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Thread: anime tutors?

  1. #1
    Well I've decided to do a manga of my own, so I started practising up on my rusty anime drawing skills. Now I normally drawa mecha, so I'm having trouble getting the cute look right when drawing chicks. Infact all of my faces need to improve.

    Just wondering if anyone knows some goot tutor sites to help me

  2. #2
    Since you&#39;re relatively new, I won&#39;t harp on you too much... but we ask that members run a search on a topic before posting a new one, to make sure that a duplicate topic isn&#39;t already in existance. The search function&#39;s at the bottom of every <span style='colorurple'>topics (that is.. where it lists all the topics)</span> page in the section. &lt;- Here&#39;s a thread, on page 2, that deals with what you want. I&#39;ll be closing this now.

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