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Thread: Is Naruto Really a Hard Worker type?

  1. #1
    i say that naruto in both the anime and manga is a hardworker, bc he never gives up at wut hes doing and he always manages to com e up with kik ass strategies whenever hes in a battle, but there are other ppls who work just as hard as he does but they give up to easily at wut they are doing

  2. #2
    Is it just me or does Naruto from the Manga and Naruto from the Anime seem like two different people?

    In the anime Naruto struggled is whole child hood working hard trying to pass the exam and get people to recongize him ...

    In the manga (and anime as well at points... anime has issues imo) hes a complete slacker like shikamaru ... Didnt try at anything until he really had to (learning of kage bushin and Ransegan) which he did in record time...

    Which Naruto do you see? I personally see Naruto as the later, in which if he decides to do something he'll get it done...

  3. #3
    There is only one Naruto thats the hardworking who trains all time to get better.
    Didn't you see Hinatas flashback when she saw Naruto training efter day even if he was in pain. The same when he learned the Rasengan,he trained the whole week nonstop despite his hands was in a great deal of pain. When he was training the last stage of Rasengan he didn't even go to sleep in the hotel.Its just like he said to Neji that Shadow replication was his worst move in the academy but he still defeated Neji with it.

    You have to remember how bad Naruto was in the begining of the Manga/anime. He couldn't even do one shadow replication. So he has trained a lot to get where he is now in strengt and skill. Just because they dont show him training all the time doesn't mean that he is lazy

    *MOD EDIT* - Please don't double post.

  4. #4
    personally i dont see Naruto as too hard working compared to others, i mean everyone puts in just as much effort as he does.
    Lee puts in ALOT more and Neji also.
    Neji trains far more then Naruto from what we've seen and he was able to learn the kaiten by himself.

    Sasuke knows all the basics of ninja techniques exactly and hes talented with them, got the highest marks in the class - do you think that just comes from sitting in class doing nothing?
    Narutos about as hard working as Shikamaru, really with the kyuubi seal reinforced he cant do a whole lot, it was only after Jiyaira unsealed Orochimarus seal it on him that Naruto was of any use.

    he relys on the kyuubi alot, he just works till HIS chakra is gone then he relies on the kyuubis.

  5. #5
    the only person that trains harder then naruto is lee because he has even less talent then naruto. just about everytime they show naruto training its till he cant go no more. even tho neji is a genius he still trains hard mastering and perfecting his skills and abilities unlike a character i wont say but sasuke knows who i talking about. and shikamara isnt really a slacker, hes a super genius so i can under stand why alot of things would be troublesome because the smarter you are and the better you catch on to things the more boring doing things become. the only person that i can say 100% well maybe 99.9% that doesnt train or even has shown that has did even a little training is "drum roll please" sakura. all her skills are still at the academy level. while everyone elses flash backs are about them doing something hers is about sasuke.

    i wish people think of a better excuse then well kyubi this and kyubi that. the line where naruto strength and kyubi's was drawn in the second part of the exam. (which one thing gets me is oro seal completely seals off kyubi charka yet naruto still has a healing ability. could that be a seal effect from kyubi being sealed in naruto while he was still a new born)

  6. #6
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Jan 21 2004, 04:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> personally i dont see Naruto as too hard working compared to others, i mean everyone puts in just as much effort as he does.
    Lee puts in ALOT more and Neji also.
    Neji trains far more then Naruto from what we&#39;ve seen and he was able to learn the kaiten by himself.

    Sasuke knows all the basics of ninja techniques exactly and hes talented with them, got the highest marks in the class - do you think that just comes from sitting in class doing nothing?
    Narutos about as hard working as Shikamaru, really with the kyuubi seal reinforced he cant do a whole lot, it was only after Jiyaira unsealed Orochimarus seal it on him that Naruto was of any use.

    he relys on the kyuubi alot, he just works till HIS chakra is gone then he relies on the kyuubis. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Just because they show Lee training doesent mean that Naruto trains less than
    How can you say Neji trains more than Naruto? Just because they showed him training? Im just saying that Naruto must train most of them all with Rock Lee because he has improved most. Can be people stop talking like about Kyubi does everything because Kyubi doesent help Naruto train or make him better ninja,he just gives Naruto more chakra&#33;

  7. #7
    The Manga Naruto And the anime naruto is the same to me. Naruto is both a hard working slacker lol whats that a oxymoron.

  8. #8
    hes a hard worker in BOTH anime and manga. BUT there are MORE hard working people than him.

  9. #9
    and the more chakra you have the more you can train or use.
    i&#39;m saying that everyone whos trained hard has been shown for training hard, we see basically EVERYTHING Naruto does - and he only trained once when taught by Jiyaira.
    from what we see all Neji and Lee do is train, they seem to be doing it everytime they&#39;re not at the place (ie before the chuunin exams they&#39;re training, during the month break etc etc etc)

  10. #10
    Naruto seems like a mix between Shik, and Lee. As he gets older the Kyubis Chakra merges more and more with his own making him stronger.

    I&#39;d put Naruto at 4th he certainly trains and without a doubt he is driven, but he doesn&#39;t put forth the same effort as others. With age he is inheriting the powers of the kyubi (Oro explained this...along with a few others) He does a quarter of the training of neji and an eighth the training of lee and yet gets twice the results.

    What separates Naruto from the others is his drive. Naruto will get beaten to a pulp, be repeatedly knocked down, and still get back up. (yes, in part to the healing he gets from the kyubi) The only one who is more driven then Naruto is Lee.

    1. Lee
    2. Neji
    3. Sasuke
    4. Naruto
    5. TenTen
    6. Kiba

    1. Lee
    2. Naruto
    3. Sasuke
    4. Neji
    5. Gaara
    6. Dosu r.i.p 

    Natural Abilities
    1. Naruto
    2. Gaara
    3. Sasuke
    4. Neji
    5. Hinata
    6. Shino

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    you&#39;ve totally missed some points, other than LEE, Naruto is the most hardworking guy from the genins.. definataly more than Sasuke, and probably even more than Neji (since we don&#39;t know how much he really trained).

    let me refresh your memories.

    after the demon brothers fight, we see Naruto talking about how hard he tries and how he partices everyday, it&#39;s the &quot;why is it always me?&quot; scene..

    at one of the first volume, there is a picture of naruto&#39;s training scheduale... he runs 10 Km every day (it&#39;s about 7-8 miles), the rest isn&#39;t impressive (only 100 punches to the Kakashi doll, and only 100 push ups&#092;sit ups, which even i do more than that each day), but it still means something..

    when they did the tree climbing, naruto stayed there all night and trained, and just to show something, when they started, Sasuke got to do about ten more steps, and after they trained, Naruto reached Sasuke&#39;s level with hard work.

    at the Sasuke&#092;Lee fight, Naruto watched the training brusies and told Sasuke that he (Sasuke) lost becuase Lee trained much more than him, it shows that Naruto also believes in hard work...

    after that comes the Jirya&#092;Rasengan arcs, which you all remember, so i shouldn&#39;t write them down. just one thing, wasn&#39;t Jirya supposed to talk to Naruto after the hospital fight? Kakashi said that he would talk to Sasuke and that Jirya should speak with Naruto..

    BTW: bhaa, now my fingers hurt, i&#39;m writing from my brothers computer, mine&#39;s burnt himself down...

    EDIT: Insomniac, don&#39;t you think you&#39;re giving the Kyubi too much credit? this topic isn&#39;t on weather Naruto would be as strong as he is now withouy the kyubi, it&#39;s about the amount of hard work he puts into his training.. the fox just gives him chackra, it doesn&#39;t make him any smarter or makes his ninjutsu better.

    and about Sasuke and Neji, they both aren&#39;t hard working types, cuz there are geniuses, so they don&#39;t need to work hard. that&#39;s the whole point of them being geniuses, they try, they succeesed, they move on.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #12
    he&#39;s hardworking when he puts he&#39;s mind to something. after he succeeds, then he slacks off. but the naruto now is way way better and stronger than the naruto that we new at the beginning.

    he&#39;s more serious about things and knows what he needs to do.

  13. #13
    how da hell can u put naruto in the same category as shika?? he&#39;s not lazy at all and strive to be hokage for cryin out loud.. when the hell did he ever slacked off? never.. and somebody already pointed out all his hard work. he always begs jiraiya to teach him cuz he yerns for more.... can&#39;t believe these poeple... making up lies.. idiots stop watching naruto aite? do us a favor... and yes lee does work harder den he does... but he special. the point of naruto is to be reconzied thats why he tries alot idiot...

  14. #14
    they&#39;re about the same if you ask me. Though sometimes the anime naruto seems like a bigger clown but I think thats just because of the animation enhcancing the character.

    as for kyubi being his bail out I don&#39;t see how its any different from Sharingan and Byakugan which could also be considered bailouts.

  15. #15
    Naruto IS to an extent a hard worker, but no more then Sasuke at least.

    Neji and Lee both surpass him in hard work as Naruto even had hints on how to do the rasengen and a teacher - Neji learnt the kaiten all by HIMSELF.
    He also learnt how to see the chakra points in bodies by himself, Lee worked twice as hard as Neji but Neji worked twice as hard as Naruto.

    you cant say just because they&#39;re genius&#39;s means they dont work.
    Sasuke constantly trains to be stronger then his brother, when hes not on a mission hes training. The only nins you can say dont train as Shino and Gaara basically.

    the point is that Naruto isnt as much of a hard worker as people make him out to be, he only works hard when theres a deadline, otherwise he slacks off.
    in both situations he was working against a deadline - Rasengen in a week and the few days training before Zabuza made his reappearance, oh and also the month before the chuunin exams.
    The ONLY time Naruto starts training is when theres a deadline to be met.

  16. #16
    ^i guess now we&#39;re debating ands and ifs cos the series portrays that Naruto works against all odds and works hard to overcome them. It never really suggests how hard the others work aside from Lee who probably does work harder.

    I guess you could probably make a case for Sasuke being as hard a worker as Naruto based on the tree sticking training and then pre chunin exam stuff. He had kakashi teach him chidori, Naruto had Jiraiya teach him rasengan.

    Neji well he&#39;s in a class of his own. I can&#39;t recall if they ever showed him training other than the few obligatory bits where tenten tosses knives at him and misses (as usual). Even though he did figure out a lot of the moves by himself doesn&#39;t mean he put in more tiime than sasuke or naruto though. I mean a genius means things should be easier for him:/

    We can all settle on one thing though. Shikamaru is a lazy ass and sakura is useless

  17. #17
    Sakura is infact a genius too, shows that being a genius doesnt get you far if you dont train.

  18. #18
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Jan 22 2004, 01:41 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Naruto IS to an extent a hard worker, but no more then Sasuke at least.

    Neji and Lee both surpass him in hard work as Naruto even had hints on how to do the rasengen and a teacher - Neji learnt the kaiten all by HIMSELF.
    He also learnt how to see the chakra points in bodies by himself, Lee worked twice as hard as Neji but Neji worked twice as hard as Naruto.

    you cant say just because they&#39;re genius&#39;s means they dont work.
    Sasuke constantly trains to be stronger then his brother, when hes not on a mission hes training. The only nins you can say dont train as Shino and Gaara basically.

    the point is that Naruto isnt as much of a hard worker as people make him out to be, he only works hard when theres a deadline, otherwise he slacks off.
    in both situations he was working against a deadline - Rasengen in a week and the few days training before Zabuza made his reappearance, oh and also the month before the chuunin exams.
    The ONLY time Naruto starts training is when theres a deadline to be met. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Neji and Sasuke are geniuses of course they will get better result earlier in training than Naruto and Lee. Thats why Naruto and Lee trains a lot more than them to keep up.Neji may a hardworker now because before Naruto kicked his ass he thougt that hardworker cant do anything agianst a genius.

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Sakura a genius?&#33;? Far from it. She may excel in using genjutsu &amp; have good chakra control but that doesn&#39;t set her above the rest of em. Now Neji&#39;s Kaiten and Lee opening the gates, now that is genius.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  20. #20
    naruto trains all the time they just dont show it, i mean what else does he have to do? hang out with his family? nope. hang out with his friends? nope. he trains all the dam time they just dont show it cause that would make the series boring if half of every episode was him doing pushups.

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