ok so does anyone think Sasuke will end up having a change in his appearance ie monstrous transformation?
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
they're 5 shitty ninjas.
I dunno, I didn't know what you meant, you said cuse, then seal.
I am hoping Sasuke and Kimimaro's transformations don't look anything like these guys.
I am thinking that Orochimaru gave the Sound 4 the Meifumado Seal. If you read Lone Wolf & cub you know what it is. Here is the defintion from the Lone Wolf and Cub Graphic Novels
Meifumado - The Buddhist Hell. The way of demons and damnation.
The road signs and markers that Ogami (the Lone Wolf) leaves behind him in Lone Wolf and Cub have demons on them that resemble the Sound 4's states in some ways too.
Death Boo, even if Sakon survives the attack, he is still going to die shortly after, also I don't think that Sakon and Akon' seperation would matter that much. Both of them suck, all of the Sound Shinobi have sucked so far except for Kabuto and Kimimaro (we don't know how strong he is yet though, Kabuto compared him to Sasuke's level, which frankly, isn't that impressive).
Lets face it, Sound Village is shit. If they attacked Konoha by themselves they would have been whooped even worse, they had to bring the Sand Village in just so they wouldn't make fools of themselves.
Also, Konoha has shown that it produces very talented shinobi. The 4 Gennin on this mission all were very close to Chuunin level, some could even probably beat a good bit of the Chuunins in the village.
Oh and Kiba isn't weak. He just had bad luck and went up against Naruto in the prelims. Him pulling off his two latest jutsus just prove that he isn't weak. Sakon may be the strongest of the 4, but that isn't saying much.
The only bad thing about Kiba losing, is that maybe his sister will show up in some kind of flashback or something...
When Shikamaru and his father were on the cover it said something about bossy women or something. Kiba and his sister were on the cover a little while ago. Maybe she is the one that taught him that new technique.
Sasukes level 2 will probably be different to the Sound 4's level to because his is a different seal
we know that Sasuke has a heaven seal, Kimimaro has a Gaia (earth) seal
and the sound 4 have a different seal
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Feb 9 2004, 12:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I really hope people cool it a bit and get the message that Inane have it in them to quit. I'd hate to lose them just because of a few ignorant morons. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
well said commander raven exactly my thoughts.
to hell with sasuke looking like an angel that wouldnt fit him he is not a good person he is certainly not angel material. its more interseting if he keeps being the badass that everybody hates(including me) i certainly not want him to get some kind of awakening. its not interseting if sasuke becomes like neji....
I am betting Kishimoto has him go all Escaflowneish though. Can you imagine him swooping down on Kimimaro delivering a Chidori?
An angel with a sword swoops down and defeats the monster. Since Chidori is basically a chakra sword thrust..Be too MangaAngemon from Digimon though, if you used to watch that show.
If they three seals are Meifumado (Hell), Gaia (Earth), and Heaven. Then I am assuming Sasuke might take on the form of some kind of angelic person. Kimimaro...I am not sure what he could change into.
i could imagine Sasuke with wings of some sort actually, suits him more then turning into a mutant like the sound 4
i hope he doesnt come and saves narutos ass again naruto should be able to handle himself for once when sasuke is around he always hogs the glory away fomr our favorite loudmouth. it still wont fit sasuke to be all angel-like.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 9 2004, 02:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> An angel with a sword swoops down and defeats the monster. Since Chidori is basically a chakra sword thrust..Be too MangaAngemon from Digimon though, if you used to watch that show. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
which one is that? i remember that the flying pig turned into an angel to kick the devil's but somewhere in the 1st season, and he was named angemon, so is manga-angemon another form of the flying pig? i know he become a horse once in the 2nd season but i can't remember much else, do you mind posting a picture of him?
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
That horse thing was from the 3rd Season I think. That is when they did Armor Digivolving. After the 3rd season they did the weird Digimon Tamers thing, the newest one was were the kids actually used armor and became Digimon. Anyway..here is what MagnaAngemon looks like. He wields the sword Exaclibur.
I really think their is a possiblity for it, but who knows, he might become a demon after all, since Orochimaru is an evil bastard.