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Thread: Shareaza

  1. #21
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> QUOTE (kage_bunshin @ Feb 9 2004, 12:52 PM)
    I was just wondering... can Shareaza connect to the bittorrent network using HTTP proxy? coz if it can, then i can bypass the firewall installed in my dorm and i could just maybe use BitTorrent...... well i&#39;m not too much into this networking and stuff, but at least i managed to forward the bittorrent ports 6881 to 6889 in my router to my computer so that bittorrent works at home </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Hm... you can specify the port you&#39;re using, and even the inbound and outbound address. So i presume you can set it to your HTTP Port address, to download with. This means if you can surf the web, you can download through the network as long as you specify the HTTP Port.

    (I think the HTTP Port is 80 isn&#39;t it?)

    oh and btw. I forgot to say how long my PCs been running =P
    1 year. mwhahaha.... I empty the filters on the fans now and then whilst it&#39;s running. Jeez do i love dust filters. They catch so much crap it&#39;s unbelievable

    oh btw, because you can specify the inbound and outbound addresses, i presume you can even configure it for a proxy as you asked.
    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    ok cool i&#39;ll try it out when i&#39;m back in college

  2. #22
    Shareaza is nice , i looked at my speed this morning for a batch of 10 episodes it was downloading at 450-550 kb/s which is the fastest ive even seen it download. But the One Piece movie is downloading real slow though, maybe its cause im connected to only 7 sources, damn i didnt even catch how many sources i was connected through when i was downloading the patch. plus i need to know how not to share so much , its slowing down all the networked computers. but thanks for this post and for people backing this program up, ill use this instead of bittorrent now

  3. #23
    The reason BT is going so slow right now, is because there are too many leechers in comparison to seeders. Stats say there are only 4 seeders and over 500 leechers. Divide 500 by 4, and you have the amount of ppl trying to download off each seeder. Do you really think they have the bandwidth to supply that many leechers at the same time?

    No way. You just have to wait until a space becomes available in the Que from one of the seeders, before you start downloading. And even then it will be pretty slow because there are simply too many ppl. Totally congested.

    Metaphor: Traffic Jam, no space left on the road to get out of your drive.

  4. #24
    what&#39;s the difference between a leecher and a seeder, is a leecher like you and me, trying to download, and a seed is .. what?

  5. #25
    When you seed one of your files, you leave a reference point for people to download that particular file off you.

    You can only seed if you have the complete file.

  6. #26
    a seeder is someone who has the full complete 100% of the file, and is someone who is Uploading ONLY. And a leecher usually means someones who just downloads stuff but uploads very little or none

  7. #27
    Bah Shareazaa sucks. It tells me the whole time that i&#39;m downloading about 150 kbs minimum. And I checked from the time that that the download was to be downloaded and the speed was 13kbs&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Talk about crappy.

    Atleast I can download at kazaa or bittorrent about 56kbs max with my 512kbs dsl.
    Is the connection supposed to be so slow or is my isp just so crappy? Aren&#39;t 512 kbs cables capable of dl much more?
    Any ideas on how i could use all of my bandwith?
    Oops... sorry nothing anymore. I just figured out that one of the is kB and other kb so... . Man am I stupid little n00Bing muthafu*ka.

    Isn&#39;t this thread supposed to be in the downloads section?

  8. #28
    Obviously there is still great debate as to which program is the best to get you fix. I suggest rather than picking one, to use them all. The more resources the better.

  9. #29
    intresting, humm i think ima give it a try but still i like bitorrent better

  10. #30
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (The Kyubi Naruto &#064; Feb 10 2004, 02:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Bah Shareazaa sucks. It tells me the whole time that i&#39;m downloading about 150 kbs minimum. And I checked from the time that that the download was to be downloaded and the speed was 13kbs&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Talk about crappy.

    Atleast I can download at kazaa or bittorrent about 56kbs max with my 512kbs dsl.
    Is the connection supposed to be so slow or is my isp just so crappy? Aren&#39;t 512 kbs cables capable of dl much more?
    Any ideas on how i could use all of my bandwith?
    Oops... sorry nothing anymore. I just figured out that one of the is kB and other kb so... . Man am I stupid little n00Bing muthafu*ka.

    Isn&#39;t this thread supposed to be in the downloads section? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    That&#39;s because it&#39;s set to, by default, record the download rate in Kilobits instead of KiloBytes. (Kb = Kilobits, KB = KiloBytes)

    Just change the setting to KB/s instead of Kb/s to get a more accurate reading if you&#39;re not use to Kb.

    Incidentally, Kb is the more professional way of reading the Internet speed more accurately than KB. That&#39;s why ISP&#39;s quote their speeds in bits instead of Bytes. EG: Pay just &#036;35 per month and get a 1Mb connection&#33;

    God i hate it when ISPs mislead the general public like that

    Oh damn. Just noticed that you noticed. Ah well, i shall leave the post here for reference for others to understand =P

  11. #31
    Kevin DuBrwow
    I just started using;s great cuz i was using bit torrent through DSL and for some reason i was downloading at like 2k maybe 8k/s if i was lucky...i was uploading like 20k/s and i Don&#39;t mind uploading, but i think i should get just as much as i upload as I download...anyways
    this thing is great, but i do have one problem

    I was downloading Anbu&#39;s Naruto eps 51-60 batch file through bit torrent
    n i got about 300 mb (going at like 3k per second ) i juz got Shareaza but i want to resume my download instead of staring all over again

  12. #32
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Xollence @ Feb 8 2004, 04:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kyuubi_Rage &#064; Feb 8 2004, 03:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I&#39;ll still love Bittorent, I&#39;ll aint gonna change my mind for a while. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    BTW you can use shareaza to run torrent files, and you don&#39;t have to share at all to get high download speeds. I&#39;m getting 600 kbs with only 1kb of upload, which kills the whole purpose of bt. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Definitely sucks.

  13. #33
    i tried it and then i decided that i didn&#39;t like it and i uninstalled it and since then i&#39;ve been having problems with bit torrent, i reinstalled bit torrent, it works now but i still get a weird pop up saying some thing about cookies i think.

    can anyone help me ?

  14. #34
    i started liking this damn program hate it now&#33; i been dl ep70 for about 3 hours now it went real fast at the beginning but its at 99.9% it been like that for about 1 hour now and its dl at 100Kb/s says it has got 10 sec&#39;s left yea right&#33;&#33;&#33;

  15. #35
    hrrm i dont like shareazza for torrents but good for everything else but when i turn off the torrent box it still trys to download torrents through it i wanna use bitorrent again can anyone help?

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (kodiac @ Feb 12 2004, 03:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> hrrm i dont like shareazza for torrents but good for everything else but when i turn off the torrent box it still trys to download torrents through it i wanna use bitorrent again can anyone help? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    well if you have a torrent file on your pc right click on it and look for &quot;Open With&quot; and a list of apps on your pc should come up. Just choose Bittorrent and check the checkbox that says &quot;Always open with this program&quot;. Problem should be solved.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  17. #37
    Here&#39;s a major tip to speed up your torrent downloads.

    If you&#39;re downloading individual files rather than batch files, then take the exact file name of the torrent (Excluding the .torrent extension), and make a search through the Gnutella networks for the file. Then double click the ones that show the correct file size, and the most sources. Then go to your traffic section and right click your new download, hover over &quot;Advanced&quot; and choose &quot;Advanced Edit&quot;. Copy and past anything that&#39;s in SHA1, Tiger-Root, ED2K onto notepad. Then close this window, cancel the download, and go to the Advanced Edit for your torrent. Then copy and paste these codes into their appropriate boxes, and click OK and everything. Once that&#39;s done, your torrent will now download from the Gnutella networks as well as the torrent network.

    But make sure you get a lot of sources before you do that. Because the codes change depending on how many sources are available. So it won&#39;t add any new sources, so the more you find first the better.

    As for the 99.9% thing, that&#39;s messed up. It&#39;s probably running at 100Kbps rather than KBps, (Which is something like 10KBps), so if the torrent is a batch and has a filesize of like 10GBs of even 4GBs, and is only downloading at like 10KBps, it&#39;s no wonder it will take a bit to finish it off.

    As for file associations, i&#39;ve never un-installed Shareaza so i don&#39;t really know. But if you do as animemaster suggested, then they should associate with the other BT Program again.

    Shareaza dosn&#39;t kill the purpose of the BT Network, it&#39;s upload to download rate is in fact comparative. Did you state the 1kb upload by what it says at the bottom right of the application? I really don&#39;t know what happened, but that&#39;s never happened to me. A fluke thing i guess? I really don&#39;t know what happened there.

  18. #38
    Is this illegal?

    Just wondering if it is than i cant use it

  19. #39
    No. Unlike K++ or K-Lite, the application itself isn&#39;t illegal. In fact, Shareaza hasn&#39;t even been looked at as yet by the authorities. Their concentration was on Kazaa at the time, who knows who they&#39;re going to attack next =P

    The application is fine, it&#39;s how you use the application that determines if your &#39;activities&#39; are illegal or not. You can use it to download fansubbed and unlicensed anime just like everyone does for BitTorrent. Or you could possibly use it for other means, such as downloading licensed anime, but i wouldn&#39;t really advice that unless you&#39;re willing to delete it within 24hrs of downloading it. Otherwise, nobody would buy the anime eh? =P

    But that&#39;s up to you.
    I generally use it for faster downloads on my torrents, and porn lmao XP

  20. #40
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    New Jersey
    Kaaza isn&#39;t illegal either.

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